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1、文档来源于网络,如有重复请自行下载TED英语演讲:我们需要谈谈不公正Bryan没用任何图表和道具。为我们讲述了在花哨的惩戒上美国走的有点太远了,呼吁即使是罪犯也需要公正的对待。因为我们的生存和每一个人的生存都分不开。 我们在科技和设计上的前景,在娱乐和创造力上的眼光,必须与人性、慈善、和公正的远见相结合,往前看!下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:我们需要谈谈不公正,欢迎借鉴参考。演说题目:我们需要谈谈不公正!演说者:Bryan Stevenson演讲稿Well this is a really extraordinary honor for me. I spend most of my

2、time in jails, in prisons, on death row. I spend most of my time in very low-income communities in the projects and places where theres a great deal of hopelessness. And being here at TED and seeing the stimulation, hearing it, has been very, very energizing to me. And one of the things thats emerge

3、d in my short time here is that TED has an identity. And you can actually say things here that have impacts around the world. And sometimes when it comes through TED, it has meaning and power that it doesnt have when it doesnt.很荣幸来到这里 我大多数时候都 在管教所,在监狱里,在死囚室中 大部分时间我在低收入的社区里工作 在充满绝望的地区,做前途暗淡的项目 今天来到TE

4、D 看到听到这些激动人心的演讲 给了我一针强心剂 在这短短的时间里,我注意到 TED有自己的定位 你可以看到这里发生的事情 影响全世界 有时当事情发生在TED的讲台上 比发生在别处 更有意义,更有影响And I mention that because I think identity is really important. And weve had some fantastic presentations. And I think what weve learned is that, if youre a teacher your words can be meaningful, but

5、if youre a compassionate teacher, they can be especially meaningful. If youre a doctor you can do some good things, but if youre a caring doctor you can do some other things. And so I want to talk about the power of identity. And I didnt learn about this actually practicing law and doing the work th

6、at I do. I actually learned about this from my grandmother.我提起这个是因为我觉得自我定位很重要 我们已经听了一些精彩的演说 我们已经体会到 作为一个老师,你的话是有影响力的 如果你是个很慈善的老师 你的教导就格外意味深长 作为一个医生,你能够帮助人 如果你是个体恤病人的医生,你能帮助更多 所以我想讲讲定位的重要性 我不是从做律师 或者做其他项目学到怎样自我定位的 我其实是从我外婆那里学到的I grew up in a house that was the traditional African-American home that w

7、as dominated by a matriarch, and that matriarch was my grandmother. She was tough, she was strong, she was powerful. She was the end of every argument in our family. She was the beginning of a lot of arguments in our family. She was the daughter of people who were actually enslaved. Her parents were

8、 born in slavery in Virginia in the 1840s. She was born in the 1880s and the experience of slavery very much shaped the way she saw the world.我的家庭 是一个传统的黑人家庭 只有一个女家长 就是我的外婆 她很坚韧, 也很强壮 威风凛凛 家里有争执,她有决定权 不过很多事儿也是她挑起来的 她的父母曾是真正的黑奴 弗吉尼亚州19世纪40年代,她父母落草为奴 我外婆是十九世纪八十年代生的 这段父母被奴役的经历 决定了她看世界的角度And my grandmot

9、her was tough, but she was also loving. When I would see her as a little boy, shed come up to me and shed give me these hugs. And shed squeeze me so tight I could barely breathe and then shed let me go. And an hour or two later, if I saw her, shed come over to me and shed say, “Bryan, do you still f

10、eel me hugging you?” And if I said, “No,” shed assault me again, and if I said, “Yes,” shed leave me alone. And she just had this quality that you always wanted to be near her. And the only challenge was that she had 10 children. My mom was the youngest of her 10 kids. And sometimes when I would go

11、and spend time with her, it would be difficult to get her time and attention. My cousins would be running around everywhere.我的外婆很强势,但她也很慈爱 当我是个小男孩时 每次见到她都拥抱我 她抱得那么紧,我都透不过气来 然后她才会放开我 一两个小时之后,当我再见她 她会过来问我:“还能感觉我的拥抱么?” 如果我说“感觉不到了”,她就再度出击 直到我说“感觉得到”,她才放开我 她就是有这个能力 让你老是想亲近她 唯一的挑战是她有十个儿女 我妈妈是十个里最年轻的 常常当我去

12、和外婆亲近时 很难让她注意到我,有时间陪我 我的表兄妹们总是无处不在And I remember, when I was about eight or nine years old, waking up one morning, going into the living room, and all of my cousins were running around. And my grandmother was sitting across the room staring at me. And at first I thought we were playing a game. And I

13、 would look at her and Id smile, but she was very serious. And after about 15 or 20 minutes of this, she got up and she came across the room and she took me by the hand and she said, “Come on, Bryan. You and I are going to have a talk.” And I remember this just like it happened yesterday. I never wi

14、ll forget it.我记得,当我八九岁时的一次 我早上醒来,跑到客厅 所有的表兄妹都在 我外婆坐在房间的另一端 盯着我看 一开始我以为我们在玩游戏 我就看回去,对她笑笑 但我外婆是很严肃的 大概十五还是二十分钟之后 她站起来,穿过房间 牵住我的手 对我说:“过来,布莱恩,我们得谈谈。” 这就像是昨天才发生的一样 我永远忘不掉She took me out back and she said, “Bryan, Im going to tell you something, but you dont tell anybody what I tell you.” I said, “Okay,

15、Mama.” She said, “Now you make sure you dont do that.” I said, “Sure.” Then she sat me down and she looked at me and she said, “I want you to know Ive been watching you.” And she said, “I think youre special.” She said, “I think you can do anything you want to do.” I will never forget it.她把我带到一边说:“我

16、想和你说些事, 你不许和任何人说。” 我答应了:“好的,姥姥。” 她说:“保证绝不说出去。”我回答:“保证。” 然后我们坐下,她看着我 说:“我想让你知道 我观察你一段时间了。” 接着她说:“你是个特别的孩子。” 她说:“我确信你是无所不能的。” 这我永远不会忘记And then she said, “I just need you to promise me three things, Bryan.” I said, “Okay, Mama.” She said, “The first thing I want you to promise me is that youll always love your mom.” She said, “Thats my baby girl, and you have to promise me now youll always take care



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