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1、外研七年级下册,Unit 3 Language in use,Module 5 Shopping,What do we talk about when we buy clothes?,colour,price,size,quantity(数量), What colour do you like?, Yellow / Green.,colour,M,L,S,small,medium,large,XS,extra small,XL,extra large,size, What size do you take / wear?, Size S / Size M / Size L.,S / M / L

2、, Small / Medium / Large., How much is the T-shirt?, (Its) 48 yuan.,48 yuan,price, How much are the shoes?, (Theyre) 120 yuan.,120 yuan, How many watermelons would you like?, Just one.,one,quantity, How much meat do you want?, Two kilos, please.,two kilos,Language practice,What colour does she like?

3、 What size does she take? How many/much would you like?,特殊疑问句是指以who(谁),what(什么),where(哪里),why(为什么),how(怎样)等词开头的疑问句。回答特殊疑问句时不能用yes或no。 疑问代词:what, which, whose, whom等 疑问副词:when, where, why, how等,特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句的语序:,2疑问词+一般疑问句语序?如: How much are these sausages? What size does his mother take? How much meat

4、do you want? What colour would you like?,1特殊疑问词(+主语)+谓语动词+其他成分? Who is singing in the room?, what作疑问代词,用来构成特殊疑问句,其用 法有以下几种:,what, which, whose后跟上名词时,起形容词作用。,问姓名 问物品 问职业 what about 用来征求意见或询问消息,what colour 问颜色; what class 问哪个班级; what size 问尺寸,What colour do you like? Whose pens are these?,when time (对

5、时间提问) When will you finish your homework? Tomorrow.,疑问副词在句中作状语,所以它们不可 能对主语提问。,why reason (对原因提问) Why are you late? Because I missed the bus.,where place (询问地点、场所) Where do you live? Where are you going?,how引导的疑问句:可分为两类,How do you go to school? (问方式) I go to school by bus.How are you? (问健康)Im fine. T

6、hank you! How is the weather today? (问天气),a. “How?” how单独置于疑问句的句首。询问如何地做某事即做某事的方法、手段及健康、天气,b:How +形容词(副词).? 询问年龄、身高、数量、次数、距离,how many 和how much都可用于询问 物品的数量,意为“多少”。 how many后接可数名词复数 how much后接不可数名词,how much还可用来询问价格。 How much are they?,Work in pairs. Look at the picture. Ask and answer.,What / size /

7、take? What size do you take? Size S.,What / size / take? How much/ eggs? How much / beef? What / color / like?,1 What size do you take? Size M.,2 How much are the eggs? Ten yuan a kilo.,3 How much is the beef ? Fifty yuan a kilo.,4 What colour do you like? Blue.,4 What colour do you like? Blue.,Matc

8、h the sentences in Column A with the sentences in Column B.,1. Can I help you? 2. How much are they? 3. What size do you take? 4. How much meat do you want? 5. Can I try it on? 6. How much is that T-shirt? 7. What colour would you like? 8. What about this one?,a. Half a kilo, please. b. Twenty yuan

9、a kilo. c. Green. d. Yes, please. I want some bananas. e. Yes. Here you are. f. Sixty-eight yuan. g. I dont like blue. h. Large.,d 2. b 3. h 4. a 5. e 6. f 7. c 8. g,Write down as many words as you can in each column.,1 _ lemons would you like? 2 _ kilos of sausages do you want? 3 _ coffee do you wa

10、nt? 4 _ boxes of strawberries do you want? 5 _ meat shall I buy? 6 _ milk have you got?,How much,How many,How much,How much,How many,How many,Complete the sentences with how much or how many.,Around the world,There are many ways of shopping in America today. One popular way is catalogue shopping. Th

11、ere are catalogues for almost anything you need like clothes, toys, computers, things to cook with and so on. A lot of people order their music and books from catalogues.,Catalogue shopping,目录购物,Work in pairs. Write a shopping list for a school picnic.,What food do you need? What drinks do you need?

12、 How much / many do you need?,Module task: Writing a shopping list for a school picnic,Make a shopping list.,sausages ,one kilo ,six bottles ,orange juice ,What to buy,How many / much,food,drinks,Work with other students and compare your lists.,Find our more about their lists. Add more things to you

13、r list.,Present your shopping list to the class. Choose the best list.,Summary,特殊疑问句的基本用法,特殊疑问词的具体用法,what/ how / how many/ how much/ when / where / why,3. _ is your daughter? She is nine.,How,When,How old,how old what color where when who what how,1. _ do you go to school? By bus.,选择适当的疑问词(组)填空,完成对话

14、。,2. _ will the meeting begin?At seven.,Exercise,4. _ is the hospital?Its next to the police station. 5. _ is the man over there? He is my teacher. 6. _ is your new dress? Green. And I think it is beautiful. 7. _ season do you like best? I like autumn best.,Where,Who,What color,Which,根据要求完成下列各小题。 1.

15、 Kate will spend ten yuan on the book. (改为同义句) Kate will _ ten yuan _ the book. 2. 请稍等一会!(翻译句子) _ 3. I want to swim because it is very hot. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you want to swim?,pay for,Please wait a minute!,Why do,4. The girl likes blue and red. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does the girl like? The oranges are ten yuan a kilo. (对划线部分提问) _ _ are the oranges?,What colour,How much,


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