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1、神鹿教育机构初三英语课堂同步练习题知识改变命运,神鹿教育祝您成功!1.Money is very imporant, _its not the most important thing.A.or B.and C.but D.so 2.Tony wants_a job as a language teacher in china.A.to find B.finding C. find 3.I think drinking milk is good _our health.A.for B.to C.with D.at 4.Mr Yangs daughter is preety good _draw

2、ing pictures and won many prizes.A.with B.for C.in D.at 5.A balanced diet can help us keep_(health).6_people visit the 2010 Shanghai World Expo every day?about 300,000.A.How many B.How much C.how longD.how often7._does the baby mouse weigh?about 20 grams。A. How much B.How many C. How D.What8.Tom tri

3、ed _the answer to this question.At last ,he succeeded and he was very happy.A to find Bfinding C finded D found9.There are a lot _students on the playground.A.of B. in C.by10.Dont worry ,let me give you a hand.Thank you_.A.lots of B.a lot C.many D.much11.Grandma is ill,I have to _her at home.A.look

4、for B.look up C.look at D.look after12.Gina often helps me _the guitar on Sundays.A.playing B.play C.played D.plays13._ _ to some fruit,Bruce.(请随便吃点)14.Wow,your new bicycle looks the same as_A.me B.I C.my D.mine神鹿教育机构初三英语课堂同步练习题知识改变命运,神鹿教育祝您成功!15.I am _tired, I want to have a rest.A.kinds of B. a ki

5、nd ofC.kind of D.all kinds of16.I am sorry I dont know how to use computers._Lucy knows, She s had computer lessons before.A. Maybe B.Sure C.Likely D.Possible17._it is very late._my mother is still at work.A.Although:but B.Although;and C.Although;/ D.Although;or18.I was so tired this morning that I

6、conldnt _early as usual.A.get up B. get on C.get off D. give up19.I quite like watching films by MP4.A.really B.pretty C.most D.truly20.He didnt go to school yesterday _he was ill.A.because B.because of C.if D.so21.Dont throw waste paper everywhere.Its our duty to keep our school_.A.clean B.cleaned

7、C.cleaning22.I think Bob is the suitable person to take the job because he can do the work well with _money and_people.A.less;more B.less;moreC.more;fewer D.less;fewer中考无缝对接1. Bin laden was killed _May2.2011.A. in B.on C.by D.at2.look !There are so many people in the park.Nobody likes to stay at hom

8、e_Sunday morning.A. in B.on C.at D.to3.Her daughter began to play _piano when she was five.Now shes very good at it.A.an B.a C.the D./4.Excellent teachers are usually _(感兴趣)in 神鹿教育机构初三英语课堂同步练习题知识改变命运,神鹿教育祝您成功!their students。5._ _ _ your health to eat more vegetables and fruit. 多吃水果对身体健康有好处。6.Peter ,

9、_do you visit your grandparents?Twice a month.A.how long B.how soon C.how far D.how often7.There are two hundred famous companies in Xinjiang from 19 provinces.(对划线部分提问)8._many children like KFC,I think theyd better try not to eat it too often.A.Because B.When C.Although D.If9.Because I got up late

10、this morning ,_I was late for class.A.but B./ C.so10.can your father drive?yes,and he_to work every day.A.is driving B.drove C.drives D.has driven11,As we all know,its not police to keep others_for a long time.A.wait B.waited C.to wait D.waiting12.As were students,we _obey the school rules.A.can B.m

11、ay C.must D.could13.You bought the car about ten years ago.yes,_its old,it still runs well.A.Because B.Since C.Although D.But14.Most British high school children _uniforms at school.A.wear B.dress C.put on D.dress up15.The new kind of car is _dear,I dont have _money.A.too much;much too B.much too;too muchC.too much;too much D.much too;much too16.I am _with the movie,Because I feel asleep when I saw it.神鹿教育机构初三英语课堂同步练习题知识改变命运,神鹿教育祝您成功!A.exciting B.boring C.bored D.excited17.This is my MP4.yours is over there.A.my B.me C.I D.mine



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