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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part A Lets learn Make a map and talk Lets try Lets talk,单元小结 重点词汇 重点句型 小练习,Part B Lets learn Be a tour guide Lets try Lets talk Read and write Tips for pronunciation Lets wrap it up,目 录,欢乐记单词 轻松学语法,Part A Lets learn,science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital,sc

2、ience museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,Lets play a game! Whats missing?,science museum,cinema,library,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,books

3、tore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,science

4、museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,science museum,cinema,library,hospital,post office,bookstore,bank,supermarket,猜谜填空。 1.We can send a letter in the ( ). 2.We can see the films at the ( ). 3.If we are s

5、ick, we should go to the ( ). 4.We can see a robot show in the ( ). 5.We can buy some books in the ( ).,post office,cinema,hospital,science museum,bookstore,句型学习,句型: -Where is .? 哪儿? -Its next to/near . 在旁边/附近。 讲解: 这个句型用来询问和回答某建筑物的位置,回答时经常会用到一些方位介词,用于提示所问的地点的具体位置。常用的方位介词有:near(距离近),next to(紧邻;在近旁),b

6、ehind(在后面),in front of(在前面),beside(在旁边),between(在中间)等。,Lets talkWu Yifan:Robin, where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard. Robin:Its near the door. Wu Yifan:Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today. Robin:I dont know. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir. Man:Wow! A talking robot! What

7、a great museum! Robin:Where is the post office? Man:Its next to the museum. Robin:Thanks.,Talk about the places in your city/town/village.,turn left,turn right,go straight,Part B Lets learn,crossing拓展:cross(交叉;使相交;横过),post office,bookstore,cinema,school,park,turn left,How can I get to the Italian re

8、staurant?,go straight,Italian restaurant,hospital,bookstore,cinema,school,post office,park,How can I get to the hospital?,go straight,turn right,go straight,post office,bookstore,cinema,school,hospital,park,How can I get to the school?,turn leftgo straight,post office,bookstore,cinema,school,hospita

9、l,park,How can I get to the bookstore?,turn rightgo straight,Lets talk,Mike:What an interesting film! Wu Yifan:Yes,but Im hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant. Mike:Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant? Wu Yifan:Its next to the park on Dongfang Street. Mike:How can we get there? Robin

10、:Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. Mike:OK. Lets go!,pasta,steak,pizza,Italian dish,Italian food,Italian restaurant,an,Italian restaurant,How can we get there?,讲解:这个句子用来询问去一个地方的方式。注意 can在前,we在后,位置不要写反了哦。 例句:-How can we get to the cinema? 我们怎么到电影院去? -Turn left at the school

11、. Then go straight. 在学校处向左转弯。然后笔直走。,Read and write,map,compass,GPS,stars,Read the text and answer the questions.,1.What is Robins new feature? He can find food. He can find the way. 2.How many places did they pass by? _ 3.Which word under the fourth picture means 奏 效,起作用? _,Three.,works,Fill in the

12、blanks.Then retell the story.,Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _and _. They _ and then turn right again.,go straight,turn left at the bookstore,turn right,behind,between,in front of,above,单元小结,hospital cinema post office bookstore museum go straight turn

13、 right turn left crossing science turn left straight right,医院,电影院,邮局,书店,博物馆,直走,右转,左转,十字路口,科学,转弯,左,笔直地,右,重点词汇:,重点句型:,1. Where is the.? 在哪里? Its near/next to the. 它在附近/ 与相邻。 2.How can I get to the.? 我怎么去? 3.Turn right./Turn left./Go straight. 右转。/左转。/直走。,选择合适的一项,补全单词。,( )1.c_ _ ssing A. er B. ro C. or

14、 ( )2.t_ _ n A. ur B. or C. er ( )3.str_ _ ght A. ei B. ai C. ie ( )4.r_ gh_ A. e, r B. c, t C. i, t ( )5.Ita_ _ an A. il B. li C. ui,B,A,B,C,B,小练习,欢乐记单词,城市建筑多又多, 我们一起说一说, science museum里寻科技, post office里把信寄, bookstore里游书海, cinema里看电影, hospital里把病看, restaurant里吃大餐, 站在crossing四下望, turn left还是turn rig

15、ht, 不确定就来把路问, 原来是go straight到尽头。,轻松学语法,问(ask)路和指(tell)路 英语中常见问路的表达方法: Excuse me, where is+地点, please? Excuse me, how can I get to+地点? Excuse me, can you tell me where+地点+is? 英语中常见指路的表达方法: Its+表示位置的短语. Turn left/right at+地点. Go straight along+地点.,小贴士:常见的方位介词及短语: 1. in表示“在里面”。 2. on表示“在上面”,但两者互相接触。 3. under表示“在下方”。 4. behind表示“在后面”。 5. in front of表示“在前面”,正好与behind相反。 6. beside 表示“在旁边”。 7. above 表示“在上面”,但两者不接触。



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