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1、0 最近整理的英美概况的笔记,对综合英英语国家概况名词解释系列) o6 p h9 L, : 英语国家概况名词解释系列(1)5 a( d* t: N# m5 $ F9 B+ QThe Puritans清教徒 -The Puritans were wealthy, well-educatedgentlemen. They wanted to purify the church of England and threatened with religious persecution, the Puritans leaders saw the New% k3 y) p6 k& l! hworld as

2、 the a refuge provided by God for those He meant to save.# a) K$ X) a0 英语国家概况名词解释系列(2)7 % e+ BR8 4 o4 l& DThe Bill of Rights(America ) 权利法案 -In 1789, James Madisonintroduced in the House of Representatives a series of amendments which later were drafted into twelve proposed amendments and sent to th

3、e states for ratification. Ten of them were ratified in 1791 and the first ten amendments to the constitution were called the Bills of Rights because they were to insure individual liberties. 4 $ % _4 t z+ h, e+ J6 j* F the Bill of Rights (Britain)4 a- A% |: _5 p8 X8 PIn 1689, William and Mary accep

4、ted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly. The bill excludedany Roman Catholic from the succession, confirmed the principle of parliamentary supremacy andguaranteed free speech withinboth the two Houses. Thus the age of constitutionalmonarchybegan. , V6 H; e6 Y; P2 aThe Emancipation Proclamation解

5、放黑奴宣言 -After the Civil war began, Lincoln issued theEmancipation Proclamation to win more support at home and abroad. It granted freedom to allslaves in areas still controlled by the Confederacy.( T) F8 ; b! y5 ?; D英语国家概况名词解释系列(3)5 l( l5 P2 + NPilgrims Thanksgiving Day感恩节 -The Pilgrims in 1620, 201

6、of them sailed tothe New World in a ship called Mayflower. The first winter after their arrival was very cold and when spring came, half of them were dead. Then the Indians came to their help and taught them how to grow corn. They had a good harvest that year. So they invited the Indians and held th

7、e firstThanksgiving E/ C: ?1 H|1 ( wcelebration in America to give thanks to God. * e& z) C) P. w. hsThe Chunnel 英吉利海峡隧道-In 1985 theBritishgovernmentand French governmentdecided to build a channel tunnel, which is called“ Chunnel” , under the Straits of Dover so thatEngland and France could be joine

8、d together by road. The Chunnel was open to traffic in May1994.$ G/ A& k* |- wy, G6 D英语国家概况名词解释系列(4) W/ ( o* ?! l/ n/ 0 p* YEisteddfod (一年一度的 )威尔士诗人、音乐家大会-Eisteddfodis the Welsh word for“sitting ” National Eidteddfod is the most famous festival of music and verse in Wales. It takesplace each August

9、and lasts for about a week. The highlight of the festival is competition for the best epic poem about Wales written and read in Welsh. The winner is crowned Board, considered the supreme honour in Wales. In this way the4 G/ ? + a0 D4 H. g5 dWelsh people keep the Welsh language and culture alive.6 e2

10、 P: V: S# h8 p2 : &bX xCockney 伦敦佬 -A cockney is a Londoner who is bornwithin the sound of Bow Bells-the Bells of the church of St. Mary-LeBow in east London.# b# X, K8 6 k+ R 英语国家概况名词解释系列(5)/ Y$ P3 n+ y* K8 E! LStonehenge 巨石阵 -It is a group of huge monuments of grant rock Slabs on salisbury plain i

11、n southwest England built as long ago as the New Stone Age. It is generally believed that stonehenge served some sort of religious purposes.1+ P3 v! LW( E. The Celts凯尔特人 -The Celts came to Britain in three main waves. Thefirst wave were the Gales, the second wave were the Brythons and the Belgae cam

12、e about 150BC. The Celts were practised farmers. The Celtic tribes are ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh, And their languages are the basis of both Welsh and Gaelic. They religion was Druidism.5 W3 R4 # S6 C2 ( w英语国家概况名词解释系列(6) & . K u& ) Ay0 8 q# 4 H+ Norman Conquest 诺曼征服 -Th

13、e Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Normanfollowers.He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was7 Z/ P: ; q n) k# B# r1 J( Gcompletely estab

14、lished in England.) l WO & V* dWilliam the Conqueror n& J2 . _( W9 d; Q. R, William was Duke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct, 1066 and defeated king Harold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christams Day the same year. Heestablished a strong Norman government and the feudal system in En

15、gland. 7 Y i5 Z8 H# Eo1u$ N& lAlfredthe Great 阿尔弗雷德大帝-He was king of Wessex, one of the seven Anglo-SaxonKingdoms. It was he who led the Anglo-Saxon to flight against the invading Danes and maintained peace for a long time. Alfred was not only a brave king at wartime, but also a wiseking at peacetime. He encouraged8 W: * E1 C9 E! Neducation and introduced a legal system. He is known as“ the father of tBritish navy”


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