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1、最成功的 10 个人给你的 10 个人生建议,读完少奋斗 10 年 Anne VanderMey 2015 年 04 月 25 日 10 Advices from top ten successful persons. 沃伦巴菲特:伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司首席执行官“一台标着 300 马力的发动机实际输出的功率可能远远小于 300 马力。在我看来,能做好事情的人并不是马力最大的,而是效率最高的。”Warren Buffett: CEO, Berkshire HathawayYou could have a 300 horsepower motor and get 300 horsepower ou

2、t of it or you can get a lot less. The people who I see function well are not the ones with the biggest motors, but the ones with the most efficient ones.马修威纳:广告狂人制作人“别人否定你的作品时,记住他们不喜欢它这件事实,但别去听理由。为了不伤害你的感情,人们常会觉得必须得说点儿什么,他们给出的往往是模棱两可的理由。”Matthew Weiner: Mad Men creatorWhen someone rejects your work

3、, register the fact that they dont like it, but dont listen to the reason why. People feel that they have to say something, and they often give a capricious justification to keep from hurting your feelings.迈克尔布隆伯格:彭博公司首席执行官“谈到自己的工作时要说我们,千万不要说我。这会显得很自大。”Michael Bloomberg: CEO, Bloomberg LPUse the wor

4、ds we and us when referring to your business. Never use I and me. It sounds egotistical. 莱斯穆维斯:哥伦比亚广播公司首席执行官“如果必须拒绝他人,态度友善一点。每年我们收到各方推荐的电视节目近 500 部,但只播出那些有新意的但我们希望回头等这些人制作出热门节目时,还愿意来找我们。”Les Moonves: CEO, CBSWhen you have to say no, do it nicely. We get pitched about five hundred television shows a

5、year and only put for new ones on the air but we want those same people to come back to us when they have a hit show.吉姆科赫:波士顿啤酒公司创始人“波士顿啤酒公司的招聘标准很简单:不能提高团队平均水平的人坚决不请。”Jim Koch: Founder, the Boston Beer Co.The Boston Beer Co. has a simple hiring standard: Never hire someone unless they will raise the

6、 average.尼廷诺里亚:哈佛商学院院长“了解自己的优点和缺点可能需要很长时间,过程甚至会很痛苦,但这是人生中最重要的事之一。”Nitin Nohria: Harvard B-School DeanUnderstanding your strengths and weaknesses can take a long time and can even be a painful process, but its one of the most important things to do in life.3玛丽娜阿布拉莫维奇:艺术家“在你的日常生活中,意识到自己正走Marina Abramo

7、vi: ArtistIts important to put the idea of dying 向死亡很重要,这样你会对活在这个星球上心存感激。”in your daily life because it helps you to appreciate your existence on this planet.加里赫什伯格:石原农场联合创始人“独立思考,质疑权威。权威只是短暂存在的现象。”Gary Hirshberg: Co-founder, Stonyfield FarmThink on your own and question authority. Authority is a sh

8、ort-lived phenomenon.斯泰西斯奈德:20 世纪福克斯联席董事长“能充分地表达自己的观点很重要,特别是以书面形式。”Stacey Snider: Co-chair, 20th Century FoxIts important to be able to present you ideas well, especially in writing.海琳盖尔:美国国际关怀组织总裁兼首席执行官“要实现社会变革,支持某些事是比反对某些事更好的途径。”(财富中文网)译者:Charlie审校:夏林Helene Gayle: President and CEO, CARE USASocial

9、 change is better achieved by being for something than against something.绝对不能听的五条职场建议 Kelsey Manning 2015 年 01 月 22 日 如果再有人对你说: “要始终照着自己的五年职业规划走 ”; “不要频繁跳槽 ”; “只管做好自己喜欢的事,钱自然会有 ”; “不要贪得无厌,用工作成果说话 ”别盲目听从,这些建议已经跟不上时代了。如果你真的照做,你可能会成为一个 loser。 24本文为与 时代 杂志的合作内容,下文章最初发表于 T 网站。网络上流传的各种职场建议已经数不胜数,其中自然不乏滥竽充

10、数者。幸运的是,在女性职场发展社区 Levo,我们不会相信那些自封的“领导力专家”或其他没有可信度的人随意提供的一些建议。我们会直接向那些身处职场金字塔顶端的人们请教,他们都经过不懈的努力,最终取得了巨大的职业成功。哪些策略是有效的?哪些流行的说法应该完全被忽略?以下,就是一些你绝对不应该听从的职场建议。1. “始终要有一个五年计划。”你还没听说吧?五年计划已经过时了,现在流行“随时转身”。有清晰的目标当然是件好事,也很有必要,但当你试图规划出未来五年的人生时却是另一码事。最好的机会往往会在你意想不到的时候出现。如果太过坚持自己的“五年计划”,当机会来临时,你可能会因为难以调整新方向而错失良机

11、。2. “不要频繁跳槽”This post is in partnership with Time. The article below was originally published at TWith so much career advice floating around the interwebs, some of it is bound to be poor. Luckily we here at Levo dont just trust the haphazardly doled-out opinions of self-appointed “leadership experts

12、” and other dubious characters. We go straight to the topmen and women who have worked their way to massive career success and ask them. What strategies actually worked for them? Which career buzz phrases should be ignored completely? Here are a few pieces of career advice that you should never foll

13、ow.1. “Always have a five-year plan.”Havent you heard? Five-year plans are out, pivoting is in. Having tangible goals is awesome and necessary, but trying to plan out the next five years of 频繁跳槽并不是最糟糕的事,比这更糟的是,埋头苦干、忠心耿耿,却因此被困在低薪的职位上,又苦又累却拿不到自己该拿的钱。现在是新经济时代,跳槽变得很正常。如今,员工如果在一家公司工作超过两年,其终生的收入会因此减少 50%。

14、所以,要善待并尊重你的每一任雇主,但不能因为担心被贴上“频繁跳槽”的标签,便始终停留在一个岗位上。3. “一切向钱看。”以及“只管做好自己喜欢的事,钱自然会有。”这是两个极端,但都是错误的建议。一切向钱看,不考虑自己的兴趣,最终的结果必然是从事一份吞噬灵魂的职业,做一些违心的事情。而且从长期来看,这也并非最符合经济利益的选择。另一方面,只做自己喜欢的事,幻想着经济上的成功也能奇迹般地随之而来,则是天真的想法,甚至有些荒谬。正如凯特怀特经常说的那样,应该考虑自己的兴趣和天分与最大的经济成功之间的交叉点,并朝着这个交叉点努力。4. “不要贪得无厌。用工作成果说话。”这是那种 40 年前来自中东地区

15、做小买卖的爷爷会给你的建议。虽然出发点是好的,但这种观点并不正确。还记得电影杰茜驾到吗?杰茜想成为学校的副校长:“我只是希望在未来几年内,我能获得足够多的经验,这样一来,福斯特博士就会考虑由我担任副校长。”教练问:“为什么不直接向上级要求升职?”杰茜说:“你不能去要求升your life is neither. The best opportunities are often those that you dont see coming. Being too stuck to your “five-year plan” inhibits you from taking opportunitie

16、s as they arise, and pivoting in new directions.2. “Dont be a job hopper.”There are worse things to be. Namely, the quiet loyal workhorse who never leaves or makes the money she deserves. Its a new economy people, job hopping is becoming the norm. These days, employees who stay in companies for longer than two years earn 50% less over their lifetimes. So yes, be gracious and respe



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