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1、 昆明卫生职业学院(中专部) (kunming Health Professional College) 教 案 任课教师: 孙燕琼 教研室: 公共基础 学 科: 医护英语 时 间: 2014-8-15 教务处制二0一三年九月 授课时间第 3、4 周 授课班级中专2014级所有班级章节名称Unit 2 Admission and Discharge参考书目外语教学与研究出版社医护英语教学目标了解病人入院、出院的程序和注意事项听懂有关入院、出院的对话掌握本单元的重点词汇、短语和句型能够参照示范对话进行相关内容的对话练习读懂有关病人入院、出院时护士应该要做的事项的短文能够完成所有的课后练习教学重点

2、How much do you know about admission and discharge? Say some words about it.When do you need inpatient services and when do you need outpatient services?教学难点入院与出院的一些程序及要求运用所学句型进行入院、出院的相关对话练习教学方法Audio-lingual ApproachCognitive Approach教具Multi-media computer课时安排4学时教学过程与内容教学过程与内容教学过程与内容Teaching procedu

3、resLearning new wordLead-in介绍入院 、出院的程序和注意事项引导学生谈论其所了解的有关入院与出院的信息Warming upWhen I am feeling ill or sick ,I will go to the hospital to have a regular check up in the outpatient .When I am seriously ill and the doctor tells that I need stay in hospital for further diagnosis or treatment , I will follo

4、w his adviceFocus Listening Activity 1明确听力任务,了解入院的病历报告单放录音两次,学生填写答案核对答案Activity 2学生浏览听力对话,明确听力任务放录音两次,学生填写答案核对答案Focus speakingActivity 1帮助学生明确A和B的角色及内容,分别是一个需要住院的病人和一个住院部的护士学生成对活动,教师可以找出两个口语比较好的同学示范练习教师巡视全班答学生问题,提供帮助学生自愿上台表演,可以化妆成病人与护士评价和鼓励学生的表演Activity 2帮助学生了解活动要求,要求学生相互讨论完成练习参照范例对话,学生分别扮演病人与护士进行对话

5、练习选择学生上台表演分组进行评比Focus reading教学内容:Step 1 Revision:Check Ss homeworkStep 2 PresentationHow much do you know about admission and discharge?1.Firstly, the admission procedures include emergency admission and pre-arranged admission.2.Secondly, the admission procedures include : filling in an admission c

6、ard, introducing environment and regulations of ward, gathering the patients information and so on.3.Thirdly, obey admission regulations which include visiting hours, smoking policy, mealtime, services available, etc.4.Generally speaking, discharge is the last program for an in-patient in hospitals.

7、 It is significant for a nurse to make a discharge plan and do client teaching for a patient who is about to be discharged. When do you need inpatient services and when do you need outpatient services?Outpatient services1.When I m feeling ill or sick, I will go to the hospital to have a regular chec

8、k-up in the outpatient department. 2.Inpatient serviceWhen Im seriously ill and the doctor tells me to stay in hospital for further diagnosis or treatment, I will follow his advice. Admission and DischargeWhat is the difference between emergency admission and pre-arranged admission?How to deal with

9、the ward after the patient is discharged?语言运用要求用所学语言,围绕admission and discharge 这一主题开展听、说、读、写活动朗读课文并完成相关练习重点词汇discharge greet undress handle depart语言点send up get lost keep an appointment meet ones need no matter课文理解be admitted to a hospital 住院To understand hospital procedures是不定式在句子中做 主语,不定式在句中还可以做表语

10、、宾语、定语、状语 和补足语。To do this would be a mistake.(主语) Her wish was to become an artist.(表语)I want to see my teachers during the holidays.(宾语)That will be the only thing to do now.(定语) To understand hospital procedures is very important when a patient is admitted to a hospital. We worked hard to improve

11、our working skills. (状语)The nurse told the patient to do more exercises in order to get well soon.(补足语) 不定式做主语时,常常用形式主语it来代替它,而 把不定式放到句子后部,如: It is very expensive to stay in the hospital for a long time. When the admitting office tells the nurses that a patient is coming, they should prepare the roo

12、m.Admitting office 入院处 admit v.容许, 承认, 接纳 admit of 容许有admit of no delay 刻不容缓 admit to 承认, 让.进入admittable adj.具有进入资格的 admittance n.入场权, 准入 admitted adj.被承认的 The patient is never sent up to his room alone, because he might get lost or fall or be injured. send up v.发出, 射出, 长出, 使上升 send up a kite 放风筝课堂讨

13、论练习ExercisesAnswer the following questions.1.Why shouldnt the patient be sent up to his room alone? Because the patient might get lost or fall or be injured.2. Why should the patient be given a physical examination as soon as he is admitted to the hospital? Because the hospital must have a complete record of the patients condition.3. What do the patient and his family look forward to from the time he enters the hospital? They look forward to the day



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