新教材 外研版高中英语必修第三册 Unit 5What an adventure!学案(单词短语句型语法等汇总及配套习题)

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新教材 外研版高中英语必修第三册 Unit 5What an adventure!学案(单词短语句型语法等汇总及配套习题)_第1页
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新教材 外研版高中英语必修第三册 Unit 5What an adventure!学案(单词短语句型语法等汇总及配套习题)_第3页
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《新教材 外研版高中英语必修第三册 Unit 5What an adventure!学案(单词短语句型语法等汇总及配套习题)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新教材 外研版高中英语必修第三册 Unit 5What an adventure!学案(单词短语句型语法等汇总及配套习题)(42页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 What an adventure!第一课时Starting out & Understanding ideas- 2 -第二课时Using language- 16 -第三课时Developing ideas & Presenting ideas- 26 -第四课时Writing记叙文- 38 -话题导入Experience the Thrill of Adventure Sports in the HimalayasThe great Himalayas run through the entire northern part of India. Derived from t

2、he Sanskrit word “hima alaya”which means “the home of snow”, it has the largest mountain peaks in the world and stretches across six countries in Asia: Bhutan, China, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.This range offers numerous sports activities like trekking and camping that can satisfy your a

3、dventure enthusiasm. Besides this, you may even try whitewater rafting in mountain rivers.Trekking in the Himalayas can be the most enjoyable and challenging experience of your life. Trekking in the Himalayas actually requires great courage. Though trekking provides you with the best opportunities t

4、o view the natural beauty through naked eyes, you need to be physically fit. It can be one of your most memorable vacations in the Himalayas and also reasonably less expensive.Camping in the Himalayas can be the best way to enjoy nature photography and explore this heaven on earth. All you require i

5、s to surrender your soul to the Mother Nature and feel its hidden beauty and dimensions. Camping in the Himalayas will let you understand why this land has always attracted the hearts of mountaineers, explorers and travellers for over a century.Today, people from all across the world come to the Him

6、alayas for different purposes. There are some who come to view nature and some for vacation. Whatever the reason is, the Himalayas foothills are just perfect to experience adventure activities.开启快乐学习之旅喜马拉雅山脉(梵语:hima alaya,意为“雪域”),藏语意为“雪的故乡”,是世界最雄伟高大的山脉,也是体验冒险活动的完美之地,那么,赶快踏上你的探险旅程吧。知识点击1run through 贯

7、穿2derive v. 源自3Sanskrit n. 梵语4stretch v. 延伸5trek v. 徒步旅行6provide sb. with sth. 提供某人某物7surrender v. 交给8dimension n. 规模9attract v. 吸引模块核心素养导航第一课时Starting out & Understanding ideas自主预习.词汇初探1initial adj. 最初的;开始的initially adv. 最初;起初2thus adv. 因此3oxygen n. 氧气4border n. 边界;国界;边沿 v. 与接壤;接近5confirm v. 证实,确认c

8、onfirmed adj. 成习惯的,根深蒂固的confirmation n. 证实,确认书6crowded adj. 拥挤的crowd n. 人群;观众 v. 挤满;拥挤7attempt n& v. 努力;尝试attempted adj. 未遂的8failure n. 失败(者)fail vi. 失败success n. 成功;成功者9thrill n. 惊险;刺激 vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊thrilled adj. 非常激动的thrilling adj. 令人激动的.短语互译1寻找 in_search_of 2开辟 open_up 3经,由,通过 by_way_of 4和相似 be_si

9、milar_to5使成为焦点 bring.into focus6turn around 转过身来7focus on 集中注意力于8figure out 弄清楚;弄明白;理解9result in 导致10refer to 谈论;涉及.经典句式1For these people, climbing Qomolangma is an experience like no other, making some feel weak and others, powerful.(P50)对这些人来说,攀登珠穆朗玛峰是一种前所未有的体验,让一些人感到虚弱,而另一些人则感到强大。2That is what li

10、fe means and what life is for. (P51)这就是生活的意义和生活的目的。3Sadly, Mallory would die on the mountain in 1924, although his body would not be found until many years later.(P51)不幸的是,马洛里将于1924年在山上死去,尽管他的尸体直到很多年后才被发现。4With the majority of attempts to climb Qomolangma resulting either in total success or failure

11、, is there also a scientific reason behind this risktaking?(P51)大多数攀登珠穆朗玛峰的尝试都是成功或失败的,这种冒险行为背后是否也有科学原因?.语篇理解Step.Read the text on Page 5051 and choose the best answers.1According to Paragraph 1,what caused people climbing Qomolangma sick?ATiredness.BLack of confidence.CThe extreme cold and low air p

12、ressure.DBeing crowded.答案:C2Which of following is true according to George Mallory?AWe live to eat.BWe live to make money.CWe live to be successful.DWe eat and make money to enjoy life.答案:D3Who has the same opinion as Mallory about the motivation of risktaking?AXu Xiake.BAlan Arnette.CChristopher Co

13、lumbus.DFrank Farley.答案:B4How many scientific reasons are mentioned for risktaking?AOne. BTwo.CThree.DFour.答案:C5From the passage we can infer the authors attitude toward risktaking is _.AobjectiveBnegativeCsupportiveDpositive答案:AStep.Fill in the blanks according to the text.Last year, hundreds of pe

14、ople spent good money _1_ (climb) Qomolangma. For these people,it is _2_ experience making some feel weak and others _3_ (power)British mountain climber George Mallory thought that people eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. _4_ (sad), he died on the mountain in 1924.It is unknown _5_ he suc

15、ceeded in reaching the top of Qomolangma before his _6_ (die)According to Alan Arnette,each person has a unique reason for climbing a mountain. It forces people to look deep inside _7_ (them). _8_ (succeed), people must have the physical and mental toughness to push _9_ they want to stop.Recent studies indicate that risktaking may be part of human nature. People who are more likely to take risks have “Type T”personalities.Research also suggests that our desire to seek risks ca


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