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1、 Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!I Teaching Contents: 人教版 八年级 下册 Unit 5 Section A 3a-PairworkII Teaching Aims 1. Learn the usage of adverbial clause of condition. 2. Know how to predict the possible consequences.III Target LanguagesIf you wear jeans, we wont let you in. If you

2、 do, the teachers will take it away.If you dont have your ID card, you cant go to the party.=You cant go to the party unless you have an ID card.IV Key Points & Difficulties Key points: The adverbial clause of condition leaded by “if”. The usage of “unless”. Difficulties: In the adverbial clause of

3、condition, the present tense can be used to express future things.V Teaching Methods & Learning Method Teaching Method: The Situational Communicative Approach Learning Method: Cooperative LearningVI Teaching Procedure Step1: Leading in (5minutes) T:Good morning. Class. Ss: Good morning. Teacher. T:

4、Today I have a good news for you. 今天我给大家带来一个好消息。你们想知道是什么样的好消息吗?(intrigue students interest and curiosity) T: 我先卖个关子。 给你们看几张图片。看你们谁能够猜出我的好消息是什么。(show some pictures about parties and ask students to describe these pictures) T: OK. 谁能告诉我你的答案? (Ask two or three students to say their guessing) T: Party.

5、聚会。Very good.我们学校这周星期天要举办一场聚会,希望同学们都来参加。(put students in a real situation so that they can be more active and creative)Step2: Presentation (20minutes) T: 当然,要参加聚会的话肯定得遵守学校制定的聚会规则。我们一起来看一看学校这次举办聚会有些什么样的rules呢。(Then I will stick a poster on the blackboard , reading and translating the following rules

6、one by one with students)End of Year PartyI want you to remember the rules for school parties.Dont wear jeans! If you wear jeans, we wont let you in.不能穿牛仔裤,如果你穿牛仔裤的话,我们不会让你进入聚会。Dont bring food to the party. If you do, the teachers will take it away.不能将食物带到聚会上,如果你带了的话,老师会拿走你的食物。Dont bring friends fro

7、m other schools. If you do, the teachers will ask them to leave.不能将其他学校的朋友带来聚会。如果你带来了的话,老师会请他们离开。Dont leave the gym during the party. If you do, the teachers will call your parents.在聚会期间,不能离开体育馆。如果你离开体育馆的话,老师会打电话通知你的家长。Dont run or shout at the party. If you do, youll have to leave.不能在聚会上追逐打闹。如果你在聚会上

8、追逐打闹,你必须离开。Please bring your ID card. If you dont have your ID card, you cant go to the party.请带上你的身份证。如果你没带身份证的话,你就不能参加聚会。(On the poster, I marked the sentences with adverbial clause of condition by red pen. After making sure the students have understand all the rules, I will ask them to find the s

9、entence pattern “Ifyoullthe teachers willwe will”by themselves.)T:现在,我们再来仔细看一下,老师用红色的笔标注的地方,都有什么规律呢。“Ifyoullthe teachers willwe will” OK. Very good. 这些句子翻译成中文就是“如果你就会老师就会我们就会”我们在上一节课说过,这种句子结构在英语中被称为条件状语从句。If you wear jeans,”“如果你穿牛仔裤。”这只是一个前提条件。后面的“we wont let you in.”“我们不会让你进去。”是在这个前提条件下发生的事情。前面我们学习

10、过原因状语从句和时间状语从句,在原因状语从句中和时间状语从句中。一个句子在句中充当了原因和时间的成分。在这儿,“If you wear jeans,”这个句子充当了条件状语,所以它被称为条件状语从句。在我们运用条件状语从句的时候,有三个特别需要注意的地方(注意哦,好记性不如烂笔头,这儿要开始记笔记了):1、在条件状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时态或具有将来的含义,从句的谓语动词常用一般现在时态表示将来。We won=we will not Ill=I will Youll =you willIf he comes, let me know.If you become an actor, you

11、ll be very famous.2、条件状语从句可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。比如说:If you study hard, youll get a high score.=Youll get a high score if you study hard.3、条件状语从句除了可以用if引导之外,还可以用unless引导。Unless的意思是“如果不、除非”You cant go to the party unless you have an ID card.=You cant go to the party if you dont have an ID card.Unless=If n

12、ot Step3: Practice & Consolidation (10minutes)T:现在把书打开。Turn to page 36. (Ask students to finish the close-filling task in 3a and check the answers.)Karen: Are you going to_?Mike: Yes, I am _ to wear my new jeans.Karen: You cant do that.Mike: What will happen if I do?Karen: _ You should wear your coo

13、l pants.Mike: Thats a great idea.(Ask two students to read the dialogue in 3b. Then let students practice with their partners following the example.) Few minutes later, Ill ask two or three groups of students to play their dialogues in front of the class. Step4: Review & Homework Design (5minutes)T:

14、 同学们,再回头看看我们今天都学习了什么啊?对,条件状语从句。那么条件状语从句又有哪些需要注意的地方呢?1、在条件状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时态或具有将来的含义,从句的谓语动词常用一般现在时态表示将来。2、条件状语从句可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。3、条件状语从句除了可以用if引导之外,还可以用unless引导。Unless的意思是“如果不、除非”T: 好了,今天的课就上到这儿了。今天的作业就是与本小组的同学讨论练习并且完成4 Pair work. OK!Class is over. See you.VII Blackboard DesignMain Part:1、在条件状语从句中,

15、如果主句是一般将来时态或具有将来的含义,从句的谓语动词常用一般现在时态表示将来。2、条件状语从句可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。3、条件状语从句除了可以用if引导之外,还可以用unless引导。Examples:If you study hard, youll get a high score.=Youll get a high score if you study hard.You cant go to the party unless you have an ID card.=You cant go to the party if you dont have an ID card.VIII Summarizing


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