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1、精选课件ppt,1,New words,1.plastic surgery 整容外科 surgeon n. 外科医生 2.procedure n. 程序;过程 3.suffocate v.窒息而死sfkeit 4.supervision n. supervise vt. 监护;监管 5.conscious adj. 有意识的;神志清醒的 6.potential adj. 潜在的;有潜力的 7.trend n. 趋势;潮流;倾向 8.qualified adj. 合格的 qualify vt. 使有资格,精选课件ppt,2,The Price of Beauty,Teens 419 (p.2),

2、精选课件ppt,3,plastic / artificial beauty 人造美女,精选课件ppt,4,Unsuccessful surgeries ruined their faces.毁容,精选课件ppt,5,Wang Bei, a singer on Super Girl , died on Nov.15 during plastic surgery in Wuhan, Hubei province. She was naturally pretty but she still wanted to alter (=improve 改善;改变)her appearance.,精选课件pp

3、t,6,Speaking,1.Do you like plastic superstars? 2.whats your opinion about plastic surgery?,精选课件ppt,7,Fast reading Choose the main idea of the passage: A.Reasons for the popularity of plastic surgery. B.Possible dangers and advice on plastic surgery,精选课件ppt,8,Reading,1.Why did the writer give the exa

4、mple of Wang Bei? 2.Why is plastic surgery so popular with the young? 3.If someone wants plastic surgery, give him/her some advice. 4.List the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery.,To raise concerns about dangers and risks of plastic surgery.,Because many consider it as the key to love ,w

5、ealth and success.,精选课件ppt,9,Advice from experts:,1.Choose qualified hospital and avoid beauty salons. 2.Do not expect too much from changing your appearance, for it can just change a certain part of your body.,精选课件ppt,10,Advantages : 1.Many see it as the key to love, wealth and success. 2.It can im

6、prove peoples appearance , which they think may bring better opportunities in work and in marriage. For example, some want to make a good impression in job interviews. Disadavantages: 1.Unsuccessful surgeries may ruin peoples faces and worse still it may take peoples lives. 2.Whether successful or n

7、ot, it may have side effects on peoples health.(有副作用),精选课件ppt,11,Language focus:,1.在受欢迎 2.夺走某人的生命 3.在的过程中 4.增加对的监管 5.调查某人的的死因 6.使结果公开 7.提高对的关注 8.意识到,1.be popular with sb. 2.take ones life 3.during the procedure of 4.increase supervision of . 5.look into ones death 6.make the results public 7.raise c

8、oncerns about. 8. be conscious / aware of.,精选课件ppt,12,9.竭尽全力做某事 go to great lengths to do sth go all out for sth The young man is going to great lengths to win the love of the girl. 10.是的关键 11.越来越多的 12.提升形象 13.给某人留下 好的印象 14.未来的雇主/老板,10. the key to 11. a growing number of 12. improve ones appearance

9、13. make a good impression on 14.potential employers,精选课件ppt,13,15.把归因为 He owed his success to the support of his wife. 16.合格的/有资质的医院 a qualified hospital 17.是第一位/是最重要 come first,owe sth to sth/sb,精选课件ppt,14,Homework,下午第三节课完成Teens419 Day1-5 明天上交作文,精选课件ppt,15,Advantages are as follows:,1.It is a good

10、 way to improve our appearance and thus we have more chances to find good jobs. 2.Good look, in some way, brings us confidence, which will help us make a good impression in job interviews. 3.For some others, they consider good look as the key to a good marriage as well as a happy life.,精选课件ppt,16,Th

11、ere are some possible dangers as well.,1.Plastic surgery is a new industry in China so there must be many hidden dangers in the later life. 2.It has many side effects on our health. 3.If it is a failure, it will ruin our faces and will be unable to recover. Whats worse, it may take our lives.,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,


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