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1、精选高中英语作文范文带翻译 英语是高考英语中的必考题型,它可以考查高中学生英语的综合运用能力,代表了学生的英语书面表达能力。下面,是第一为你的精选高中英语作文范文带翻译,希望对你有帮助! China, as a developing country, has a large gap pared with developed countries. If we want to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones, education seems important and should be given the first prior

2、ity. Besides, education seems the same important to individuals. 中国作为一个发展中国家,与发达国家相比还存在很大的差距。如果我们想赶上甚至是超过发达国家,教育似乎是重要的,而且应当放在首要位置。此外,教育似乎对个人同样重要。 In modern time, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of the work force is the most important. Moreover, many of the suess

3、in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nations prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labor force, namely those who have been well educated. 现代社会,科学技术进步很大,劳动力的教育是最重要的。而且,发达国家的很多成功例子证明一个国家的繁荣主要依靠劳动力的素质,也就是说那些受过良好教育的人。 For individuals, education is the best way to improve oneself. Fir

4、stly, its education thathelps people gain basic knowledge of the world, helping them to distinguish what is right and wrong. Secondly, education improves ones skills of life and work, which can make people live a good life or have achievements in career. Finally, education brings people ability of l

5、earning and that is the key role of education. 对于个人来说,教育是提高自我最好的方式。首先,是教育帮助人们获得对世界的基本认识,帮助他们区分什么什么是对什么是错。其次,教育提高一个人的生活和工作技能,使人们过上好生活或在事业上有所成就。最后,教育赋予人们学习的能力,这是教育的主要作用。 Honesty is a long-lasting virtue of people and is regarded as the most important quality. People give admiration to those people who

6、 are honest, while hate those who often _ lies. However, some people say that in market economy, honesty tends to be less important. But in my point of view, honesty will never be out of date no matter how the situation changes. 诚实是人的一种持久美德,被看作是最重要的品质。人们尊敬那些诚实的人,同时讨厌那些经常说谎的人。然而,有的人说在市场经济的社会,诚实变得没那么重

7、要了。但是,在我看来,不管时代怎么变化,诚实永远不会过时。 Firstly, honesty is always the mainstream in our society and those people who are sincere are respected. On the contrast, the dishonest will be excluded by others. Secondly, no matter in the daily life or in business, people would like to build relationships with the ho

8、nest. Honesty is the basis of true friendship. In the business, those who make money at the cost of honesty certainly will pay the price in someday. Finally, honesty should bee part of our personality that we should treat it as the most valuable fortune of ours. It may not brings you material benefi

9、t, but you spirit must be rich. 首先,诚实一直是当今社会的主流,那些真诚的人得到尊敬。相反,不诚实的人会受到他人的排斥。其次,不管是在日常生活中还是在生意场上,人们都喜欢和诚实的人建立关系。诚实是真正友谊的基础。在生意场上,那些以诚实为代价去赚钱的人某一天一定会付出代价的。最后,诚实应该成为我们性格的一部分,我们应该把它看做是我们最宝贵的财富。它不仅给你带来物质利益,而且你的精神会更富裕。 In short, honesty is an important quality that should deeply root in everyones heart. 总

10、之,诚实是每个人应该牢记于心的一项重要品质。 There are many students smoking in senior high school, the reason may be that they think they look cool or appear to be more mature while having a cigarette at hand.But there are a lot of reasons not to smoke. Smoking does harm to our health.It is dangerous to our heart and lu

11、ng. A lot of diseases are caused by cigarettes.Cigarettes also have terrible smell.The seconghand smoke can also be dangerous to the others who stand around you. Therefore, no smoking in public is a strict regulation in many countries. And the most important thing is that once you e into addicitive,its hard to get rid of it. So,we must keep far from the cigarettefor everybodys health. 高中里有很多学生吸烟,原因可能是他们觉得手中有一支烟看上去很酷或者显得更成熟。但是,不吸烟的原因有很多。吸烟有害我们的健康,对我们的心脏和肺很危险。很多疾病都是由香烟引起的,而且烟的味道不好闻。二手烟对周围的人也很危险。因此,公共场所禁止吸烟是很多国家的一项严厉规定。最重要的是,一旦你上瘾了就很难戒掉了。所以,为了每个人的健康,我们必须远离香烟。 模板,内容仅供参考



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