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1、Lesson 26Wanted: a large biscuit tin 购大饼干筒 New words and expression 生词和短语Influencev.影响 (= have effect on)- Literature and art have great influence on peoples ideology.文学和艺术对人们的思想形态有很大的影响力。- ideologyn.思想体系, 意识形态, 思想方式- Dont influenced by bad examples. 不要受这些坏事的影响。Under the influence of受的影响- We are und

2、er the influence of advertisement.Have influence over sb.有左右某人的能力- A teacher has influence over his students.Exercise influence on sbs behalfexercisevt.发挥, 实履 行, 运用, 行使on sb.s behalf 为了某人的利益, 代表某人behalfn.利益- What others think exercises great influence on most of us.别人的想法对我们多数人产生很大的影响。- The boss exer

3、cises influence on employees behalf.Influence / affect 的区别:influence 指“通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的,潜移默化的影响”affect 指“产生的影响之大足以引起反应”,着重“影响” 的动作, 有时含有“对.产生不利影响” 的意思。The bad examples will affect a lot number of students.Influentialadj.有影响的 , 有势力的Pridev.骄傲(proudadj.自豪的, 得意的, 骄傲的)pride oneself on(upon)为而感到

4、骄傲- He prided himself on his driving skill.take pride in以.为傲be proud of以.为荣, 以.自豪priden.自豪, 自尊(心 ), 骄傲, 傲慢in the pride of 处于最佳状态, 处于全盛时期- She is still young and in the pride of her beauty.put ones pride in ones pocket 忍辱含垢, 抑制自尊心Tasten.鉴赏力- She has excellent taste in dress.a taste of 尝一口, 尝一点- Oh, l

5、et me have a taste of your coffee.in good taste 得体, 大方- The beautiful girl is in good taste.In bad taste 粗俗, 不礼貌taste of 有什么的味道- The dish taste of fish.这道菜有鱼腥味。to ones taste 合某人的口味 , 称某人的心愿- He did what he wanted to do to his taste.There is accounting for taste. 【谚】人各有所好。He who has never tasted bitt

6、er knows not what is sweet.不知黄连苦, 哪知蜂蜜甜。- Bitteradj. 有苦味的, 苦的, 痛苦的testableadj.(= tasteable)可尝的, 滋味好的tastefuladj. 有鉴赏力的tastelessadj.没味道的, 无鉴赏力的taste blindnessn.味盲taste marker 时尚的首创者Exertv.施加Exert sth on sb- His wife exerted a lot pressure on him to change his job. - He likes to exert his authority on

7、 us. Exert oneself to do sth.努力, 尽力, 出力- He never exert himself to study hard.exert every effect 尽一切努力exertionn.尽力, 努力 , 发挥 n.行使, 运用Subtleadj.微妙的, 难以捉摸的(敏感的, 敏锐的)- He is a subtle observer.他是一个敏锐的观察家。Subtlyadv.敏锐感的, 有辨别力的, 微妙的Subtlety = Subtlenessn.微妙, 明敏, 聪明Advertisern. 做广告的人Advertisev.做广告, 登广告Adver

8、tisementn.广告Advertisingn.广告业, 广告 adj.广告的Classifyv.分类- The books are classified according to the subject.这些书已经按学科分类了。- subjectn.题目, 主题, 科目, 学科classificationn.分类, 分级, 分类法classifiedadj. 分类的 adj.机密的classifiableadj.可分类的classifiern.分类者,分类器Magicadj.有奇妙作用的 Samplen.样品 Devisev.设计, 想出 Capturev.吸引, 赢得 - His won

9、derful performance captured my attention.Capturevt.俘获, 捕获, 夺取- The police capture the two thieves.Manufacturern.生产厂家, 制造商 Wheelbarrown.独轮手推车 Bootn.(汽车尾部的)行李箱 Ingredientn.配料 Cranen.起重机 Anticipatev. 预期, 预料Anticipatevt. 占先, 抢先, 预料到, 预先做准备- Our attack failed because the enemy anticipated.我们的进攻失败了, 因为敌人预

10、先做了准备。- We anticipated the enemy would try to cross the river, so we decided to destroy the bridge.我们预料到敌人会通过这条河, 所以我们决定把桥摧毁。Anticipate (vt.期待, 预期)= expect(vt.期待, 预期)- We are expecting/anticipating a crowed of people at tonights meeting.Anticipate 强调以高兴或恐惧期待所想之事。- He is a man who is always anticipat

11、ing trouble. 他是一个总是把结果想得很坏的人。- The students are anticipating a wonderful vacation.(n.假期, 休假)wantedvt.征求, 招聘(报刊广告等用语)biscuitn.饼干, 小点心 tinn.罐, 听avoidvt.避免, 消除Advertisementn.广告(有两种读音)Advertise, Advertising, Advertiser (都只有一种读音)OurselvesEffortn.努力 Productn.产品, 制品Closeadj.谨慎的, 彻底的, 严格的Weaknessn. 弱点, 缺点 ,

12、 虚弱, 软弱Enablevt.使能够(有两种读音)Manufacturevt.制造, 加工Manufacturern.制造业者, 制造商Manufactoryn.制造厂, 工厂Manufacturableadj.可制造的Manufacturedadj.人造的Bakev.烘焙, 烤bring inv.生产, 挣得, 介绍引进barrown.手推车weighvi.重( 若干)come along 一起来, 一道走bootn.美 长统靴,英 (汽车的)行李箱sendvt.(sent, sent, sending)送, 寄, 发送 wereweighvt.称.重量, 称close(s 发 z)lor

13、ryn.卡车 , 载重汽车(美作: truck)variousadj.不同的, 各种各样的Text 课文Who won the prize for the biggest biscuit? No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.= Advertisements always exerts influence on everybody.No, avoid 双重否定- No students can avoid being influenced by their teachers.Much as we may pride ourse

14、lves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the thingswe want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste,= Although we may pride ourselves on our good taste very much,引导让步状语从句的词有:though, although, as用 as 引导让步状语从句时, 句子要采用倒装形式:(adj./ad

15、v./n./v. 要用在as 之前)1 adj.+ as +主语+谓语- Rich as he is, he is not happy.他虽然有钱, 但是他不幸福。- Tired as I was, I tried to help them.2 adv.+ as +从句- Much as I like you, I will not marry you.- Much as I hate do it, I must stay home and study English.3 v.+ as +主语+阻动词- Try as they may, they will never success.- Ob

16、ject as my parents may, I decide to do it.采用不同的句子结构、不同的词汇表达同一个语义:No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.= Advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a closestudy of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.Effortn.努力, 成就(需要耗费精神或体力的事情, 不可数名词)



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