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1、【精品】期中测试卷(含听力录音+答案+重点解析) 北师大版-六年级英语下 听力部分笔试部分题号一二三四五一二三四五六七得分Listening Part(50 分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10 分)来()1. A. vacationB. houseworkC. parents() 2. A. beginB. soonC. tonight()3. A. readB. writeC. bring()4. A. visit a friendB. read a storybook C. go swimming()5. A. pianoB. fluteC. guitar二、听录音,为下列图

2、片排序。(用 1,2,3, 4, 5 表示)。(10 分)()()()()()三、听问句,选答语。(10 分) () 1. A. I traveled with my parents .B. I travel with my parents . () 2. A. It was wonderful.B. It was a guitar. () 3. A. I went by plane.B. I went to London. ()4. A. Yes, he will.B. No, he didnt. () 5. A. Yes, she will.B. She will play the pia

3、no. 四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10 分) () 1. A. I traveled with my parents .B. I traveled with my grandparents . () 2. A. It was wonderful.B. It is wonderful. ( ) 3. A. We went there on a tour bus. B. We went there on a tour plane. () 4. A. I will play the drums for you.B. I will play the piano for you. () 5. A

4、. No, I dont .B. No, I wont .五、听录音,完成短文。(10 分)Childrens Day is coming. Ann ,ken and David will playtogether attheschool_. Ann will play the _. Ken will play the_ and David will playthe_. Mocky wants to play, too. Kens _will to the _ . They areexcited.Writing Part(50 分)一、看图写单词。(5 分)二、找出不同类的单词。(5 分) (

5、)1.A.tripB. vacationC. London()2.A.weekendB. readC. write()3.A.violinB. fluteC. wonderful()4.A.worriedB. excitingC. drum()5.A.programB. concertC. bring三、根据汉语填出英语单词。(5 分) 1.This _(吉他) is mine. 2.Ann is good at playing the _.(笛子) 3.I can play the _(钢琴). 4.That is a _(鼓). 5.We will go to a _(音乐会). 四、英汉

6、互译。(5 分) 和父母一起旅行_ 看望祖父母_ 去游泳(过去式)_ write to grandma _ help mom with the housework _ 五、单项选择。(10 分) ()1.-What will Ann play in the concert?-_.A. Table tennisB. The snakeC. The flute()2.-How will they go there?-_.A. On feetB. By bikeC. Buy car()3. Mocky came back _an e-book.A. forB. toC. with()4.Please

7、 give this letter _Uncle Booky.A. forB. toC. about()5.I want _a gift _my mother.A. buy toB. to buy forC. to by for()6.-Will they go for a picnic?-Yes, they_.A. areB. doC. will()7.-How was your trip?-It was _.A. greenB. by planeC. wonderful()8. I am not _.A.kidB. kiddingC. kiding()9.She went to see h

8、er aunt _week.A. lastB. nextC. tomorrow()10.She will play _guitar.A. /B. aC. the六、连词成句。(10 分) 1.traveled, parents, I, with, my ( . ) 2.the , she, piano , will , play ( . ) 3.the, soon, begin, concert, will ( . ) 4.London , I , to , went, ( . ) 5.What, do, did, you , there( ? ) 七、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10 分) T

9、he park There is a new park near my house. Its a fine day today. My family and I are in the pa rk now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many fiowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hillbehindthelake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says,“Dontswim in

10、 the lake!”There is a playground in the middle of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. Welike it very much.()1. The park near my house is _.A. new and beautiful B. old and beautiful C. clean and newD. old and clean()2. Is there a cafe in the park? _A. Yes, th

11、ere isnt. B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, there is. D.No, there is.()3. People cant _in the lake.A. swim B. fish C. boatD. play()4. The shops in the park are not _A. small B. big C. good D. pretty ( )5. Do we like the park? _ A. Yes, we do. B.No,we do. C.Yes, you do. D. No,we dont 【精品】期中测试卷(含听力录音+答案+重点解析

12、) 北师大版-六年级英语下 参考答案 Listening Part 原文:来源:Zx.Com 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。 1. vacation2.soon3.bring4.visit a friend5. flute二、听录音,为下列图片排序。 1. play the violin. 2. play the guitar. 3. play the drums. 4. play the piano. 5. play the flute. 三、听录音,选答语。 1. What did you do over the winter vacation? 2. How was your t

13、rip? 3. Where did you go? 4. Did he go there by plane? 5. What will Nancy play in the concert? 四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 1. I traveled with my parents. 2. It was wonderful. 3. We went there on a tour bus. 4. I will play the piano for you. 5. No, I wont. 五、听录音,完成短文。来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K Childrens Day is coming. Ann, ken and David will play together at the school concer


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