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1、最新小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 月考卷二 Modules 68 过关检测卷限时: 60 分钟 满分: 100 分听力(30 分)笔试(70 分)总分题号得分一二三四五六七八九十十一 十二第一部分 听力(30 分)(一)听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的图片。(5 分)()1.A.)3.A.B.B.()2.A.)4.A.B.(B.()5.A.B.(二)听录音,按照所听内容给图片标序号。(5 分)()()()()()(三)听录音,选出你所听到的问句的答语。(10 分)()1. A. Yes, I was.B. No, I didnt.)2.A. He is nine years old.)3.A.

2、In 2003.B. He was nine years old.B. Space.)4.A.Birthday presents.)5.A.I am interested in stamps.B. My friends.B. Im collecting stamps.(四)听录音,补全句子。(10 分)1. This American _took a man into space. 第1页 2. I brought you this book _ the Great Wall.3. Simon was _ in the book too.4. So I _ her a bicycle.5. S

3、henzhou V took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the _ time.第二部分 笔试(70 分)(五)找出下列单词的同类词,并写在横线上。(12 分)whatplancoatwhydecidelaughwhere raincoat smile shout learn dress1. cry _2. when _3. finish _4. jacket _(六)单项选择。(10 分)()1.I was born _ China _ 2006.A. in; in B. in; onC. in; at()2._ I was born in 1998

4、.A. How are you?B. When were you born?C. Where were you born?()3.My uncle _ a bike and went away.A. rideB. ridesC. rode)4.Lots of people read Mo Yans books _ he is very famous.A. because)5.Could you _ a card for me?A. made B. make)6. _ a little boy, he cant finish the work.A. At B. When)7.Shenzhou V

5、 _ some seeds _ space.A. take; into B. bring; toB. butC. orC. makingC. AsC. took; into 第2页 ()8. Lots of boys are interested in _ basketball.A. playingB. playsC. played)9.She _ me a present.A. didnt boughtB. didnt buyC. doesnt boughtC. Where)10._ did you go? I went to the park.A. What B. When(七)根据情景找

6、句子。(5 分)()1.你想告诉外国友人长城是我们的骄傲,你应说:_)2.小女孩不说话,因为:_)3.你想讲海伦周游世界的奇迹,你会说:_)4.老师想知道李明做了什么,你会说:_)5.王勇对美国感兴趣,你会说:_A. Wang Yong is interested in the US.B. He made a model of a spaceship.C. We are all proud of the Great Wall.D. She couldnt see or hear.E. Helen travelled all over the world.(八)根据图片和首字母提示完成句子。(5

7、 分)1. I phoned you last night, but you werent at h.2. Simon made a pboat yesterday.3. My grandma bought me a m4. Daming is very interested in scar.travel. 第3页 5. Lei Feng is a rmfor us.(九)按要求完成句子。(10 分)1. She was born in 1874.(对画线部分提问)_ _ she born?2. The old man cant see and cant hear.(改为用 or 连接的句子)

8、The old man_ _ _ _.3. I bought a present for you.(改为同义句)_4. It is Damings birthday today.(用 yesterday 改成一般过去时的句子)_5. English mistakes words easy it is with to make(.)(连词成句)_(十)阅读短文,并根据短文内容填空。(10 分)Yesterday was Bens birthday. His parents decided to have a birthday party forhim in the evening.In the

9、morning, Ben and his father cleaned the house and decorated(装饰) thesitting room. Then they went shopping for the party. They bought a birthday cake,some chocolates, some fruit and some birthday candles(蜡烛) in the shop. They cameback home from the shop and put these things on the table. In the evenin

10、g, all Bensfriends came to his house. They gave him a lot of presents. The children sang the song“Happy Birthday” to Ben. Ben blew out(吹灭) the candles. After eating some cakes,they played inside and watched cartoons happily.1. His parents _ for Ben yesterday evening.2. Ben and his father _ and decor

11、ated the sitting room.3. They _ a birthday cake, some chocolates, some fruit and some birthdaycandles in the _.4. Bens _ gave him a lot of presents.5. After eating some cakes, they _ inside and _ happily. 第4页 (十一)阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10 分) (建议用时:5 分钟)Confucius was born in Shandong. When he was 3 years

12、 old, his father died. Hismother gave him good education(教育). He studied hard and became a teacher whenhe was about 30 years old. He had more than three thousand students. He wrote lots ofbooks. And he lived to be 72. He is well known(有名的) all over the world.()1.Confucius was born in Beijing.)2.When he was about 30 years old, he became a teacher.)3.He had more than three thousand students.)4.He died when he was 74 years old.)5.He is well known all over the world.(十二)小作文。(8 分)你长大以后想干什么呢?请你以 “My Dr


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