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1、2015中考英语语法专题题组名词(教师版)可数名词及其复数形式【2015湖北黄石】36. -Im told your class has three new comers.-Yes. One is a _, the other two are _.A. Japan; Germany B. Japanese; German C. Japanese; Germans D. Japanese; Germen【答案】C. 国民的复数形式歌诀:中日不变,英法变,其余s加后面。注意这个结构onethe other(两者中的)一个另一个;one.the other+two(three/four)(多数中的)

2、一个另外几个【2015四川眉山】27.-Are all the students from _ in your class?-No, there are only 3 _ in our class. The others are from other countries.A. Germany; Germen B. Germany; Germans C. German; Germans D. Germen; Germany【答案】B. Germany德国;German德国人,德语;Germans德国人的复数形式。【2013黑龙江绥化】 I saw some _ and _ dancing in

3、the street the day before yesterday.A. Germen; Englishmen B. Germans; Englishmans C. Germans; Englishmen【解析】C。句意:前天我看到一些德国人和英国人在街上跳舞。复数形式:德国人:Germans; 英国人:Englishmen。【2012 营口】I have three pen pals. One is _, the other two are _. A. Japanese; America B. English; Frenchmen C. Canada; Australia D. Russ

4、ian; Germany 【解析】B。【2015哈尔滨】5. Health is important for us teenagers, so we should eat more vegetables such as _to keep healthy. A. tomatoes and potatoes B. tomatos and potatos C. tomatos and potatoes【答案】A. 以o结尾的词多数加-es。如 potatopotatoes,tomatotomatoes, heroheroes, NegroNegroes. (黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿)。但某些外来词和

5、缩写词如piano,photo等,以及以“oo”或“元音字母 + o”结尾的词只加-s。如:zoozoos radioradios【2015湖南娄底】24. Would you like some _for dinner? OK.A. tomatosB. tomatoC. Tomatoes【答案】C. 【2015湖南永州】19. Do you know how many _ you have?A. tooths B. toothes C. teeth【答案】C. 不规则变化ooee, tooth-teeth牙; footfeet脚;goose-geese鹅【2015黑龙江绥化】1. We ca

6、n see many _ on the hill in the picture.A. sheeps B. sheep C. horse【答案】B. 不规则变化,单复同形的名词sheep绵羊,deer鹿,Chinese中国人,Japanese日本人【2015四川广安】22. -How many _ can you see in the picture?- Two.A. dog B. child C. sheeps D. sheep【答案】D. how many需要一个复数名词。Child复数形式为children【2015贵州安顺】13. Here are some . Do you like

7、? A. oranges; themB. orange; it C. oranges; theyD. oranges; their【答案】A. 有are判断,主语应该为复数名词。Orange桔子(可数)、橘汁(不可数)、橘黄色【2015新疆克拉玛依】1. _are planning to go on vacation.A. Blacks B. A Blacks C. The Blacks D. The Blacks【答案】D. the+姓氏复数,表示一家人【2011湖南湘潭】The_ of most trees will fall in autumn.A leaf B. leafs C .le

8、aves【答案】C. 以f(e)结尾的名词变复数时,变f(e)为v, 再加es. 再如:shelf(架子)、half(一半)、scarf(围巾)、oneself(自己)、thief(贼)、loaf(面包)、wolf(狼)、knife(小刀)、life(生命)、wife(妻子)。但half、scarf后还可以直接加s.【2014黔西南州】_ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _ teachers. A. A number of; women B. A number of; woman C. T

9、he number of; women D. The number of; woman【答案】C. 用man或woman作定语构成的名词,变复数时两部分都要变。如woman doctor-women doctors,man teacher-men teachers. the number of 的数字(目),作主语时谓语动词用单数;a number of 许多,作主语时谓语动词用复数。【2013四川南充】There are some _ on the floor. A. milk B. child C. boxes【答案】C. 以x,s, sh, ch结尾的名词变复数时,词尾加es, 但当ch

10、发/k/音时直接加s, 如stomach-stomachs【2014龙东地区】Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our _ in C hina. Were proud_ them.A. women astronauts; of B. woman astronauts; ofC. women astronauts; in【答案】A【2014黔西南州】_ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _ teachers. A. A number of; women B. A num

11、ber of; woman C. The number of; women D. The number of; woman【答案】C不可数名词及量的表达【2015甘肃兰州】28. I paid ¥10 for _ this morning.A. 4 bottle milksB. 4 bottles of milkC. 4 bottles of milksD. 4 milk【答案】B. 不可数名词数量的表达通常用“a +表数量的名词+of+名词”【2015贵州遵义】24. -Can I help you, madam?- I want _.A. two boxes of apple B. two

12、 glass of water C. two bowls of porridge【答案】C. 【2013四川遂宁】Im so hungry. Please give me _to eat.A. three bread B. three pieces of bread C. three pieces of breads【解析】B.“我非常饿,请给我三片面包吃。”bread 为不可数名词,不能用数词直接来修饰,同时不可数名词没有复数形式。【2013湖北黄冈】33.What would you like to drink, girls? _,please. A. Two glass of water

13、 B. Two glass of waters C. Two cups of tea D. Two cups of teas【答案】C.【2015安徽】36. How can I get some _ about the 2016 Olympic Games? -Why not search the Internet? A. informationB. experienceC. practiceD. success【答案】A. some后应为复数名词或不可数名词。information信息,不可数名词.experience经验(不可数)、经历(可数);practice练习;success成功(

14、不可数)、具体化后可看着可数名词。【2015福建泉州惠安】I feel thirsty. I want something to drink. What about you? OK. Lets go and buy some _. A. coke B. cakes C. apples【答案】A. 由thirsty(口渴)判断,选可乐【2015广西玉林】27. I am hungry. Id like to have some _. A. rice B. sandwich C. dumpling D. egg【答案】A. some后应为复数名词或不可数名词。名词所有格【2015黑龙江龙东】10. Whose room is this? Is it the_? Yes, it is _. A. twins; Tom and Tims B. twins; Toms and Tims C. twins; Tom a


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