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1、【英语】七年级语法填空复习( word)一、七年级语法填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1 阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。Water is very important to us. We must drink water every day. We cant live _ water. Athome, we use water _ ( wash) clothes, to wash dishes, to cook, to clean the floor, tohave showers, to make drinks, to clea

2、n our_ ( tooth ) , to water the flowers and so on.At work, people use water to put out _(fire ) , to grow vegetables, to make paperand books, to make beer and Coca-Cola and so on. We can also _( swim) in the sea.Water is important to us, isnt it?Water has no taste _ all. Water has no colour. Water i

3、s in the river, the pump, the tapand the well. Water is everywhere _ us. Water is in the rain, in the river and in the lake._ there isnt much clean water on the Earth. We must save it. How to save water? Wecan save it at home. For example, turn off the water tap after _( wash) hands. Letssave water

4、to save_ ( we) .【答案】 without ; to wash ; teeth ; fires; swim ; at; around ; But; washing;ourseIves【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了水对我们的重要性,并呼吁节约用水。(1)句意:我们不可以生活在没有水的地方。根据Water is very important to us,可知我们不能没有水,without ,没有,故填without 。( 2)句意:在家里,我们用水来洗衣服,洗碗,做饭,擦地,洗澡,做饮料,刷牙,浇花等。 use sth to do ,固定搭配,用某物来做某事,故填to wash。( 3

5、)句意:在家里,我们用水来洗衣服,洗碗,做饭,擦地,洗澡,做饮料,刷牙,浇花等。此处的牙齿是泛指,故是复数,tooth 的复数是teeth ,故填 teeth 。( 4)句意:在工作中,人们用水来灭火。put out fires ,灭火,此处的名词fire 表示泛指,表示不用地区的火灾,故用复数,故填fires。( 5)句意: 我们也可以在海里游泳。can 是情态动词,其后是动词原形,故填swim 。( 6)句意:水根本没有味道。at all,固定搭配,和否定词no 搭配,根本不,故填at。( 7)句意:水在我们周围无处不在。根据Water is in the rain, in the riv

6、er and in the lake可知谁在外面周围,around,在周围,故填around 。( 8)句意:但是地球上没有太多干净的水。上文提到到处都有水,根据thereisnt muchclean water 可知此处与上文是转折关系,故填转折连词,故填But。( 9)句意:例如,吸收后关闭水龙头。after是介词,其后是动名词,wash 的动名词是washing,故填 washing。( 10)句意:让我们节约用水来拯救我们自己。根据 let us 可知此处是这我们自己,we的反身代词是ourselves,故填 ourselves。【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓

7、语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。2No pains, no gains. Without _( work ) hard, no one can achieve success in life.【答案】working【解析】 【分析】句意:没有付出就没有回报。不努力工作,没有人能够在生活中取得成功。 without是介词,介词之后的动词应使用动名词,work 的动名词是working 。故答案是working 。【点评】考查词形变化,根据句子结构和语境确定横线处的意思,然后根据所提供的词进行变形,最后形成答案。3语法填空My grandmother is _ fifty-three-year-

8、old woman. She loves gardening and plants a lotof flowers. She likes animals because she thinks they_ ( be) cute. And she really enjoys_ ( cook) but the dishes dont taste good. She doesnt tike sports at all.My grandmother _ ( have) two pretty big eyes and long brown hair She really looksbeautiful. S

9、he always has a bright smile on _( she) face. We all think shes also verygenerous and likes to help_ ( other ) .My grandmotheris very popularwith her friends and her grandchildren.She oftentells_( story) to us. She gives us a lot of happy time. But sometimes she is strict with._ ( I) . She said she

10、couldntgo to school when she was young. _she hopesthatIcan getintoabetteruniversity.IlovemygrandmotherandIhopeshe will_ healthy and happy forever.【答案】a; are; cooking; has; her; others ; stories; me ;So; be【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了作者祖母的日常生活。( 1)句意:我的祖母是个53 岁的女人。根据woman是名词单数,fifty以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a,表示泛指一个,故填a。( 2)句

11、意:她喜欢动物因为她认为它们可爱。描述客观事实用一般现在时,复数they 是主语,故be 动词是 are,故填 are。( 3)句意:她真的很喜欢做饭。enjoy doing ,固定搭配,喜欢做某事,故填cooking 。( 4)句意:我的祖母长着两个大眼睛,长长的棕色头发,她看上去很美。描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语是grandmother ,单数第三人称,故填has。( 5)句意:她总是脸上挂着明媚的笑容。根据face 是名词,其前应是形容词性物主代词, she 的形容词性物主代词是her ,故填 her。( 6)句意:我们都觉得她很大方,她喜欢帮助别人。help 后缺少宾语,此处表示泛指

12、,故用复数形式,故填others 。( 7)句意:她总是给我们讲故事。tell stories ,固定搭配,讲故事,故填stories 。( 8)句意:但有时她对我很严格。be strict with sb ,固定搭配,对某人要求严格,with 是介词其后是宾格,I 的宾格是me,故填 me 。( 9)句意:所以她希望我能进入一个更好的大学。根据She said she couldntgo to schoolwhen she was young可知此处是对上文的解释,表示结果,所以,so,故填So。( 10)句意:我希望她永远健康快乐。康,助动词will 后是动词原形,故填healthy be

13、。是形容词,其前是系动词,be healthy ,健【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。4阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Hello, boys and girls. _ name is Helen White. This is my _( schoolbag). It isbrown. I like the color very much. Oh, whats this in _ ( England) ? It is a _( dictionary ).It is _ English diction

14、ary. How do you spell it? DICTIONARY. Is thata ruler? No, it is a key. Those are my _ ( pencil ) boxes. You can _( see) aruler, two pencils and three pens on my desk. Where is my school ID card? I _( lose) itin the morning. My name is on the card. I _ find it. If you find it, call me _ 999888 Thank you so much.【答案】 M


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