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1、,1. devote 替换 spend He spends all his spare time in reading. He devotes all his spare time to reading. 2. seek 替换 want They sought (wanted) to hide themselves behind the trees. 3. average 替换 ordinary Im an average (ordinary) student. 4. be worn out 替换 be tired After five hours non-stop work, we were

2、 all worn out (tired). 5. be supposed to 替换 should He is supposed to (should) have driven more slowly. 6. appreciate 替换 thank Thank you very much for your help. We appreciate your help very much.,7. the case 替换 true I dont think it is the case (true). 8. on 替换 as soon as On his arrival (As soon as h

3、e arrived), he began his research. 9. due to 替换because of He arrived late due to (because of) the storm. 10. cover 替换 walk After covering (walking)10 miles, we all felt tired. 11. contribute to 替换 be helpful / useful Plenty of memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study. Plenty of memory wor

4、k will undoubtedly contribute to English study. 12. round the corner 替换 coming soon / nearby The summer vacation is round the corner (coming) Li Ming studies in a school round the corner (nearby).,13. come up with 替换 think of Jack often comes up with (thinks of) good ideas. 14. set aside 替换 save Som

5、e students think that they should set aside (save) some of their pocket money for books. 15. be of + n. 替换 adj. The products are of high quality (are very good) and are sold everywhere in China. 16. more often than not 替换 usually More often than not (usually), the meaning of many words can be easily

6、 guessed. 17. more than 替换 very If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than (very) glad to help. 18. the other day 替换 a few days ago The other day (A few days ago) my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. 19. in the course of 替换 during In the course of (During) the mountain-tr

7、aining, please help each other and pay special attention to your safety. 20. the majority of 替换 most The majority of (Most of) the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the cinema.,第一组名词 1. 机会 chanceopportunity 2. 选择 choicealternative 3. 课程 coursecurriculum 4. 影响 effectinfluence / impa

8、ct 5. 后果 resultconsequence 6. 缺点 shortcomingdrawback 7. 方法 wayapproach 8. 职业 jobcareer / employment / profession 9. 老人 old peoplethe old / the elderly / the aged / senior citizens 10. 青少年 young peopleyoungsters / youths / adolescents,第二组动词及动词短语 1. 看见 seecatch sight of 2. 遇见 meetcome across 3. 遭遇 mee

9、t withencounter 4. 拥有 havepossess 5. 提高 develop / improvepromote 6. 替代 replacesubstitute 7. 面对 facebe faced with 8. 容忍 bearput up with 9. 解决 solvedeal with / cope with 10. 决定 decidedetermine / make up ones mind 11. 考虑 considertake into account / consideration 12. 应该 shouldbe supposed to 13. 理解 under

10、standmake sense of / figure out 14. 使用 useemploy / make use of / take advantage of 15. 道歉 apologizemake an apology,16. 记住 rememberbear / keep in mind 17. 发生 happenoccur / come about 18. 想起 occurthink of / come up with 19. 感谢 thankappreciate 20. 帮助某人 help sb do sb a / the favor 21. 节省 saveset aside 2

11、2. 参观 visittour / pay a visit to 23. 分发 hand outdistribute 24. 站起 stand upget to ones feet 25. 习惯于 be used tobe accustomed to 26. 一定 be sure tobe bound to 27. 为做准备 prepare formake preparations for / be prepared for 28. 反对 be againstobject to 29. 厌烦 be bored withbe fed up with 30. 忙于 be busy in (with

12、)be occupied in (with) / be buried in / be engaged in,31. 闻名 be famous forhave a reputation for 32. 感到舒心 feel comfortablefeel at ease 33. 美化学校 make our school beautifulbeautify our school 34. 置若罔闻 refuse to listen toturn a deaf ear to 35. 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth make it 36. 想做某事 want to do sth se

13、ek / intend / desire to do sth 37. 照看 look afterattend to 38. 尽力做某事 try ones best to do sth spare no effort to do sth 39. 向某人寻求帮助 ask someone for helpturn to sb for help 40. 我认为 I thinkin my opinion / as far as Im concerned,第三组形容词 1. 令人惊奇的 surprisingamazing / astonishing / shocking 2. 贫穷的 poorneedy

14、/ poverty-stricken 3. 优秀的 excellentoutstanding 4. 明显的 obviousapparent / evident 5. 常见的 commonuniversal 6. 充足的 enoughadequate 7. 勤奋的 hardworkingdiligent 8. 可用的 usefulavailable 9. 艰难的 difficultchallenging 10. 坚强的 strongtough 11. 重要的 importantvital / significant,12. 不可能的 impossibleout of the question 1

15、3. 有趣的 interestingabsorbing / striking / appealing 14. 小心谨慎的 carefulcautious 15. 幸运的 luckyfortunate 16. 巨大的 largeenormous 17. 合适的 properappropriate 18. 丰富的 richabundant 19. 古老的 oldancient 20. 唯一的 onlyunique 21. 全部的 wholeentire 22. 富裕的 richwealthy,第四组其他 (副词、连词、介词短语、数词) 1. 突然 suddenlyall of a sudden 2

16、. 立即 immediatelyin a flash 3. 有时 sometimesoccasionally / once in a while / from time to time 4. 另外;况且 besidesin addition / whats more / moreover 5. 因此 sotherefore 6. 第一 firstto begin / start with 7. 第二 secondin addition / whats more 8. 最终 finallyeventually 9. 但是 buthowever 10. 大多数 mostthe majority 11. 许多 a lot ofa large quantity / amount of / endless 12. 种类繁多的 all kinds ofa variety of / varieties of / various,13. 事实上 in factas a matter of fact / actually 14. 例如 for examplefor instance


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