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1、【英语】初三英语阅读理解技巧( 很有用 ) 及练习题一、阅读理解1阅读理解Wonder what it is like to be a chef out. Two local chefs, Monica Sallier restaurants this Saturday.(厨师) ? This weekend you will have your chance to find and Andrew Gleason, will hold an open kitchen at theirMonicas restaurant, The Blue Hen, is small but comfortab

2、le. Wooden tables and chairs coverthe dining area, and sweet music is always on. I like to laugh and always tell jokes while I cook,Monica said. Cooking brings people together. The cooks who work withme have become mybest friends.At Monicas open kitchen, she plans to teach her guests how to prepare

3、country-style friedchicken. For it, she will use her familys secret spice (香料) . She learned how to make it from her father. Monica seldom uses a measuring cup (量杯) when cooking. By doing so, she hopes to offer her guests a special dining experience. If you come to my restaurant, youll never get the

4、 same dish twice, she said.Also opening his kitchen this Saturday in Shreveport is Andrew Gleason. He is the head chef at Quarter Bistro. I am not the most talkative chef in the business, Andrew said. Mostly because I prefer to give my full attention to the food. Every ingredient (食材) must be carefu

5、lly measured.Andrews food also makes the dining experience special. He makes every dish look like a piece of art. At his open kitchen, Andrew plans to teach his visitors how to prepare blackened catfish, a dish of his that has won much praise throughout the city.( 1) While Monica is cooking, she _.A

6、. is never quietB. seldom uses spiceC. sometimes sits on a wooden chairD. always listens to her favorite songs( 2) At Andrews open kitchen, he will _.A. invite Monica to try his dishB. work with another head chefC. tell lots of jokes while cookingD. cook one much-praised dish( 3) What do Monica and

7、Andrew have in common?A. They work in the same restaurant.B. They both like using measuring cups.C. They graduated from the same cooking school.D. They both let guests have a special dining experience.( 4) The passage is probably from _.A. a city newspaperB. a restaurant noticeC. a cookbookD. a chef

8、s diary【答案】 ( 1) A( 2) D( 3) D( 4) A【解析】 【分析】本文讲述本周六,两位当地厨师莫妮卡萨利尔和安德鲁格里森将在他们的餐厅举行开放式厨房活动。( 1)推理题。根据I like to laugh and always tell jokes while I cook我喜欢笑,做饭时总是讲笑话 可知 莫妮卡做饭时,她从不安静, 故选 A。( 2)细节题。根据 Andrew plans to teach his visitors how to prepare blackened catfish,a dish of his that has won much prai

9、se throughout the city安德鲁计划教他的游客如何准备熏制鲶鱼,这是他的一道菜,在全城广受好评可知 在安德鲁的 “开放式厨房 ”,他会做一道备受称赞的菜, 故选 D。( 3)推理题。根据she hopes to offer her guests a special dining experience她希望为客人提供一种特殊的用餐体验和Andrews food also makes the dining experience special安德鲁的食物也让用餐体验与众不同可知,莫妮卡和安德鲁的共同点是他们都让客人有一个特殊的用餐体验, 故选 D。( 4)推理题。根据本文讲述本周

10、六,两位当地厨师莫妮卡萨利尔和安德鲁格里森将在他们的餐厅举行开放式厨房活动,可知这是新闻报道,故本文来自城市报纸,故选A。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息。2根据短文理解选择正确答案。CIf music makes you smarter and exercise helps you to think, surely exercising to music can turn you into a clever person.A team of scientists from Ohio State Universit

11、y did experiments on 33 volunteers who weregetting better from heart disease after operations. They found those volunteers who exercisedwhilelistening toItalian musician AntonioVivaldisThe Four Seasons did much betteronlanguage ability tests than without music. It is also used in medical fields for

12、patients who have had head hurts because of its moderate tempo (舒缓的节拍) .“ Exercise seems to cause positive changes in the nerve (神经)system and these changesmay improve the learning ability of people with heart disease,said” the psychologist CharlesEmery, who led the study.“ And listening to music is

13、 thoughtenanceto understanding. We justwanted to put the two results together,” he added.The volunteers said they felt better emotionally and physically after exercising with or withoutmusic. But theirimprovementon the test doubled after listening to music during exercise.Scientists have proved that

14、 music can be good for health and education. It helps reduce stressand sadness, encourage relaxation or sleep, wake up the body and improvememoryandthoughts.Scientists have been studying the results of exercise to music on learning and understanding since the early 1950s. A study showed that student

15、s who listened to Mozarts violin pieces and exercised went on to get higher marks in an IQ test. With important exams drawing near, your parents will not probably allow you to listen to music or play sports. But perhaps now you have good reasons to argue with them.( 1) What does the underlined word enhance mean?A. produceB. provide(2) From the last paragraph we can learn tha


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