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1、湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学八年级英语下册unit10 sectionB 1a-2c学案(无答案) 人教新目标版【励志小木屋】:Learn young, learn fair. 学习趁年轻,既学就学好。【预习目标】词汇及短语 fan something to drink/eat think of a ball game fan 语法 能熟练使用反意疑问句能使用目标语言表示赞同或者反对【预习重、难点】:熟练使用反意疑问句一自主预习:(一)预习任务: Task1. 汉译英:多少_ 多大_ 恐怖片_ 喜剧_在聚会上_ 做运动_ 在电视上看星期五晚上的比赛_ 球迷_Task 2、完成句子:1. 那件衬衫值

2、多少钱?_ _ did that shirt _?2. 你的公寓多大?_ _ _ your apartment?3. 你认为这所学校怎么样?_ do you _ _ the school?4. 你是一个球迷吗?Are you a _ _ _?5. 你喜欢棒球比赛,对吗?You love baseball game,_ _? (二)预习诊断:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.How much did your skirt c_.2.You enjoyed y_ at the party, didnt you?3.What do you t_ of your English teacher?4.L

3、i Yuchun has a lot of f_.5.There are too many people in the park, its too c_.(三)预习反思:Do you have any question?二课中实施: Step1.预习交流 Step2. Warming-up Step 3: Lead- in Step4 Practice Step 5 精讲点拨: What do you think of the school?你认为这所学校怎么样?“What do you think of.?”常用来询问对方对某人或某一事物的看法、感觉、印象如何,意为“你认为.怎么样”,相当于

4、“How do you like.? What do you think of our English teacher?Shes very kind. How do you like the movie? Its very interesting.Step 6 拓展延伸:选词填空Look through, look after, come in, get along, get over, look like, look the same , look at, come along, give away, look for1.Dont worry about Jim. He is old eno

5、ugh to _ himself.2.-What does Miss Zhang_? - She is a tall woman with straight hair.3.If you _ at the party, Ill be very happy.4.I _ my shoes everywhere, but I didnt find them.5.They must be twin sisters. They _.6.I want to _ my old clothes to the poor people.7.Boys and girls, _ the blackboard.8.Wit

6、h our help, I believe you can _ any problem.9.My father is _ the book to find some interesting stories.10._, please. The door id unlocked.11.John _ well with his new classmates after he moved to the new school.三、 限时作业 (每空一分,共10分) 得分率_单选:1. Youve never been to Tibet, _?A. have you B. havent you C. ar

7、e you D. arent you2. -_ do you like the TV play? - Its boring.A. What B. How C. Why D. When3. - He doesnt know the match, does he? -_. I didnt tell him.A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnt C. OK D. I dont know4. I bought some CDs for my friend and they_ me $30.A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost5. My fathe

8、r is _ soccer ball fan. He likes watching soccer game _ TV.A. a, in B. a, on C. an, on D. a, with完成下列反义疑问句: 6. Youre Jennys friend,_?7. She can speak litter English, _? 8. You love baseball games, _?9. This is a great party, _? 10. Everything is really for the meeting, _?Homework:句型转换:1. She spent 2

9、 yuan on the notebook. (改同义句) The notebook _ _2 yuan.2. He has few friends, _ _?(完成附加疑问句)3. Hes finished his homework, _ _?(同2)4. The baseball game is very exciting.(划线提问)_ _ you _ _ the baseball game?5.Let us play football this afternoon, _ _?(同2)6.Lets play football this afternoon,_ _?(同2)7.He mus

10、t be at home now, _ _?(同2)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 8. Are you a ball game _(迷,狂热者)9. How_(多少)did that shit cost? 完成句子: 1. They _(花费) three months touring Europe last year.2. It_ (花费) them two hours to get home by train last night.3. This TV set_(花费) them 120 dollars.4. Could you _ _ _ _(给我谈谈关于.的情况) your work

11、and study?5. We often _ _ _ _(参加体育运动) after school.6. Do you like _ _(打) baseball or tennis?7. I met John , my best friend, _ _ _ (在聚会上)。8. _ _ _ _ _(你认为.怎么样)my new car I bought yesterday?单项选择 1 Do you enjoy _on the farm? A work B works C worked D working2 How much did you_ for the dictionary? A buy B spend C cost D pay3 -I hate vegetables. I_ eat them. -But theyre good for your health! You should often eat them. A seldom B often C usually D always4 -Which do you like better, hamburgers hot dogs? -.I just like Chinese food. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None学后反思:



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