人教版新目标八年级下Uint 7 学案

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1、Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?Part AI. 语音测试(20 分)A: 根据所给音标在横线上写出单词。1. br:t 动词 bring 的过去式 11. sni:z 打喷嚏2. slju:n 解答 12. smuk 吸烟 3 ni 使生气 13. sigret 香烟 4. nid 生气的 14. breik 打破,违背 5. plait礼貌的 15. k:f 咳嗽 6. phps 大概或许 16. implait 无礼的 7. n:ml 正常的 17. lau 允许 8. biheivi 行为举止(n.) 18. pblik 公共的

2、 9. nkmftbl 不舒服的 19. drp 落下 10. vis 声音(嗓音 ) 20 pik 采,摘 B: 根据句意和音标在横线上写出单词1:Have you seen the _ pust? There is a new film tonight.2: Have you finished the _ t:sk today?3: If someone cuts in front of you in a _ lain , what can you do?4:Lisa works as a _ weitris in that restaurant.5: Dont drop _ lit ev

3、erywhere.II. A:用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空(10 分) 。B:请同学们会分析、能熟背下面 10 个句子。 (20 分)1:-Would you mind _ (turn) down the music? No, not at all.2: Could you please _ (put) out your cigarette?3: I _(do) them in a minute.4: I dont like _ (wait)in line, when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.5: I get _

4、(annoy), when someone talks me while I _ (read).6: Would you mind _(pick) the litter up?7: If you _ (be) with your friends, it is better _ (keep) your voice down in public.8: what _ (happen) to you last night?9: If we see someone _(break) the rules, we may politely give them suggestions.10: In fact,

5、 we should also take care _ (not cough) or sneeze loudly in public. Part BIII.运用下面所给词汇造句。要求:1 结合本单元所学时态;2 结合所有时态或你不熟悉的时态或由老师给出时态。每个句子 1 分。 (_分)1: Would you mind (not)doing 2: Could you please (not) do 3: turn down/ up 4: cut in line 5: get annoyed 6: right away=in a minute 7: wait in line 8: break t

6、he rules. 9: happen to somebody 10: take care (not) to do 11: in public 12 : put. out 13: keep .down 14:pickup 15:It better to do. IV. 书面表达。发挥你丰富的想象, (选)用第 III 题所给词汇在作文本上写成一篇作文。 (卷面得分 10 分,内容与形式 10 分)Part CV.用方框中所给单词填空:依据本单元的词汇和考点(知识点) ,主要词型变化,名词复数形式、动词不定式、动名词、词类转换、比较级、时态。Asmaller feed follow my wai

7、tress 1: My sister is a _2: Could you please _the dog.3: This bag is too big, I want a _one.4: I dont know the way to sports club. Can I _ you?5: Would you mind _smoking here?B:用括号内的单词的适当形式填空happen annoy bring return polite 1: Its _to talk loudly in the reading room.2: He is _if someone talks to him

8、 while hes reading.3: They _their photos to school yesterday.4: What _to you just now?5: Tom often borrows money from me, but never _it.VI:改写句子按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个词。 (5 分)1:The waiter brought him the wrong food just now. (改一般疑问句)_the waiter _him the wrong food just now?2:She will come back in a m

9、inute._ _ will she come back?3: Would you mind putting out your cigarette?Could you please _ _your cigarette?4: What was the matter with you ?What _ _ you ?5: Please dont do that again.Would you _ _ doing that again?VII:完成句子(10 分) 。根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。依据本单元词组和初中全面语法。1:你介意回答几个问题吗?Would you mind _s

10、ome questions?不,一点也不。No, not _ _.2: 加塞是不礼貌的。 Its _ _ _ _ _4:你住在北京已经多久了?_ _ _you _in Beijing?5:理发师给他理的头发很糟糕。 The barber _ him a _ _.6:乱扔垃圾对于任何人都是不对的。 _ _ is wrong for anyone .7:一小时以前,他们预订了饭,但还没来。They _their food half an hour ago and it _ _yet.总结:本题考察语言项目:1:重点:一般现在时 2:一般过去时 3:现在完成时 4:句型 would you mind

11、 doing Its +ad +to do how long give somebody something 动名词做主语 Key to the exam.I: 1yard:2poster:3brought:4task:5solution:6waitress:7line:8annoy:9annoyed:10polite:11perhaps:12door:13term:14normal:15behavior:16Asian:17uncomfortable:18voice:19sneeze:20politely:21smoke:22cigarette:23break:24cough:25impol

12、ite:26allow:27public:28drop:29careful:30litter:31behave:32pick:1:poster2:task3:line4:waitress5: litterII1:turning2: wash; dishes3:finish4:waiting5: annoys; annoyed; am reading6: not to be7: are; to keep 8: happens 9: politely 10: not to coughIII1: Omitted2: OmittedIV1:waitress2:feed3:smaller4: follow 5: my1:unpolite2:annoyed3:brought4:happened5: returnsV:1: Did, bring2: How soon3: p



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