最新版译林牛津非谓语动词讲练(学生版) (2)

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《最新版译林牛津非谓语动词讲练(学生版) (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新版译林牛津非谓语动词讲练(学生版) (2)(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1非谓语动词预习单(一)仔细阅读下面的内容,并按要求完成后面的思考题:(一)非谓语动词的句法功能: 充当除谓语动词以外的各种句子成分成分类别 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 宾补不定式(to)+ v 动名词 -ing 现在分词 -ing过去分词 -ed (二)非谓语动词的分类,意义,构成:构成非谓语形式 时态和语态 否定式 复合结构 特征和作用不定式to doto have done to be doing to have been doingto be doneto have been donefor sb. to do sth. of sb. to do sth.具有名词,副词和形容词的作用

2、; 在句中做主、宾、定、表和状语动名词 doinghaving done being donehaving been donesb. / sbs doing作主语仅用 sbs doing具有名词的作用;在句中做主、宾、定和表语现在分词doinghaving donebeing donehaving been done分词 过去分词done在非谓语前加 not 或never特别注意: not having done;ones not doing / ones not having done具有副词和形容词的作用; 在句中做定、表、宾补和状语(三)非谓语动词的考点:、谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别:一

3、个单句只能有一个谓语,两个动作之间用 and 连接称为并列谓语,并列谓语需注意两个动词的形式的一致性;不用 and 连接时,只能用非谓语动词。如:“Cant you read?” Mary said _ to the notice. A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing、非谓语动词作主语,注意以下两个重要问题:第一 是并行结构问题 ,即主表一致性如:Seeing is believing. 第二 需要注意的一些结构:A) Its no use (no good) d

4、oing sth.如:Its no use quarrelling with such a fellow .B) 在 Its + adj. 结构中都用不定式作主语。注意两种句型:Its easy (difficult, hard, important, possible, impossible, comfortable, necessary) + for sb. to doIts kind (nice, stupid, rude, clever, foolish, thoughtful, thoughtless, brave, considerate (考虑周到的),mean(卑鄙的), si

5、lly, selfish (自私的) ) 后加 of sb. to do、非谓语动词作表语注意两个问题: 一是并行结构问题 To see is to believe二是时间问题:一般来说,不定式作表语都表示该动作发生在将来,故在表示“目的(aim, purpose) 、愿望(wish, hope)、梦想(dream)、需求(need) ”等名词作主语时其表语应该用不定式。动名词作表语一般用来表示“身份、职业”等。My job is teaching.My dream of life is to become a scientist.另外要特别注意现在分词和过去分词作表语的区别。 (人“d”,物

6、“g” )现在分词说明主语所具有的特征;The speech was inspiring.过去分词多表示主语所处的状态。The students were greatly inspired.、非谓语动词作定语 Do you know the student seated/sitting at the back of the classroom?Have you read the news referring to house prices? 你读到有关房价的新闻了吗?the concerned parents 忧心的家长the parents concerned 相关的家长非谓语动词作定语时要

7、注意以下区别:A) 分词作定语时与其所修饰的名词有逻辑上的主谓关系;a sleeping child,B) 动名词作定语时只表示用途、场所等意义;a sleeping bag,C) 不定式作定语时要注意以下一些固定结构:在 ability, attempt, chance, courage, decision, effort, power, right , time 等名词后;由序数词,only, last, next 或形容词最高级修饰的名词常用不定式做定语;如:I dont think he is the best man to do the job.He is always the fi

8、rst / the last one to leave the office. D) 表示被动意义的非谓语动词作定语时的用法:done 表示已经完成的动作:meeting held 已经召开的会议。to be done 表示尚未开始的动作:a meeting to be held 即将召开的会议;being done 表示正在进行之中的动作:a meeting being held 正在召开的会议;a 、非谓语动词作宾语注意点不定式和动名词都可以做及物动词或介词的宾语。下列动词只能用不定式做宾语,这个口诀可以帮助大家记忆: 决心学会想希望,拒绝设法试图装,主动答应选计划,同意请求帮一帮。2de

9、cide, /determine, learn, want, /intend, expect, /hope,/ wish; /long,/ desire, refuse, manage, attempt , pretend; offer, promise, choose, plan,/ agree, ask, /beg ,help 还有 afford, happen, fail ,tend,等动词也接不定式做宾语。,动词 know, show, teach 等常带疑问词加 to do 作宾语。如:My mother taught me how to use the new washing ma

10、chine.在某些复合宾语中,用 it 做形式宾语,而把不定式放到后面去。即:consider / feel / think / find / make it n./adj. to do sth. 例如:I found it impossible to finish the work on time.下列动词只能接动名词做宾语, 记住下面的口诀避免错过欣赏,禁止推迟完成,继续忍受否认,承认盼望原谅,允许想像冒险,介意不禁空想,建议考虑逃亡。consider, suggest/advise, look forward to , excuse/pardon/ forgive,admit ,dela

11、y/put off, fancy; avoid,miss,keep /keep on, practice;deny, finish, appreciate,/ enjoy, forbid,/ prevent, imagine, stand/bear ,risk;cant help , mind,allow /permit ,escape此外还有 be used to, lead to, devote to, stick to, object to(反对),get down to, feel like 等动词或短语,也要用动词作宾语, 要特别注意 to 的词性。 但 如果在 allow ,per

12、mit ,forbid ,advise 后提到有关的人,就只能用不定式作宾补。即 ;allow/ permit/forbid/advise + sb. + to do sth.在动词 want, need, require, deserve 等词后加动名词作宾语时表示被动意义,相当于 to be done。特别注意:带不定式和动名词作宾语意义不同的动词:remember, forget, regret, try, go on, mean, stopstop to do 停止手中事,去做另一件事stop doing 停止正在做的事remember/forget/regret to do (指动作

13、尚未发生)remember/forget/regret doing(指动作已经发生)try to do (设法,努力去做,尽力)try doing (试试去做,看有何结果)mean to do(打算做,企图做)mean doing (意识是,意味着)go on to do(接着做另外一件事)go on doing(接着做同一件事)cant help (to) do (不能帮忙做) cant help doing (忍不住要做)思考题:1. 非谓语动词和谓语动词有什么区别? 2. 动名词和分词分别不可以作哪些成分?3. 哪一种非谓语动词充当的成分最多?4. 非谓语动词的否定形式是怎么构成的?与谓

14、语动词有什么区别?复合结构的否定形式是怎样的?举例说明。5. 现在分词的完成被动式是怎样的?举个例句。6. 非谓语动词作主语和表语要注意的同一个问题是什么?Seeing is to believe.对吗?7. 在“It is + adj +of/for +sb. to do sth.”结构中怎么选择 of 或 for ?请举例说明。8. 用正确的非谓语形式做表语,翻译“我来这里的目的是说服他戒烟。 ”并解释。9. 分别说出哪些动词后面只跟不定式做宾语哪些后面只跟动名词做宾语,看谁记得多记得准。 (利用两个口诀。 )10. 讲出 allow, permit, advise, forbid,等词的

15、用法特点。11. 动词 want, need, require, deserve 等词后加动名词作宾语时表示什么意义?举例说明12. 哪些词后面既可以跟不定式又可以跟动名词,但是意义不同?看谁列举得多。小试牛刀:1、在下列句子中,每句都有一处错误,请指出,并用预习的语法规则作详细解释。1). I am sorry I cant help cleaning the classroom for you.2). I cant stand people to interrupt me all the time when I am working.3). “Dont forget to write ba

16、ck soon”, Mum shouted and waving good-bye to me.4). - What do you think of the meeting to be held yesterday? - It was a complete failure.5). It was foolish for him to waste so much money on such a computer.6). The purpose of the activity is teaching the students how to cooperate with their teammates.7). Women were forbidden voting in that country by law.8). Sh


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