八年级上册英语第一单元试卷答案 修订-可编辑

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1、Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 检测题姓名: 座号: 分数:一、单词辨音 5分( B ) 1.A. give B. decide C. pig ( A ) 2. A. nothing B. go C. most ( A ) 3. A. try B. activity C. hungry ( C ) 4. A. young B. enough C. house ( B )5. A. stayed B. visited C. seemed二、选择填空 15分(D)1.There_afootballmatchonTVyesterdayevening. A.ha

2、veB.hadC.isD.was (A)2.-Wheredidyou_onyourvacation? -We_toNewYorkCity. A.go,wentB.goes,wentC.go,go (b)3.He_someoneplayingKongfuonthesquareyesterdayafternoon. A.seeB.sawC.sees (B)4.Howabout_somedumplings? A.makeB.makingC.tomake (B)5.-Wheredidyougo_vacationlastyear? -Iwenttothezootoseeanimals.Theyarecu

3、te. A.forB.onC.with (C)7.Shehadmuchfun_ontheplayground. A.playedB.playC.playing (B)8.Jimdecided_totheMountTailastmonth. A.goB.togoC.went (A)9.-_wasyourvacation?-It_wonderful. A.How,wasB.What,wasC.How,were (B)10.Lastweek,Iwent_andItooklotsofphotos. A.interestingsomewhereB.somewhereinteresting C.anywh

4、ereinteresting (B)11.Didyougo_? A.warmsomewhereB.anywherewarmC.warmanywhere(B)12.Icantfindmypen_. A.somewhereB.anywhereC.everywhere (A)13.Isthere_withyourbike? A.anythingwrongB.wronganything C.somethingwrong(B)14.Im late _you. A.because B. because of C.so( B ) 15.I was really busy. I studied _the te

5、st.A.to B. for C.in 三、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,每空一词15 分1 .Quite a few(相当多) students are in the classroom.2.Of course (当然) there are a lot of interesting animals in the zoo.3.我妈妈和我决定去坐火车。 MymotherandI decided to take the train.4.Yesterday I stayed at home(呆在家)5. Where did you go on vacation(度假)四、从方框中选择合适的单词填空。(

6、10分)Nothing, anywhere, something, nobody, everybody1. Who helped you clean the room yesterday?- _Nobody_. I cleaned it all by myself.2. Gina lost her key. She cant find it _anywhere_now.3. David is new here, so we know _nothing_about him.4. Can I have a talk with you, Mr.Yang? I have_something_impor

7、tant to tell you.5. _Everybody_can he successful(成功的)if he tries his best.五、按要求改写句子。(10分)1. I am really tired. (yesterday) 改一般过去时_I was really tired yesterday._2. we play soccer after class everyday .(last Sunday) 改一般过去时_We played soccer _after class last Sunday.3. I dont have enough money to buy a

8、car. (last year) 改一般过去时_I didnt have enough money to buy a car last year._4. I went to summer camp. 改为一般疑问句_Did _you _go_summer camp?5. He was in Class six. 改为否定句。He_wasn;t_ in Class six.六、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空10分1. ItwassunnyandhotalldayonMonday.Wewenttoabeautifulbeach.Wedad(have)greatfunpaying(play)inth

9、ewater.Intheafternoon,wewentstopped (shop),buttheshopswere (be)crowded,sowedidntenjoyit.OnTuesday,wewenttoamuseum.Ifoundaboycrying (cry)inthecorner.HewaslostandIhelpedhimfind(find)hisfather.This made (make)me feel (feel)happy.Ididnthavemoneyforataxi,soIwalkedbacktothehotel.OnWednesday,theweather_was

10、 (_be)cool,sowedecided_to play(play)tennis.Itwasreallyfun.七、阅读理解(20)(A)Last week,the teacher told us that there were many old things in the museum. So we decided to go and see them. Yesterday we went there on foot because the museum was not far from our school,and the weather was warm. The sun was s

11、hining. We walked down Zhong shan Road and turned left at the second crossing (十字路口). We found it on the left. It was between a bookshop and a library. Many people were there, but most of them were students. When the guide explained (讲解), we listened carefully. There we learned a lot.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)

12、误(F)( T )1. The teacher told them about the museum yesterday.( T )2. It was a sunny day when they went to visit the museum.( T)3. They went to the museum on foot.( F )4. The museum was far from their school.( T)5. Most of the visitors were students.(B)Last summer Jenny and her friends had a bus trip

13、 to New York. She felt very relaxing on the way. They visited a museum. But its really crowded there and the display(展览) were not interesting at all. They went to different restaurants to have dinner. Some food was quite delicious, but Jenny thought the fast(快的) food was awful. When the weather was fine, they went to the beach to swim. The sea was beautiful and they had a good time.(B ) 6


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