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1、2020-2021 年七年级英语下册完形填空综合分类解析1一、七年级英语下册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1完形填空Dorothy lived in a small house in Kansas, with her uncle, aunt and a little black1calledToto. Sometimes there was a cyclone (飕风) in Kansas. It could, blow everything away.2usually there were cellars(地窖) under all the houses. People went into

2、 their cellars when acyclone came.One day, a cyclone was coming. So they3went into the cellar, but the dog Toto was so4that he ran under the bed. Dorothy had to pick5up. But6she got to thecellar door with Toto, the cyclone arrived and the house was moving!It went slowly up into thesky. Dorothy was a

3、fraid.“ But7 wedo anything about it,” she said to Toto,“ So lets waitand see. Soon, they went to sleep.When Dorothy8, the house was on the ground. She opened the door and found shewas in a new place. Then, she saw three short men and a little old woman9a white dress.The woman walkedup to Dorothyand

4、said, Thank you ! You killed the Witch (巫婆) of theEast, and you10us. Dorothy was really surprised.1.A. catB. dogC. mouse D. bird2.A. SoB. ButC. ThenD. And3.A. slowlyB. strictlyC. quickly D. usually4.A. luckyB. afraidC. sadD. happy5.A. herB. themC. himD. you6.A. beforeB. afterC. thenD. soon7.A. wontB

5、. needntC. cantD. mustnt8.A. woke up B. listened to C. slept up D. went along9.A. buyingB. wearingC. getting D. putting10. A. savedB. killedC. lovedD. got【答案】 ( 1)B;( 2)A;( 3) C;( 4) B;( 5)C;( 6) A;( 7) C;( 8) A;( 9)B;( 10)A;【解析】 【分析】本文讲述了 Dorothy 经历飓风的经历。( 1)句意: Dorothy 和她的叔叔和一只小黑色的狗叫做Toto的居住在Kansa

6、s 的小房子里。 A.cat 猫, B.dog 狗, C.mouse 老鼠, D.bird 鸟。根据后文提到 thedog Toto,可知空缺的意义为狗,填入dog,故选 B。( 2)句意:因此一般在房子下面有地窖。A.So 因此, B.But但是, C.Then 然而, D.And和。根据句子前后构成因果关系,可知空缺填入连词so,故选 A。( 3)句意:因此他们很快进入了地窖。A.slowly 缓慢的, B.strictly 严格的, C.quickly 快速的, D.usually 通常。根据句子前面提到飓风来了,可知他们快速躲入地窖,填入quickly ,故选 C。( 4)句意:但是狗

7、狗Toto 是如此的害怕以至于他跑到床底下。A.lucky 幸运地, B.afraid害怕的, C.sad 悲 地, D.happy 高 地。根据句子提到 run under the bed,可知狗狗很害怕,填入 afraid,故 B。( 5)句意: Dorothy 不得不把他 起。 A.her 她的, B.them 他 , C.him 他, D.you 你 。根据空缺 指代上文出 的狗狗,用him ,故 C。( 6)句意:在她和Toto 一起到达地窖的 之前, 到来了。A.before 在 之前,B.after 在 之后, C.then 那 ,在 ,故填入before ,故 A。D.soon

8、 很快。根据后文提到they went to sleep,可知 ( 7)句意:我 于它不能做什么。A.wont不会, B.neednt不需要, C.cant 不能,D.mustnt 不必。根据句意可知,空缺 的意 不能做,填入cant ,故 C。( 8)句意:当 Dorothy 醒来。 A.woke up 叫醒, B.listened to 听, C.slept up 睡, D.wentalong 沿着走。根据前文提到她 睡 ,可知空缺的意 醒来,填入woke up,故 A。( 9)句意:一个老 女穿着白色的裙子。A.buying , B.wearing 穿着, C.getting 变得, D

9、.putting 穿上。根据woman 和 a whitedress 表示伴随,填入wearing ,穿着,故 B。( 10)句意: ,你 掉了 方巫婆并且你拯救了我 。 A.saved 拯救, B.killed 掉, C.loved , D.got 得到。根据前面提到 kill,可知空缺的意 拯救,填入 saved,故 A。【点 】考 完形填空,首先通 一遍文章,跳 缺失的 ,再根据上下文来判断所缺 的含 ,最后 行区 , 出正确的那一 。2完形填空My name is Emily Brown. I am a middle school student. We have some1at sc

10、hool andat home. We cant get to2late. We have to finish our homework. We cant stay out3school nights. Some students think these rules are4, and they dont like them. But Icant5them. I think these rules can help6a lot. If we dont obey (遵守) them,7can we do well in our studies? For example, our teachers

11、 ask us to clean our classroomevery day. If we8, the classroom will be very dirty. It is bad for our health, too. If yourparents ask you9in bed early and you dont listen to them, you cant10on timenext morning. Everyone needs some rules. Do you think so?1.A. booksB. clothes C. rulesD. classmates2.A.

12、schoolB. homeC. officeD. dining hall3.A. atB. inC. forD. on4.A. goodB. strictC. funnyD. easy5.A. agree withB. look atC. play with D. wait for6.A. meB. youC. usD. them7.A. whatB. howC. whenD. where8.A. cantB. arentC. wontD. dont9.A. to beB. to doC. beD. do10. A. get toB. get inC. get upD. get on【答案】(

13、 1) C;( 2) A;( 3) D;( 4) B;( 5) A;( 6)C;( 7) B;( 8) D;( 9)A;( 10) C;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:Emily 介绍了自己学校及家庭的规则制度。( 1)句意:我们在学校和家里都有一些规定。 A 书籍; B 衣服; C 制度;文的语句 We have to finish our homework. 可知,这里说的是制度,故选 C。D同学。根据下( 2)句意:我们上学不能迟到。A 学校;B 家; C 办公室; D 餐厅。根据上文的语句I ama middle school student.可知,我们上学不能迟到,故选A。( 3)句意:上学期间的晚上我们不能呆在外面。固定结构晚上,故选 D。o



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