关于无形资源重要性的MBA essay

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《关于无形资源重要性的MBA essay》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《关于无形资源重要性的MBA essay(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、关于无形资源重要性的 MBA essay英国启航论文一般来说,公司的资源包括有形的和无形的,其中,有幸资源指的是具有物理性质的真是存在的能够看见的任何公司财产。换言之,有形财产就是没你伸手就可以触摸到的,能够感觉到的真实存在的客观事物,例如,实物资产就包括工厂、设备以及体力劳动资源。无形财产是指,确实存在,但是你无法看见,无法触摸的具有价值性质的资产。例如,管理经验等。这些资源能够为企业管理者提供足够的服务,并且将在该公司的各种活动中进行使用。但是,现如今,越来越多的资料表明无形资源比有形资源更重要。因为他们能够带给公司更多的活力。有形资源在现如今愈发快速变化的技术市场,一般来说,有形资源又可

2、以分为财政资源和屋里资源。最近研究表明,有形资源为公司马奠定了雄厚的基础,毕竟资本的累计是一个漫长的过程。有形资源还包括设备、劳动力和生产产品。显而易见的是,有形资产是公司企业生存发展的动力与源泉。,可以为公司带来更好的发展。The resources of the firm are both tangible and intangible. Tangible resources are defined as any company property that has a physical existence. Therefore, tangible resource is the one t

3、hat you can reach out and touch, which includes physical assets, such as plant, equipment and physical labour (Buigues 2000). While intangible resources are defined as the assets that you cannot touch or see but that have value, which includes skills and knowledge about productive and managerial pro

4、cesses (Buigues 2000). These resources are able to supply a wide range of services to the managers of a firm, to be used in the various activities that the firm undertakes. However, in the fast paced technological industry, intangible resources are tend to be more important according to the research

5、 on the materials and some books in the library. There are sufficient statistics indicate that intangible resource overcome tangible resources. Intangible resources are the key elements that make those companies in the fast paced market differ themselves from each other and become prosperity.有形资源Tan

6、gible resourceThe tangible resources in a fast paced technology market could be financial resources and physical resources. According to the recent research (Alonso 2000), the tangible resources are the hard rock for a companys establishment, because the financial resources can provide a place for t

7、he company to make the common arrangement as well as the daily activities. Besides, tangible resources also include the equipment as well as the workforce allows the company to process and produce products. There is no doubt that all good companies in the fast paced technology market are based on st

8、urdy tangible resources. Tangible assets can be purchased or gain in the market, and more machines or workers can be hired at a price.无形资源Intangible ResourcesThe intangible resources in fast paced technology market could be human resources, patent, technological resources and reputation. Although th

9、ese resources are not direct money, intangible resources cannot be measured by a certain large amount of money. The reason is that intangible resources can bring countless fortune. Human resources include workforce who handle the daily process for the companys daily running, but also include the tal

10、ents who are the key person that all top class companies in the world are willing spend huge money to hire.Knowledge and skills reside within human capital and cannot be so easily purchased because they are acquired from training and within the firm and may only be valuable within its specific struc

11、tures residing within individuals who can be hired. Patent is very import especially in fast paced technology industry, because once a patent has been invented, other company must pay money to use this patent in their technology products. The reputation is important for every company, because reputa

12、tion will enhance the loyalty of the customers, and bring more repeat customers. Therefore, the output that any given unit of a tangible resource can produce is not dependent not only on the production function but also on the intangible resources that used in the inputs. Knowledge enables the produ

13、ctive to provide a range of a resource to increase over time.有形资源无形资源的对比Comparing Intangible Resources with Tangible ResourcesIn the fast paced technology market, lots of first class global corporations are getting more and more competitive, however, some of the old brands which use to have good per

14、formance and reputation are abandoned by consumers. Tangible resources are playing important parts in all of those companies; however, they are not the key points that affect the companies future.According to a study of Brookingss institute in 1982 (Webandmacro, 2012) showed the tangible assets repr

15、esented the 62% of the value in the market of industrial organizations. Ten years later, in 1992 the proportion lowered until 38%, Financial indicators are still used to direct and to take decisions, but they just represent less than 10% of our value. The intangible resources are the most important

16、sources of the organization that grant competitive advantages to other companies. The organization that has an excellent operative process, knows their segment in the market and possess the knowledge to develop a unique product, and has the ability of motivating their employers, will have a guaranteed success. Therefore, concerning about those big or historical companies in fast paced technology market, the intangible resources are more important.Apple Company is good a e



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