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1、试卷第 1 页,总 9 页 北京市英语试题 1Zhang Yining is _ favorite table tennis player. AI Bme Cmy Dmine 2I met Lily a bookstore yesterday. Aon Bto Cin Dof 3The music was too loud, I turned it down. Aso Bbecause Cbut Dor 4_ did you go to the park yesterday? I went there by bus. AWhat BHow CWhy DWho 5 _ we leave the

2、library before 5 o clock? No, you needn t. You can stay here until 5:30. AMust BMay CCan DCould 6 Who sings _, Lily or Jane? Jane, of course. Awell Bbetter Cbest Dthe best 7Look! The kids about the park. Arun Bran Cwere running Dare running 8Jack _ a good rest as soon as he finishes the exam. Ahas B

3、had Cis having Dwill have 9 They _ each other for more than 5 years. Aknow Bknew Cwill know Dhave known 10What were you doing when your mother came back yesterday? I_ an interesting novel. Awas reading Bwas looking Cam reading Dam looking 11The Great Wall _ all over the world. Aknows Bknew Cis known

4、 Dwas known 12Mr. King didnt know _ yesterday evening. Awhen does his son come home Bwhen his son comes home Cwhen did his son come home Dwhen his son came home 试卷第 2 页,总 9 页 Every Saturday night Mama would sit down by the table and count out the money Papa had brought home. Mama would carefully div

5、ide big groups for the housing, and food, and one or two coins for Nels or me Katrin to buy notebooks. With 13 interest we would watch the money becoming less and less. At last Papa would ask, “ Is that all?” When Mama nodded, we could relax a little. For Mama would look up and smile, “ Its good.” s

6、he d say. “ We do not have to go to the Bank.” It was a wonderful thing, that bank account ( 银行账户 ) of Mama s. We were all so proud of it. It gave us such a warm, 14 feeling. When finishing school Nels wanted to go on to high. “ It will cost a little money,” Nels said to Mama. We gathered around the

7、 table watching a box in front of Mama. This was the “ Little Bank” used for unexpected situations. Nels had it all written out. So much for what he would need. Mama looked at the 15 for a long time. Then she counted the money in the Little Bank. There wasn t enough. “ We do not,” she said to us gen

8、tly, “ want to have to go to the Bank.” We all 16 our heads. “ I ll work in Dillon s shop after school,” Nels 17 . Mama smiled at him. Papa said, “ Its not enough.” Then he took his pipe out of his mouth. “ I give up smoking,” he said. Mama 18 the table and touched Papa s hand, but she didn t say an

9、ything. “ I will mind the Elvington children every Friday night,” I said. “ Its good,” Mama said. We all felt very good. We had passed another milestone ( 绊脚石 ) without having to go downtown and draw money out of the bank. So many things, I remember, came out of the Little Bank during the past 20 ye

10、ars. Even during the Strike (罢? ) , Mama wouldn t let us worry too much. We all worked together so that the important trip downtown could be put off. The day the Strike was over and Papa went back to work, I saw Mama stand a little straighter, as if to get a kind out of her back. Last year I sold my

11、 first story. I hurried to Mama s and showed her the check. “ For you,” I said, “ to put in your Bank Account.” “ There is no 19 , ” Mama said. “ In all my life, I ve never been inside a Bank.” And when I didn t couldn t answer, Mama said 20 , “ Its not good for little ones to be afraid to not feel

12、safe. ” 13A endless Bhopeful Cbreathless Ddoubtful 试卷第 3 页,总 9 页 14A comfortable Bsafe Ceasy Dpleasant 15A price Bmoney Cobjects Dnumbers 16A nodded Bshook Clowered Draised 17A decided Bvolunteered Csuggested Dmentioned 18A reached across Bsat beside Cwalked to Dmoved around 19A account Bneed Cgood

13、Dcheck 20A quickly Bseriously Cwarmly Dpolitely Tom Dyson tried to find out what his new machine could do. One day he put the small box to a flowering plant that was growing in a big pot. He didn t say anything at all, but he began to think something bad about the flowers. “ I m going to cut off the

14、se flowers. They re getting old and no longer beautiful. So I ll cut them off” The needle(指针) on the machine climbed quickly from zero to 8, then 10, 12, 15. It stopped at 17. The plant was in trouble! Something was worrying it. Was it afraid or sad? The thought of being cut? The flowers bent(弯下)the

15、ir heads. They suddenly looked old and tired, and Tom felt sorry for them. “ No, no!” he cried. “ I won t cut you. You re my friends. I just want you grow and be more beautiful. I ll take you outside, into the sunshine. You ll like that, won t you?” The flowers raised their heads slowly and seemed t

16、o smile at him. The needle returned to zero. Tom put away the machine, picked up the plant and walked outside. It was very nice in the garden that morning. All plants enjoy their owner s love and kindness. They know the sound of their voice. They also seem to understand people s thinking. So if you have flowers of your own, think about them w


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