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1、Unit 8 A green world总分:130分 班级_姓名_得分_第一部分 选择题 60分一、单项选择(15分)( )1. What should I do to live _ green life?I think you go by _ bike instead of driving your car. A. a; a B. the; / C. a; / D. /; /( )2. The government should stop them from _ trees in the forest. A. cutting down B. putting down C. taking d

2、own D. letting down( )3. Driving after drinking wine _ in China. A. allows B. doesnt allow C. is allowed D. isnt allowed( )4. I think we must give up using plastic bags to _ our earth. A. produce B. protect C. provide D. pollute( )5. Some people waste too much water. They dont believe that it can _s

3、ome day. A. keep out B. run out C. be run out D. run out of( )6. Please _ the water when you brush your teeth. A. take down B. turn up C. take away D. turn off( )7. Not only Jim but also his parents _ a few interesting places since they came to China. A. will visit B. has visited C. have visited D.

4、visited( )8. Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they _ the Forbidden City. A. will be shown up B. will be shown around C. will show around D. will show to( )9. It is reported that New Culture Square _ in our city next year. A. will be built B. were built C. have built D. will build( )10. She trie

5、s _ English well, because its very useful. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns.( )11. I think drinking milk is good _ our health. Yes,I agree _you. A. with; to B. to; to C. at; with D. for; with ( )12. Funtawind Adventure is very popular and _ tourists visit it year by year. A. more and more

6、B. fewer and fewer C. less and less D. more and more( )13. If you _ your name on the paper, you can get a magazine. A. cut down B. look down C. turn down D. write down( )14. _ is impossible _ the camp before nightfall. A. That; to reach B. It; to reach C. That; reach D. It; reach( )15. Were very gla

7、d to know that a great sports meeting _in Guiyang this September. A. will hold B. will be held C. will be hold D. will be holding二、完形填空(15分)A spring(泉水) keeper lived high above an Austrian village along the eastern part of the Alps in Central Europe.The keeper of the spring has been _16_ a job many

8、years earlier by a young town councilman(议员). His job was to _17_ the leaves from the pools in the mountain. He looked around the hills _18_,cleared away the leaves and branches, and wiped away the silt(淤泥) that would otherwise have choked(堵塞) and polluted the _19_ flow of water. The village soon be

9、came a(an) _20_ attraction for vacationers. Swans floated along the clear spring, and the view from the top of theAlpswas _21_ words.Years passed. One evening the town coucil met for its meeting. _22_ they reviewed the budget(预算), one mans eye caught the salary figure being paid to the keeper of the

10、 spring. He said, “Who is old man? _23_ do we keep him year after year? No one ever sees him. For all we know, he is doing us no good. He isnt _24_ any longer.” Then, they fired the old man.For several weeks, _25_ changed.By early autumn, however, the tree leaves began to fall and fell into the pool

11、s , _26_ the rushing flow of sparking water. One afternoon someone _27_ the spring water turn yellowish. A few days later, swans left, as did the tourists. Diseases reached deep into the village.Quickly, the councilmen held a special meeting. Realixing their _28_,they rehired the old keeper of the s

12、pring. And within a few weeks, the river of life began to clear up. Then, new life _29_ to the village in theAlps.Never look down on the seeming _30_ of ones task, job, or life! Even though it is rather small, it does make a difference.( )16. A. brought B. offeredC. found D. worked( )17. A. remove B

13、. use C. burn D. cut( )18. A. nearly B. finally C. regularlyD. hardly( )19. A. dirty B. grey C. fresh D. dried( )20. A. expensive B. popular C. unwelcome D. tough( )21. A. under B. above C. beyond D. past( )22. A. Since B. As C. Because D. If( )23. A. How B. When C. Why D. If( )24. A. young B. energeticC. strong D. necessary( )25. A. nothing B.



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