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1、八年级英语下册语法填空练习题( 含答案 )1一、八年级英语下册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析)1语法填空Im sitting outside Grandpas pigeon loft(鸽子房) and waiting for Goldie to come home. Imreally nervous about it because I_ (ask) to do an important job.Goldie is Grandpas champion (冠军) racing pigeon. Shes famous because she_(win ) lots of cups. This mor

2、ning she had a race flew two hundred miles away with lots of other pigeons. And now she_ ( race) back home.Come on, Goldie. Come on, Goldie! Thats me, calling Goldie back home. But I cant see heryet.I really want Goldie to win this race. I want_give Grandpa the good news when I seehim tonight in the

3、 hospital. My eyes search the blue sky,still no sign of Goldie.Calm down, Danny! I tell myself.But its hard to be calm. This job is very important. Ill tell you why.Before the race, they_ ( put) a ring on every pigeons leg. When Goldie comes back, Iwill catch her to take her ring off, as fast_I can,

4、 and put it in a little metal tube (管子) ,then put that tube in Grandpas special clock. That will record the time when Goldie finishesthe race. It should be Grandpas job. But while he_( prepare ) for the race, he fell illsuddenly and was sent to hospital.So thats why Im nervous, waiting for Goldie. I

5、m getting more nervous every minute, because Goldie_ ( be) here now. But the sky is blue and empty._( not worry ) , I tell myself. Goldie always comes back. But where is she? Whatwill I tell Grandpa?I wait until its nearly dark. I give up! Then I lock_other pigeons in the loft. I have to seeGrandpa

6、tonight in the hospital.【答案】 was asked; has won ;is racing; to ;put ; as; was preparing ; should be; Dont worry ; the【解析】 【分析】文章大意:丹尼接到了一项重要的任务。等待着爷爷参加比赛的信鸽回家,可知怎么也等不来,天已经黑了,他终于放弃了,晚上去医院看爷爷了( 1)句意:我真的很紧张,因为我被要求做一项重要的工作。我紧张的原因是别人让我做一项重要工作,因此使用被动语态。被动语态结构是be+动词的过去分词,根据句意可知,别人告知我作重要的工作发生在过去,应使用使用一般过去时的

7、被动语态,主语是I,be 动词用 was,故答案是was asked。( 2)句意:它很出名是因为它赢了许多奖杯。赢得奖杯是出名的原因,也就是发生于过去的动作对现在造成的影响,因此使用现在完成时,主语she 是第三人称单数,助动词have 改为has, win的过去分词是won ,故答案是has won。( 3)句意:现在她正赶回家。根据Im sitting outside Grandpas pigeon loft(鸽子房)and waitingfor Goldieto comehome.可知此刻鸽子正在向家里赶,因此使用现在进行时,现在进行时的结构是be+v+ing 形式,主语she 是第三

8、人称单数,be的形式为is,故答案是 is racing。( 4)句意:当 今天在医院 到我的 候,我想 他 和好消息。want to do sth.想做某事,固定搭配,故答案是to。( 5)句意:在比 之前,他 在每只 子的腿上放了一个 。根据Beforethe race可知, 作 生在 去,句子 一般 去 ,put 的 去式是put ,故答案是put 。( 6)句意:当戈 迪回来的 候,我会尽快地把她腿上的 取下来。as assb.can,固定搭配,尽某人 的,故答案是as。( 7)句意:但是,当他准 比 的 候,他突然生病了,被送到了医院。while后跟 行 ,根据he fell ill

9、 suddenly and was sent to hospital.可知, 使用 去 行 , 去 行是的 构是was/were+v+ing ,主 he 是 数, 使用was,故答案是was preparing 。( 8)句意:每一分 我会跟加 ,因 戈 迪 在 里。戈 迪 在 里,却偏偏没有回来,所以我美国一分 就会更 , ,should ,故答案是should 。( 9)句意: 担心。 是作者 慰自己的 , 使用否定的祈使句,否定祈使句的 构是 dont+ 原形,故答案是Dont worry 。( 10)句意:于是我把其他的 子 在了 楼。the other ,其他的,后跟名 复数,表示其

10、余全部, 里指的是除了戈 迪之外的所有的 子,故答案是the。【点 】考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先要跳 空格通 文章掌握其大意,然后 文章,字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素。最后通 一遍, 。2 下面短文,在空白 填入一个适当的 ,或填入括号中所 的正确形式。People have always been interested in animal communication and scientists have done a lot ofresearch _ this subject. Most animals communicate by smell. Dogs

11、are famous for this.When a dog walks outside, it learns about otherdogs by _ ( smell) things. Dogs_ ( help) the police since a long time ago. Everyone has heard birds singing. Researchhas shown that many other animals use sounds _ ( communicate ) . Frogs and insectscommunicate with sounds. Usually t

12、he men make sounds to invite the _( woman ) .Whales and elephants _ use sounds to communicate. These sounds can travel very farthrough water or the ground. However, it is _ ( possible) for humans to hear some ofthe sounds. They are _ too low or too high for us. Animals have always used bodylanguage

13、to communicate as well. _ a dog puts its tail under its body, it is scared. When adog wags its tail and _ ( open ) its mouth, it is happy.【答案】 on /about ; smelling ; have helped ; to communicate ; women ; also;impossible ;either ; When ; opens【解析】 【分析】大意:短文主要介 了不同 物交流的方式。( 1)句意:科学家在 个 上做了很多研究。根据固定搭配

14、做关于某物的研究,可知此 填介 on 或 about 。故答案 ( 2)句意:它通 西来了解其他的狗狗。根据固定搭配do research on/about sth. ,on /about 。by doing sth.通 做某事,可知此 填 smell 的 ing 形式 smelling 。故答案 smelling 。( 3)句意:狗从很久以前就帮助警察。根据 状 since a long time ago从很久以前,可知本句 在完成 have/has+ 去分 。根据主 dogs,可知助 用have,help的 去分 helped 。故答案 have helped。( 4)句意:研究表明,很多 物用声音来交流。根据固定搭配use sth. to do sth. 用某物去做某事,可知此 填 不定式


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