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1、精选课件ppt,1,Chapter 5 Fax, E-mail and Memo,Faxes: When you send a fax, be sure to include a fax cover sheet like this: FAX COVER SHEET Date: October 18,2009 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) TO: NAME: Jack Tony COMPANY/DEPARTMENT:Marketing Dept. FAX NUMBER: +(86) 27-8754-8040,精选课件ppt,2,THIS FAX IS

2、BEING SEN BY:,NAME/DEPARTMENT: Tom Smith,Design Dept. NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 INCLUDING COVER SHEET TIME SENT: 10:30 AM x PM -. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES CLEARLY, PLEASE CALL(915)355-8960,精选课件ppt,3,Fax Guidelines,When you send a fax, observe the following guidelines. 1. Be careful about sending any

3、thing longer than three to four pages. You can tie up the recipients phone line. Call before you fax to see whether the recipient will allow you to fax a longer document or would prefer that you send it another way.,精选课件ppt,4,2. Make sure your fax is clear,but,Always include your phone and fax numbe

4、rs in case the recipient needs to verify your message or has questions about it. 3. Avoid writing any comments in the margins or at the very top or bottom of a fax. Your notes might be cut off or blurred in transmission.,精选课件ppt,5,4. It may be permissible to send a fax to a company,After business ho

5、urs, do not risk sending one after hours to a customers home unless theyve agreed or requested it. E-Mail Guidelines for Using E-Mail Using e-mail technology does not mean you can forget about preparing and organizing your messages carefully with your readers needs in mind. Below are several guideli

6、nes for writing effective e-mail.,精选课件ppt,6,Format,1. Do not send messages in all capital letters. This is the equivalent of shouting at your readers. Moreover , your message will be harder to read.It will not look like professional correspondence. 2. Always include a return mail address as part of

7、the signature, saving your reader the trouble of looking it up. 3. Use clear and specific descriptions for your subject line. Avoid vague one-word subjects,精选课件ppt,7,Such as “Software” or “Conference.”,Better: “Advantages of New Software” or “Conference Is Set.” One e-mail included only the word “Bi

8、ll” for a subject line, which left readers wondering if the e-mail was about a person , an unpaid account, or a notice just sent. 4. Keep your subject line short.Use these words:Urgent: ,FYI(For your information only.no reply required),RE:(I am responding to your question.) Subject:FYI: Your car lig

9、hts on,精选课件ppt,8,(Cont.),Remember that the average screen has only 80 characters to work with, and most e-mailers use 60-80 percent of that for displaying the name and address of the sender, and the time and the date of the message. 5. Find out how much information your reader needs. Dont waste his

10、or her time with chatter. Readers of e-mail want only relevant, usable information, not “hype.”,精选课件ppt,9,6.Tell your readers what you would like them to do,Such as sending additional data; responding in writing. Maybe you do not need a respond at all. If so, tell them. 7. When responding to a reque

11、st, dont just repeat an e-mail message or question from a sender and give a curt one- or two-word reply. Courtesy dictates that you reply with a message of your own, not simply tack a comment to the original message and send both back. 8. Let the sender know you received,精选课件ppt,10,E-mail message ev

12、en if you cannot answer it until later.,9. Answer e-mail the same day it arrives, whenever possible. Your readers expect a much quicker reply to e-mail than for conventional mail. 10. Respect the cultural communication traditions of your readers. E-mails coming from other parts of the world is likel

13、y to use different symbols with other meanings.,精选课件ppt,11,Writing memos,Basic Parts of Memos 1. Heading: TO, From, Date, and Subject (or Re) 2. Body 3. Salutation and Closing: Memos do not require a salutation or a signature; however, many writers prefer to add both to make a memo seem more persona

14、l.,精选课件ppt,12,Sample: Standard Memo without letterhead.,MEMO To: All RNs FROM: Margaret Wojak, Director of Nurses Date: August 18, 2009 Subject: RN identity Patches Effective September.1, 2009, all RNs will be asked to wear an identity,精选课件ppt,13,Cont.,patch in addition to any other means of identif

15、ication (name badge, cap). You should sew your patch on the upper right arm of lab coats or uniforms so that staff and patients can easily identify you as an, RN.,精选课件ppt,14,Cont.,You may obtain an authorized Memorial Hospital identity patch for two dollars at the Health Uniform Shop directly across

16、 the street from the hospital on Ames Street. Please write me at my e-mail address mwojak memorial. com or call me at EEE Extension 3106 if you have any questions.,精选课件ppt,15,Four Common Memo Mistakes,1. The telegram writer 2. The scrawler 3. The windbag 4. The tease,精选课件ppt,16,The Telegram Writer,Some business writers, who otherwise speak and write well, show an odd problem when they write memos. They leave out major portions of sentencessometimes even the subject itself:,精选课件ppt,17


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