七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Reading课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、,Unit 5 Amazing things,The ghost in the park,To learn the new words and something about narrative writing To learn a strange thing occurred to Millie and Amy To skim the text for overall meaning and scan for details,Objectives,ghost,New words:,whisper低语,bush灌木丛,strange奇怪的,weak虚弱的,Carefully认真地,search

2、搜查 search the Internet,search the bushes 搜索灌木丛,reply strange leave quickly on ones way to happen everything wonder,vi. 答复,回答 adj. 奇怪的;陌生的 vt. 离开 adv. 迅速地,飞快地 在路上 vi. 发生 pron. 每件事,每样事物 vi. & vt. 琢磨,想知道,New words and expressions,carefully search himself weak pick surprised usual,adv. 仔细地,认真地; vt. 搜查,搜

3、寻,搜索 pron. 他自己 adj. 虚弱的,无力的 vt. 拾起 adj. 吃惊的,惊讶的 adj. 往常的,平常的,New words and expressions,1. Are you afraid of ghosts?,2. Are there any ghosts in the world?,There are no ghosts in the world. Dont frighten yourself ! 不要自己吓唬自己!,Tips,What was the ghost in the park?,The ghost in the park,unit5 动画.swf,They

4、_ (meet) a ghost in the park.,met,It was a_.,little cat,What happened to them?,Pre-reading,Part 1(Line1- ),Part 2(Line - ),Part 3(Line - ),Andy searched the ghost,They found the ghost was a cat .,Mille and Amy met a ghost.,Task 1 :Read and match,7,8,11,12,16,While Reading,What did Millie and Amy hea

5、r? Did they find anybody there? Why did they run away quickly? Who did they meet on their way home?,They heard a whisper from the bushes.,No, they didnt.,Because they were very afraid.,They met Andy.,Task 2 :Close-reading,Part 1(Line1-7),Part 2(Line8-11),Activity: the best voice of our class,(寻找课堂好声

6、音),Task 3 :Close-reading,Part 2(Line8-11),Millie.,It came from the bushes.,Task 3 :Close-reading,Who found the “ghost”?,Andy,What was the ghost?,It was a little cat,Why did the little cat sound like a ghost?,Because it was very weak.,Task 4 :Listen and Answer,Part 3(Line12-16),Whats in the box?,leav

7、e search weak reply wonder usual strange,1.as they often do 2.look carefully for something 3.go away 4.not strong 5.want to know something 6.to say or write something as an answer 7. being different or unusual,Can you match them?,Whats in the box?,I was afraid when I heard the whisper.,T,Are Millies

8、 words True or False?,The whisper came from a big tree.,F,the bushes behind the tree.,Amy told Andy everything.,F,Millie,We went back to the park with Andy.,F,didnt go back,Somebody helped Andy find the “ghost”.,F,Nobody,Andy found a little cat in the bushes.,T,Andy gave the little cat to Amy.,F,the

9、 animal centre,Whats in the box?,congratulations,70 scores,Whats in the box?,a We ran away quickly. b Andy found a little cat in the bushes. c We sat under the big tree in the park. d Suddenly, we heard a whisper. e We turned around but saw nothing. f Andy went to the park. g I told Andy about the s

10、trange sound.,Put into correct orders,Whats in the box?,Post Reading,The Ghost in the Park,at first,after that,Andy,Amy,Millie and Andy,were very afraid,took the cat to the animal centre,was not afraid,were not afraid,persons,did,at last,Amy and Millie,searched the bushes and found a little cat,feel

11、ings,Fill in the Blanks,heard,a whisper,Interview,Work in groups of four or five. One is the reporter(记者),the others are the interviewees(被采访者),Example,Reporter: I heard that something strange happened. Who was there? Interviewee: Millie and Amy. Reporter: When did it happen? Reporter: What did they

12、 hear? Reporter: What did they feel? Reporter: What did they do then? Reporter: Who did they meet on their way? Reporter: What did Andy find in the bushes? Reporter: Where did they take the cat to?,Think and say,From this lesson, I learn we should _,brave,confident自信的,helpful,friendly,Whoever we are, whatever we do, wherever we go, we must help the animals.,1.Read the story at least 3 times. 2. Do some exercises.,Homework,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,


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