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1、建议用时:60 分钟.语法填空A单句语法填空在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。12015乌鲁木齐一诊I hope there will be more and more charity shops in other _ (place)答案:places根据前面的 other 可知此处填名词复数。22015广东广州调研He had suddenly been transformed from an observer to a _ (participate)答案:participant根据“a”可知此处考查名词,根据语义此处为“参与者” 。32015金版教程原创The b

2、lood on his shoes and the fingerprint on the scene were _ (proof) of his guilt.答案:proofs根据空格位置可知填名词,根据语境填复数,proof 变复数直接加“s” 。42015百校联盟模拟In a society full of challenges and opportunities, in my opinion, it is a must to have a good _ of a foreign language.答案:command/knowledge 考查固定短语。have a good comman

3、d/knowledge of a foreign language“精通一门外语” 。52015河北唐山质检They dont realize that the _ (compete) is intense and that the required standards of work are high.答案:competition由空前的 the 及提示词可知,此处应用名词形式。62015宁夏银川二中期末He had witnessed too many _ (die) and wounds at the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years ear

4、lier.答案:deaths 这里指的是“死亡” ,况且空前的 too many 也暗示此处应用 death 的复数。72015甘肃兰州摸底Nothing but some vases _ (find) in a sunken ship since they began the exploration.答案:has been found根据句子的结构来判断,but 连接两个并列主语,谓语动词要和前面的 Nothing 保持一致。since 从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时,且主谓之间是被动关系。82015天津河东区一模How I wish I had worked harder! Large

5、 quantities of time _ (waste) by me.答案:have been wasted根据句子结构来判断,句子主语为quantities of time,其后谓语动词的单复数由 quantity 的单复数来决定,故谓语动词用复数。92015江西上饶二模It has become socially expected that if one lives in a neighborhood with children, one should buy treats in _ (prepare) for trickortreaters.答案:preparation此处考查固定短语

6、。in preparation for “为做准备” 。102015广东广州综合检测He felt he should be given the freedom to do as he wished on stage and often ignored his directors _ (instruct)答案:instructions根据 “his directors”可知此处填名词,instruct 的名词是 instruction,且为复数。B语篇语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。2015辽宁大连双基测试In your daily life

7、, there are many examples where your parents control hundreds _1_ things for you when you are a kid, such as the clothes you wear, the food you eat, whereyou go and how you get there. It is a good thing. Kids need this kind of_2_(protect) and help because they are notold enough to take care of_3_and

8、 make decisions _4_ (correct). But with you growing_5_(old), the part ofbeing a teen is developing your own identityone that _6_ (separate) from your parents. Different attitudes towardsevents like partying may lead to arguments, because your parents will always want to protect you and keep you safe

9、, no matter how old you are. As_7_result, your parents feel it hard to get used to the new situation with_8_ (increase) anxiety. What kids should keep in mind is_9_in most cases, your parents can relate to what youre going through because they _10_ (be) teens once.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._在日常生活中,

10、父母控制着孩子许多方面的事情。但是随着孩子的长大,父母就需要有不同的态度了。1of 考查介词。hundreds of 是固定短语,表示“许多,大量” 。2protection 考查名词。 “this kind of”后接名词,此处表示孩子需要这种保护和帮助。3themselves 考查反身代词。此处指代 kids,故用 themselves表示孩子们自己。4correctly考查副词。此处用副词修饰动词短语 make decisions,意为正确地做出决定。5older考查形容词比较级。此处是由 kid 到 teen,故用比较级。6is separated考查动词的时态和语态。separate

11、 from 是固定结构, “与隔开” 。此处是一般性的描述,故用一般现在时;又因为“identity”与“separate” 是动宾关系,故用被动语态。7a考查冠词。固定短语 as a result“结果” 。8increasing考查现在分词。用现在分词作定语,指父母正在增长的担心。9that考查表语从句。孩子应该记住的是大多数情况下,你的父母能理解你经历的事情,因为他们曾经是青少年。10were考查动词时态。由 once 可知,应用一般过去时。.完形填空2015山西高考前质量监测“What do you think of the extraordinary achievements of

12、your life?” Queen Victoria of Britain asked Helen Keller. “You are_1_ and deaf, but how can you make such great achievements?” Ms. Kellers answer was the_2_for her teacher, “If there were no Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would not be known.”When Anne was little, she suffered a great _3_. A

13、 fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood, and she was diagnosed as a hopeless “lunatic” (疯子 ) by the doctor. She was locked in the basement of a mental hospital in Boston. Sometimes, little Anne _4_attacked anyone who approached her. She_5_everyone who appeared in front of her most

14、of the time._6_, an old nurse believed that little Anne had hope and asked to_7_the task of looking after the girl. Shewent to see little Anne every day. The child ignored her most of the time, but the old nurse didnt_8_seeing her every day in the basement. The kindhearted lady left cookies to littl

15、e Anne and spoke words full of love and_9_to her. She believed that_10_she showed love, little Anne would be able to_11_. Finally, the doctor _12_changes in little Anne. Anne, who was always full of anger and hostility, showed_13_ and goodwill she had never had before. They transferred her upstairs and her _14_continued improving. Then the last day came, and she_15_the mental hospit


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