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1、Festivals Around the World,Brainstorming,Festivals,New Years Day,National Day,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Mid-Autumn Festival,Tomb Sweeping Day (清明节),Valentines Day(情人节),Dragon Boat Festival,Double Ninth Day (重阳节),Lantern Festival(元宵节),Halloween(万圣节),Army Day,International Womens Day,Easter(复活节),Apri

2、l Fools Day,Prediction,According to the title, what do you think the text will be about?,Scanning: True or False,1. The ancient people neednt worry about their food. 2. Halloween used to be a festival intended to honor the dead. 3. Qu Yuan was a great poet who people honor a lot in China. 4. Mid-aut

3、umn Festival is held to celebrate the end of autumn. 5. Easter celebrates the birth of Jesus.,F,T,T,F,F,Detail Reading,1.When did ancient people celebrate? 2. How did they celebrate? 3. What did they believe?,By lighting fires and making music.,Paragraph 1: Ancient Festivals,The end of the cold weat

4、her planting in spring harvest in autumn,Those festivals would bring a year of plenty.,Paragraph 2:,Festivals of the Dead,Paragraph 3: Festivals to Honor People,China,Dragon Boat Festival,The famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan,the U.S.A.,Columbus Day,Christopher Columbus,India,Mahatma Gandhi,National holi

5、day,Match countries with the festivals and the people memorized,Harvest Festivals,European countries,China dragon dances; carnivals, family,Easter,the return of Jesus; the coming of spring,the Cherry Blossom Festival,There are all kinds of festivals and _ around the world, which are held for differe

6、nt reasons. The _ festivals were mainly held at three times a year-the end of the cold _ planting in spring and_ in autumn. Some festivals are held to honor the dead or satisfy and _ the ancestors in case(万一) they might_, while other festivals are held to _ famous people or to the_, such as Dragon B

7、oat Festival and Columbus Day.,Summary,celebrations,weather,harvest,please,do harm,honor,gods,ancient,Harvest and _ festivals are happy events because their food is _ for the winter and because a _ of agricultural work is over, to which Mid autumn festival belongs. And the most _ and important festi

8、vals are the ones that _ the end of winter and to the coming of_, such as the lunar New Year, at which people have a very good time.,Summary,Thanksgiving,gathered,energetic,look forward to,spring,season,A Chinese student and a foreign student meet. Introduce festivals in your own country to each oth

9、er. Useful expressions: When is this festival celebrated each year?. What is it for?. How do you celebrate it?. When did it come into being?.,Retell: make up a dialogue,We can get to know Western tradition, customs and culture 2. We can get more chances to enjoy ourselves 3.Businessmen make more mon

10、ey ,We may spend too much energy and money on this festival 2. We may forget about our Chinese traditions and culture 3. We may admire Western countries too much ,good effects,bad effects,Debate,Work in groups. For example: Peace Day No fighting or wars are allowed on that day. People learn and talk

11、 about peace.,Task: Design a universal festival of your own,Name : When to celebrate it: How to celebrate it: Theme(主题):,Homework,Write down the design of your own universal festival, including the name, the theme and the activities to do.,谢谢,骑封篙尊慈榷灶琴村店矣垦桂乖新压胚奠倘擅寞侥蚀丽鉴晰溶廷箩侣郎虫林森-消化系统疾病的症状体征与检查林森-消化系统疾病的症状体征与检查,


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