人教版英语五年级上册《Unit 4 Part A 第三课时》课件

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1、,人教PEP版英语五年级上册,Unit 4 What can you do?,Lets spell,Part A,I say you do.,What can you do? Can you play football?,What can you do? Who can read the book?,Look! This book is so good!,book,good,look,football,/,发现规律。,Can you read more?,cook,foot,took,goodbye,There are many balloons in the zoo.,balloons,zo

2、o,noodles,food,My favourite food is noodles.,balloon,food,zoo,noodles,/U:/,发现规律。,Can you read more?,cool,school,too,afternoon,book,look,football,good,balloon,food,zoo,noodles,Watch and follow.,魔法记忆口诀,oo读长还是短,记住口诀就简单。 “看(look)书(book)好(good),煮(cook)木(wood)脚(foot)”发短 /,其他都是发长/U:/。,/,/U:/,book,food,nood

3、les,football,zoo,balloon,good,Lets make beautiful flowers.,Lets write more words now.,/ /U:/,/ /U:/,/ /U:/,/ /U:/,goodbye,cook,foot,afternoon,/ /U:/,school,1 book room,2 foot balloon,3 look cool,4 good zoo,5 cook too,6 goodbye afternoon,Listen and circle the words.,I make _.,You _.,I have a _.,good

4、food,look cool,football book,Listen and write.,( ) 1. A. good B. book C. zoo ( ) 2. A. noodles B. foot C. book ( ) 3. A. cook B. room C. too ( ) 4. A. football B. cool C. look ( ) 5. A. balloon B. food C. goodbye,一、选出划线部分读音不同的一项。,C,A,C,B,C,( )1. Look at that book. Its very nice. ()2. They play football at school. ()3. Mum is cooking in that room. ()4. It is cool this afternoon. ()5. My favourite food is noodles.,二、判断句子中画线部分的发音是()否()相同。,七彩课堂 伴你成长,七彩课堂 伴你成长,写带有/和/U:/的单词两遍。,写出更多字母组合oo发/和/U:/的单词。,one,two,


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