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1、备课大师:免费备课第一站! Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious 审核课型听说课课时1 【课题】Period 1 Section A 1a-2d 教师复备栏或 学生笔记栏 【学习目标】1) 掌握生词lantern /l?nt ? (r)n/ n. 灯笼 ; stranger /streind? (r)/ n. 陌生人 relative /rel?tiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚 2) 掌握短语 What a great day!; kind of like put on 增加(体重) ; 发胖 3) 掌握感叹句结构、直接引语和间接引语 4) 句型:

2、What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festiva;? - I love the races. I think that they re fun to watch. 【学习重点 难点】 掌握感叹句结构、直接引语和间接引语 继续学习宾语从句 背诵 2 d 对话 【学法指导】1) 运用已有经验 - 听- 说- 听力训练作业巩固 2) 自学单词 - 听说句子 -听力练习 -巩固练习 【教学过程】 温故知新 1. 翻译词组: 1)go to for a vacation 2) like best 3) 增加(体重) ; 发胖 4)与相似 5)互相,彼

3、此 6)冲走,洗掉 2 导入 你知道下面这4 种节日的英语说法吗?试试吧! 泼水节 春节 龙舟节 元宵节 有关这 4 种节日的来源、传说、习俗、饮食、文化、庆祝方式有哪些? 你能说出一些吗? 二、导学释疑 任务二:记忆单词,词组 1. 拼读生词,记忆汉语 mooncake n. 月饼 lantern n. 灯笼 stranger /streind? (r)/ n. 陌生人 p.10 relative /rel?tiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚 p.10 put on 增加(体重) ;发胖 p.10 pound /paund/ n. 磅(重量单位) ;英镑 p.10 2. 生词学习 1) 、relat

4、ive, relation, relations 2) 、put on 增加(体重) ,发胖 put on 穿上 put on weight put on ten kilos 备课大师:免费备课第一站! 【教学过程】 30、pound n. 磅(重量单位)英镑(英国货币单位) 增加 10 磅 put on 10 pounds The apples cost one dollar a pound. 3. 生词检测 I am new in this city, so I am a _. He often eats a lot,so he 20 pounds again. Jenny is the

5、only in that big city. 任务二: 1. 自主学习 1)找出 4 种节日的英语,朗读并记忆,完成1 a 泼水节 龙舟节 元宵节 春节 2)听力训练,完成1b a. 朗读 1b 句子,理解含义 b.Listen and circle T for true or F for false. c. 同桌核对答案 2、合作探究(小组讨论答案) 3. 朗读听力材料,勾画短语 What a great day! kind of like It makes things more exciting be back again to + V 任务三: 完成 2a2b 并交流(合作探究) 阅读

6、听力材料,读记、翻译下列短语 eat out a lot at least five meals a day put on five pounds! What else did you do ? a great place for shopping! for sure a trip to+地点名词 Thats one thing I didnt like June would be a perfect time for you to visit. 任务四: 自学 2d 对话 听读 2d 材料,完成任务X K b1.C om 朗读 2d 材料,掌握大意 勾画 2d 短语 in two weeks

7、 April is the hottest month of the year water festival similar to the Dai people throw water at each other. a time for cleaning and washing away bad things good luck 角色对话 背诵 2d 对话 6、读 2d, 回答问题。 When is Clara going to Chiang Mai? Why is she going at that time? Why are the Dai People mentioned in the dialogue? 备课大师:免费备课第一站! When is the Water Festival in Thailand? And do people always do? Why do people throw water at each other? 或 What do Thai people believe by throwing water at each other? 【教学反思】



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