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《电子商务英语翻译 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《电子商务英语翻译 (6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1.它已成为各种贸易和商务的强有力的手段。It has become a powerful medium for commerce and business transaction of all kinds.2.电子贸易指网上财务往来,电子商务则指所有形式的网上交易。E-commerce refers to financial transactions over the Web and e-business refers to all forms of transactions over the Web.3.客户服务已经是并将继续是一个主要的竞争因素。Customer service has

2、been,and continues to be,a major competitive factor.4.电子商务的交易通常涉及几个互动的步骤。E-business transactions often involve several interactive steps.5.那将给你以极大的竞争优势。That will give you a serious advantage over your competition.6.当你的公司电子商务化后,你与客户之间的关系就变了。When you become an e-business you transform your relationshi

3、p with your customers.7.客户关系管理在你的商务程序中起决定作用。Your most critical business process is customer relationship management.8.我们必须尽最大可能的利用我们已有的资源。We must make the best possible use of the resources we have.9.男孩子们依次被召入会见考官。The boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner.10.他做一切事情都不考虑后果。He does everything

4、regardless of the consequences.11.这部分我们讨论企业的产品和服务以及行业和英特网的信息。In this section we discuss the firms product or service along with information about the industry and Internet. 12.客户将能够舒舒服服地在家里享用信息,产品和服务。Customers will be able to consume information,products,and services from the comfort of the homes.13

5、.在英特网上可以直接得到信息,产品和服务,这就省掉了中间商,还会引起经济萎缩。The Internet allows direct access to information,products,and services,which cuts out middlemen and causes economic deflation.14.投资于该计划的机构在审核该商务计划时会有兴趣了解公司如何在竞争中取胜。Institutions financing the project while going through the business plan will be very interested

6、in knowing how the company is going to beat the competition.15.该计划应对如何达到目标市场作出描述。The plan should describe how the target markets are to be reached.16.如果产品是在英特网上提供无形的信息,就应该创造某种定价模式来调节价格。If the product is intangible information delivered over the Internet,one should try to create some sort of pricing

7、model to justify its prices.17.网站最初将包括哪些特点及未来的扩展计划是怎样的?What features will be incorporated in the site initially and what are the plans for future enhancement or expansion?18.你必须有计划的安排这些步骤以便将你的提议变成现实。You must lay out the steps to mark your proposal a reality.19.务必打个电话让我们知道你已安全地回家。Be sure to ring and

8、let us know youve got back safely.20.这家旅馆可以为 80 位客人提供住宿,此外,还有几个可供客人自己开伙的套间。The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and,in addition,there are several self-catering apartments.21.需要 12 个月来实施的战略也不可能成功。A strategy that requires more than 12 months to esecue is also unlikely to succeed.22.当一个企业准备建立电子商务

9、业务时,它应该考虑清楚实现其战略目标的其他可选择的途径。When preparing to establish an e-business presence,enterprises should explicitly consider alternative ways to attain the strategic objectives.23.我们要在出发前把一切规划好。We should get everything planned out before our departure.24.正如把电子商务战略融入整体商务战略中是重要的一样,把商务评价系统融入进来也同样重要。Just as it

10、 is important to integrate the e-business strategy into the overall business strategy,it is equally important to integrate business model.25.那样,最好的途径可能是开发新的潜能,改善现存的商业过程去实施新的商业模式。In such instances,the best approach may be to build new capabilities and transform existing business processes to implemen

11、t a new business model.26.评价一个人要充分考虑他的成绩。We should take full account of his achievements while evaluating someone.27.有时可以创立一个内在电子商业单位,然后把这个单位分割出去成为独立的法人。In some cases,it may be desirable to create an internal e-business unit and then spin off the unit as a separate legal entity.28.这一前景理论上可行,但实际上吹嘘过度

12、。While possible in theory,the promise was clearly oversold.29.这当然是重要的,但是董事会层面却远远不能理解。While that is certainly important,the enderstanding needed at the board level goes well beyond that.30.为了获得市场份额,他们必须竭尽全力。To gain market share,they will go to great lengths.31.然而,他解释说,设立两种对立的定价系统在某些时候可能导致不良企图的滋生。Howe

13、ver,he explains that setting up two separate pricing systems is likely to generate ill will at some point.32.守住承诺适用于客户服务的每一步。Following through on your promises applies to every step of the customer-service process.33.这就解释了顾客通过同类比较发现的任何差别。This will account for any differential a customer uncovers usi

14、ng an apples-to-apples comparison.34.我们要事先准备所有申请材料。We must have all the application materials prepared in advance.35.你需要确定顾客需要你的某种产品的原因和你的电脑怎样才能满足那种需求。You need to identify why your customer needs your specific computer and how your computer meets that need.36.在商业中,客户服务对于其成长和繁荣至关重要。In any business,cu

15、stomer service is vital to growth and prosperity.37.网络让你们建立起确实的一对一的动态关系。The Internet permits you to build a dynamic relationships that are really one on one.38.它确实需要你重新思考你的整个经营方式和管理企业的策略。It really involves rethinking the entire way you do business and how you run your organization.39.钱本身并不重要,重要的是钱的用

16、途。Money is not the end in itself,but the application of it is most important.40.一旦有人跟你联系,就要回应。Once youre contacted,be responsive.41.一开始,这个公司没有管理和业务计划,到现在为止一切进展顺利。At the outset the company had no management and operations plan in place,and things have worked out just fine so far.42.我们在销售厂家的婴儿产品的同时也提供生活方式和健康方面的信息。We provide lifestyle and healthcare information along with baby products that we sell for manufacturers.43.这家公司预期在 1999 年实现每年 50%的增长。The company expected a month-to month gr



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