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1、 安徽省安庆市第一中学2021届高三英语第三次模拟考试试卷一、阅读理解(共4题,共0分)1.阅读理解 Lagoon Bar, Iceland Blue Lagoon in Iceland is truly the place where you can get rid of all troubles. Here the warmth of hot springs gets you close to nature. A wonderful bar is opened among the hot springs. While youre sitting in the hot water, wait

2、resses bring you a range of cocktails. What to order: cocktail “Blue Lagoon” and white wine. Baobab Tree Bar Wine Cellar, South Africa In the hollow (洞) of a huge 6,000-year-old baobab tree you can not only drink a cocktail, but also rest from the heat of Limpopo Province. Once this safe heaven was

3、known only to the Bushmen, but now this ancient tree is the tourist destination for all kinds of tourists. What to order: anything in a glass. The Birdsville Hotel and Pub, Australia At the edge of the Simpson Desert, among the sand dunes (沙丘), which are the favorite spot for the mice, there is a ho

4、tel and a pub. The walls of this bar are decorated with old hats and posters of beer, the oldest of which dates from 1884. Most visitors of this building are the amateurs of racing. They come to this village for the September competition. However, the pub is not empty also on other months: the airst

5、rip (飞机跑道) is located nearby, so those who get off the plane are going to have a glass or two of beer first. What to order: a pint of beer. Floyds Pelican Bar, Jamaica It appears that these huge palm leaves and trunks fell into the ocean long time ago. They floated on the waves and then piled up yea

6、r by year, sticking out of the ocean. Thats probably how the Pelican Bar, located about a mile from the southwest coast of Jamaica, is built on. Some of its visitors have no room to be fitted inside the bar, and they just drink standing in waist-deep water. What to order: cocktail “Pelican Perfectio

7、n”. (1)What can a visitor order in Lagoon Bar?A.Red wine.B.Anything.C.Beer.D.White wine.(2)What can we infer about the Birdsville Hotel and Pub?A.It was opened in 1884.B.It is the favorite spot for the mice.C.It is busy in September every year.D.It is located in the center of the Simpson Desert.(3)W

8、hat is Floyds Pelican Bar built on?A.Old hats.B.Sand dunes.C.An ancient baobab tree.D.Palm leaves and trunks.2.阅读理解 On November 24, 1868, Scott Joplin was born in Texas. He became famous as a ragtime (拉格泰姆音乐) composer and piano player. Ragtime music was an early form of jazz. This music has a lively

9、 beat and was developed from the music of African Americans. Ragtime became popular in the early 1890s, and the music was played on the piano. The piano player usually made up a melody, then changed it a little bit every time he played. Scott Joplin was very good at composing, or making up music and

10、 playing the piano. When he was growing up, Joplins home was filled with music. Still, Joplins father did not want him to be a musician. When he was about 14 years old, Joplin left home to travel and start a life of his own. He traveled all over the Midwest playing the piano and composing music. Som

11、etimes he played with music groups. Other times he sang by himself in noisy saloons and bars. In 1899, Joplin wrote Maple Leaf Rag, a ragtime song that became a big hit and earned Joplin the title of The King of Ragtime. In all, he wrote more than 500 songs. Joplins biggest dream was to compose a ra

12、gtime opera. Finally, after 10 years, Joplin completed a ragtime opera which he called Treemonisha. This opera was about a young black woman who became a leader of her people. She tried to help her people gain their freedom and their rights. 1916, Joplin became very sick. He had a disease that made

13、him forget things and become easily afraid of things. In 1917, he was put in the hospital. He finally died there on April 1, 1917. Scott Joplins music became popular again in the early 1970s when it was used in a movie called The Sting.(1)Which of the following best describes ragtime?A.It is a kind

14、of jazz music.B.It was born in Texas.C.It sounds slow and sad.D.It is played on the guitar.(2)Joplin took up ragtime .A.with strong family supportB.against his fathers willC.for a richer and happier lifeD.with the hope of traveling(3)What can we know Maple Leaf Rag?A.It was a ragtime opera.B.It was

15、attacked by other composers.C.It was used in a movie.D.It won the composer great honor.(4)Which of the words can best describe Scott Joplin?A.Talented and traditional.B.Determined and productive.C.Stubborn and cautious.D.Patient and generous.3.阅读理解 Japan is aging faster than any other nation. By the

16、 end of this decade, there will be three retirees for every child under 15 and before long, one in six people will be over 80. Its population will soon be falling by nearly a million people every year and some people predict that, some time in the next century, the last Japanese person will die. Other countries are enco



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