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1、初一上学期复习掌握的基础语法 姓名 _ 班级 _一、名词1、本册书中不可数名词有哪些: (牛奶) (面包) (米饭) 。用法: (1)不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用is。Here (be)some bread on the table. (2)不可数名词再次出现,代词用it。Do you like milk?Yes, I like (适当的代词)very much.2. 既可数又不可数名词有哪些: (冰激凌) (沙拉) (食物) (水果) (鸡肉或小鸡) 。(1)I like (salad)for breakfast. (2) Two (ice-cream), please.3.有哪些名词常用复

2、数: (衣服) (体育运动) (袜子) (鞋) (短裤) (裤子) 2、可数名词复数如何变? 以o结尾的名词复数变化:photo_,radio_,tomato_, 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词变复数:dictionary_,family_,strawberry_,library_,不规则(7个单词) man_,woman_,child_,复合词的复数如何变 banana tree_, boy student_, man teacher_(男教师) woman doctor_(女大夫) 3、名词所有格的特殊用法:分别拥有和共同拥有 This is_(Tom and Sally)mother.Thes

3、e are_(Tom and Sally)mothers.二、冠词数词1、分哪两种: 注意 _ ninth girl 第九个女孩, _ eighteenth desk第十八张桌子; 基数与序数如何转换: 第8单元: _ _ = the_ _2、He is twelve _(岁) old. 三、代词1、人称代词的主格和宾格分别是哪些?如何区别使用?(写出) I _ you _ she _ they (作主语,位于动词前) _ us _ him _ it _ (作宾语,位于动词后)2、物主代词的名词性和形容词性分别是哪些?如何区别使用?(写出)my _ your his her _ their (

4、不能单独用,后面须接名词)_ ours yours _ _ its _ (单独用,后不接名词) 注意its_, its _(汉语) (3) it, one, that, those, this it代替前文所指的物,特指,单数,也可代替时间、距离、或形式主语与宾语,也可指人,当不知对方性别时用it;one代替上文所指的同一类物,泛指,可数单数,复数用ones,不可数用that代替,同时常用于两者比较中的另一者,如果是复数则用those代替,另外打电话询问对方是谁用that代替,不用you,而回答我是谁时用This is代替,不用Im。 I have a dog. _ is very cleve

5、r. I have some toys, do you have _, Mike? Whos _? _ is Nick. I found _ easy to study English well. The weather in Chongqing is hotter than _ in Beijing in summer. Dont throw it like _. _ orange is redder than that _. The books in the library are much more than _ in the bookstore.四、动词1、情态动词的用法 2、动词的形

6、式 (四种形式) 原形、三人称单数、现在分词、不定式(1) 三人称单数的加法 :特殊(2个) have_ be (are /am)_(2) 现在分词的用法 1) 直接跟-ing的动词: finish , be busy, What /How about, Thank you for,I must finish _ (read) the passage this evening. 只能接to v的常用动词(写出10个) want, Its adj. (of /for sb.) to do 写出省to不定式的句型? 3) Please (dont) do .3、 一般现在时: 动词原形或动词三人称

7、单数 4、请区别这些动词的用法(1) say, speak, talk, tell (2) look, see, watch, readThe twins are _ TV now._! The girl is swimming in the lake.I like to _ newspapers when I am free.They cant _ the words on the blackboard.He will go to _ a volleyball match.Dont _ in the sun.Does Lily often go to _ a film on Sunday?_

8、 at the picture carefully. Can you find something unusual?五、形容词和副词1、形容词和副词的形式 特殊(1个) good _ _little milk there is!七、介词 写出介词30个并想一下用法 区别(1) at, on, in1) 表示时间时:at 表示点钟和固定短语;on表示某日,某星期几,某日的某个时候和固定短语;in表示某月、某年、某季节和固定短语。 2) 表示地点时:at表示小地方;on表示在面上(接触);in表示大范围。They arrived _ school _ eight. _ winter We arri

9、ved _ Beijing _ Saturday morning. _ May 5, 2010 _ night /noon _ the morning /afternoon /evening _ the future _ the beginning of _ the age of _ a very cold afternoon_ last /first _ the end _ the same time _ the weekendThey often go to school _ foot. I go to work _ bike. _ AugustMy cousin stayed _ the

10、 room _ the evening of June 15, 2008.八、句子1、如何变否定句(4种情况) (1)be(is, are, am) +not (2)助动词(do, does,)+not 2、如何变一般疑问句(4种情况)3、 how构成的短语疑问词: how much (多少) (独立用;或跟不可数名词), how old (多大年纪),what构成的短语疑问词:what color(什么颜色), what time(几点), what day(星期几,注意区别whats the date?几号)10、常用句型的转换有哪些?请用所给的句型翻译句子(每条横线译一种表达)。2) Lets do sth., /What about doing sth? 去打游戏如何? _ _


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