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1、 T: Excuse me, could you please tell me his name? S: Sure. He is Kangkang. T: Does he come from China? S: Yes, he does. T: Can he speak English? S: Yes. But his English is not very good. T: Could you help him with it? S: No problem. 1. Could you please+动词原形? 你能吗? Sure. / Of course. / No problem. 能。

2、Sorry. 2. tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事 3. come from=be from 4. help sb. with sth. / help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 5. speak +某种语言 6. No problem. = Sure. Useful expressions. Could you please tell me your name? Could you please+动词原形? 你能.吗? Sure. / Of course. / No problem. 好的,没有问题。 Sorry.不好意思,不行。 Useful expressi

3、ons. help sb. with sth./(to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事 E.g. I often help Jane with her Chinese. I often help Jane study Chinese. 我经常帮助Jane学习汉语。 Exercise. ()1. We are from England. We _ English. A. tell B. say C.speak ()2. Do you have any friends here? _ A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I have. ()3.

4、_ you like English? Yes, I do. A. Does B. do C. Do ()4. Marys Chinese is not good. We can help her _ it. A. with B. and C. to ()5. Do you come from the USA? No, I _ from Canada. A. comes B. am C. be C B C A B ( )1.Could you help me _ my Chinese? No problem. A. inB. forC. withD. about ( )2.What does

5、he _ in the letter? He wants to visit my school. A. spellB. sayC. speakD. tell ( )3._ you please tell me your name? Sure. Im Linda. A. DoB. AreC. CouldD. Is C B C He wants to visit Meizhou Island(岛岛). He wants to visit Beijing. want to do sth. 想要做某事 如:I want to buy some toys. want sth. 想要某物 如:He wan

6、ts a pair of shoes. 在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓 语动词需作以下变化: 一般情况下,直接在词尾加-s。如:saysays 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加-es。如:teachteaches 以o结尾的动词,一般加-es。如:gogoes 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i再加-es。如: studystudies 1. _ he _ Chinese? ( speak) No, he doesnt. He _ English. 2. Where _ he _ ? ( live ) He _ in England. 3. What _ he _ in the

7、letter? (say) He _ to visit the Great Wall. (want) Does speak speaks wants does live lives does say ( )4.Whos the girl in red? Sorry, I dont know _. I think _ is new. A. she; sheB. her; sheC. her; herD. she; her ( )5.Where does he _? He _ in Shanghai. A. live; livesB. live; liveC. lives; liveD. live

8、s; lives ( )6.His English is very _ and he speaks English very _. A. good; goodB. well; well C. well; goodD. good; well B A D in our class修饰many students。介词短语修饰名词时,放在名词 之后。 e.g. the girl in red穿红衣服的那个女孩 a pen friend from Japan 一位来自日本的笔友 Many students in our class like English a lot, but I like it a

9、little. (1) a lot 意为“很,非常(表示程度)”意为“很,非常(表示程度)” , 相当于相当于very much。 如:如:Thanks a lot for your help. (2) a little意为“一点点”。意为“一点点”。 如:如:The book helps me a little with my English. like . very much/a lot 非常喜欢非常喜欢 like . a little (not) like . very much 有点喜欢有点喜欢/不是很喜欢不是很喜欢 (not) like . at all 一点不喜欢一点不喜欢 1.

10、They like English very much. 2. He likes Chinese a little. 3. She doesnt like it at all. ( )7.Do you like Chinese _? No. I dont like it _. A. a lot; at allB. a lot; a little C. at all; a littleD. a little; a lot ( )8. _ is the letter from? Its from my friend, Wang Qiang. A. WhatB. WhereC. Who D. Who

11、se ( )9._ are new here. Lets help _. OK. A. They; TheyB. They; them C. Them; themD. Them; they ( )10.You can help me with my English and I can help you with your Chinese. You are right. We can help _. A. otherB. the otherC. eachD. each other A C B D 1. He (want/wants) to Beijing. 2. She(like/likes)

12、Chinese very much. 3. (Does/Do)he speak Chinese? Yes, he (does/do). / No, he doesnt. 4. (Does/Do) Lucy speak Chinese? Yes, she does. / No, he(dont/doesnt). wants likes Does does Does doesnt A: Excuse , are you from Canada? A: Is Mr. Brown your English teacher? B: Yes, am. B: Yes,is. We likevery much

13、. (I/me, he/him) me I he him (we/us, she/her) A:want to give this letter to Miss Wang. But we dont know . Could you help? B:No problem. is the teacher in red. herus She We 人人 称称 分类分类 第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称第三人称 单数单数 复数复数 单数单数 复数复数单数单数复数复数 主主 格格Iweyouyouhesheitthey 宾宾 格格meusyouyouhim heritthem 用法口诀:用法口诀

14、:人称代词分两格,主格宾格来分说;人称代词分两格,主格宾格来分说; 主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。 A:Does he(like/likes) Chinese? B:Yes, he likes it very much/a lot/a little. No, he doesnt like it at all. like like . very much/a lot 非常喜欢非常喜欢 like . a little (not) like . very much 有点喜欢有点喜欢/不是很喜欢不是很喜欢 (not) like . at all 一点不喜欢一点不喜欢


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