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1、 做教育 做良心 1高考英语专题:短文改错短文改错的八个技巧 1 先将全文通读一遍,弄清文章大意。2 判断对错不但要从本行、本句,还要纵观全文。3 多词处记住在该词上划斜线。4 缺词、错词处别忘了在原文中做记号。5 一般的情况下有一个肯定是对的,有一两个是填词或者删词,大多数是改词。6 留心逻辑的错误,尤其是动词、人称代词,肯定、否定等。7 遇到没把握的地方,千万不要顺便改动。8 注意考点分布的广泛性。如名词单复数的变化、代词、形容词等。另外动词时态容易 出题,再就是逻辑方面。改错阶梯训练Unit 1 冠词I. A 级 单项单句改错1. A elephant is heavier than a

2、 bear.2. It took the boy half a hour to finish the work.3. The doctor told me to take medicine three times a day.4. He is professor of our university.5. - What did Tom do?- He turned on television.6. We all know the earth moves around sun.7. She is the first one to come and a last one to leave.8. Th

3、e Browns are all good at drawing.9. Is the Changjiang River longest river in China?10. There is a n in the word.B 级 单项单句改错1. In 1870s Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia.2. The policeman caught him by his arm.3. The visitors will come to our school the next week.4. Alexander Gra

4、ham Bell invented a telephone in 1876.5. The panda is in danger of becoming extinct (灭绝).6. Beyond the stars, the astronaut saw nothing but the space.7. Alice is fond of playing the piano while Henry is interested in listening to the music.8. - Where is Jack?- I think hes still in bed, but he might

5、just be in bathroom.9. Many people are still in habit of writing silly things in public places.10. Wouldnt it be the wonderful world if all nations lived in peace with one another.II. A 级 单项短文改错Dear students,The Students Union has decided to organize the music week. 1._It will be held on the first w

6、eek of May. The activities 2._conclude singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music. 3._ 做教育 做良心 2Bring your own musical instruments, please. A music contest will 4._included too. The students take part in the contest will listen 5._to part of a song or a piece of music, and then guess whe

7、re 6._it come from. If youd like to take part in the music week, 7._please come and s ign up f or it before the April 20th. 8._The place for the activities will be announced lately. 9._Come to the great funs! 10._Students UnionB 级 单项短文改错Fred Crane was the great talker. He liked 1._talking more than

8、everything else in life. 2._It was like food or drink to him. When he went to 3._stay in a hotel, it did not take me long to 4._meet and talk everyone there. Sometimes when 5._he got on train, no one was talking, but Fred 6._soon made the people to talk. He could not sit 7._with people who was not t

9、alking. 8._But Fred has changed. In a way, he is not the 9._same man at all now. He doesnt talk many these 10._days. He never talks to people if he doesnt know them.Something happened to make Fred change.III. A 级 综合单句改错1. He teachers us the English in the school.2. My sister is an university student

10、.3. Bob hit me in face.4. We played football in the front of your house.5. He is so lucky man that I envy him.6. We often go swimming in summer.7. My parents are going to watch me play the chess.8. After watching the TV, she played the violin for an hour.9. She bought a bicycle, but when she rode it

11、 one of the wheel came off.10. For years she lived among the peasant.B 级 综合单句改错1. - Have you seen a pen? I left it here this morning.- Is it the black one? I think I saw it somewhere.2. She is a newcomer to the chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.3. Many people agree that a

12、 knowledge of English is a must in international trade today.4. How big dog it is!5. I offered him tea I made.6. My son is in England and Johns son is in Germany.7. I bought this coat at the tailors around the corner.8. Sorry, nothing is served. We are making repairing.9. Paper money was in the use

13、in China when Marco Polo visited the country in the thirteenth 做教育 做良心 3century.10. Most animals have little connection with the animals of a different kind unless they kill them for food.IV. A 级 综合短文改错One Sunday afternoon a friend of me called on me. She 1._stayed long time. She seemed unable to st

14、op talking. 2._Soon it was time of me to take my dog, Blackie, for 3._his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Blackie became 4._very worrying about his walk in the park. He walked 5._around the room several time and sat down right in 6._the front of the visitor and looked at her. But she 7._pay no attention, and continued talking. At last 8.



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