小学英语语法测试题及答案 修订-可编辑

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1、测 试 题-ch1一:虾米宝典之be动词用法填空我用_,你用_,_用于她他它,单数名词用_,复数名词全用_。二:在下面的题目中填上恰当的be动词。1. I _from Australia.2. She _ a student.3. Jane and Tom _my friends.4. My parents _very busy every day. 5. I _ at school. 6. He _ at school. 7. We _ students. 8. They _ from China. 9. Yang Ling _ eleven years old. 10. Where _ y

2、our friends? 11. How old _ you last year? 12. Which dog _ yours? 13. Ten and two _ twelve.三:填出主格和宾格我 你他她我们你们他们它主格 宾格 四:填空第一组 1、 is a teacher. (她)2、 is a good boy. (他)3、 is in the classroom (它)4、 are very smart today. (你)5、 (你们) are students.6. Jim is English. _ (I) like playing with _(he).7.I love _

3、(they)very much.8.Miss Li often looks after_(she).9.They are waiting for_(they).10.Do you like Li Ming? No, _(I) dont like _(he).五填空第二组1. _ dont know her name.Would you please tell _. ( we )2. So many dogs. Lets count _. ( they )3. I have a lovely brother. _ is only 3.I like _ very much. ( he )4. Ma

4、y I sit beside _? ( you ) 5.The girl behind _ is our friend. (she )6. _(I) am a teacher.7. My father is talking with _(I).8. _(he) often plays basketball after school.9. _(she) is good.10. _(we) buy a pair of shoes for _(he).测 试 题-ch2一:填表格人称代词主格人称代词宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词my your his her our yours their it

5、s 二. 用人称代词填空:1. Tell _(他)how to get there. 2. Put _(它)there. 3. _(他们)say _(她)is very clever. 4. Who is there? Its _(我).5. What time is _(它)? _s(它) 12oclock.6. How far is _(它) to the zoo?7. _ (它)is so cold today.8. Tell _(我)how far is _ from Shanghai to Nanjing?9. _s damp and cold. _ (我) think _s goi

6、ng to rain.10. Show _ (他们)how to do _(它).三. 用物主代词填空:1. Is this _(你的)classroom? No, its not _(我们的). Its _(他们的).2. _(他的)father is an architect and _(她的)is an engineer.3. _(谁的)keys are these? _ are _(他的), not _(我的).4. This isnt _(我的)car; _(我的)is being repaired.5. Is the coat _(你的)or _(她的)? Its _(我的),no

7、t _(她的).6. _(她的)views of life and very different from _(我们的).7. This is _(我的)umbrella and that one is _(你的).8. This coat of _(你的)is much nicer than _(我的).9. Those ties of _(他们的)must be more expensive than _(我们的).10. I like _(你的)better than _(她的).三:单项选择1She is a student, _ name is Lily. Aits Bher Che

8、rs Dhis2_ piano is too old, but she likes playing it.Ashes BShe CHer Dhers 3. Where is _ new toy? I cant find it.Ayou Byour Cyours Dmine4. Let _ begin _ class. Aus; us Bwe; us Cwe; our Dus; our 5. These shoes arent _. They are _.Ahis; you Bhis; her Chis; mine Dyours; her 6.Myuncleboughtanewbikefor_.

9、 A.theirs B.they C.meD.I7.Heresapostcardforyou,Jim!Oh,_isfrommyfriend,Mary.A.heB.itC.sheD.its8.LittleBabyknowsthatheshouldnottakethethingsthatdonotbelongto_.A.heB.hisC.herD.him9. Willanyonegoonatripwithhim?Not_.A.IB.meC.mineD.he10.Amongthoselovelytoys,thebrowntoydogwasgivenby_.A.heB.hisC.himD.hes11.

10、 Your football clothes are on the desk. Please put _ away. A.theyB.themC.theirD.theirs12. _ English teacher is Mrs.Green. We all like _. A.We, she B.Us, her C.We, herD.Our, her13. _ bike is missing, and this is not _. A.Mine, meB.I, mineC.My, mineD.My, my14. Tom cant find his book, can you help_? A.him B.his C.he D.Her15. Between you and _ ,he is not a real friend.A.meB.IC.heD.His16. Heres a postcard for you,Jim! Oh,_ is from my friend,Amy. A.heB.itsC.itD.he17. Among those toys,this one was given by _. A.heB.sheC.herD.His18. Will anyone go on a trip with him? Not _ .A.heB.him



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