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1、1,2012年专四词汇冲刺精讲(一),2,专四词汇课程体系,Step 1 专四词汇规律(串讲) Step 2 专四词汇重点(精讲),3,1,account economic view authority involve charge reflect,4,account,n. 记述账, 账户解释,说明 vi. 说明的原因在(数量比例)占. account for on account of=due to, because of on no account takeinto account,5,economic,economic a. n. (s) economical a.,6,economic

2、,economic a. 经济的,经济上的,经济学的 n. (s)经济学 economical a. 节约的,节省的,经济的,7,view,n. 看法 景色 vt. 看待,考虑 观察 point of view in view of in sb.s view=in the view of sb. view as hold views against with a view to,8,view,n. 看法景色 vt. 看待,考虑观察 point of view观点 in view of鉴于,考虑到 in sb.s view依据某人的观点=in the view of sb. view as把视为

3、 hold views against坚持反对 with a view to为了,为的是,9,authority,n. 权力,管辖权 权威,专家 常pl.官方,当局 当权者,行政管理机关 entitle,10,authority,Shes an authority on phonetics. She now has authority over the people she used to take orders from. Who is in authority now?,11,authority,Shes an authority on phonetics. 她是语音学权威。 She no

4、w has authority over the people she used to take orders from. 对人凌驾、支配 Who is in authority now? 现在谁掌权?,12,involve,vt. 包含,含有 使卷入,使参与 牵涉,13,involve,be/get involved in卷入;专注于 be/get involved with与混在一起/密切联系 The job of a student accommodation officer involves a great many visits to landladies.,14,charge,fr

5、ee of chare take/in charge of charge with,15,reflect,v. 反映,显示 深思,考虑 reflect on思考 Make reflection on,16,2,subject tend accord arrest communicate contact device,17,subject,sbdekt n.主题; 问题;学科;主语;被实验者 adj.隶属的; 倾向于的 be subject to be subordinate to从属于 be liable to易受到,18,subject,sbdekt vt.使服从;使遭受 be subjec

6、ted to 服从于 遭受到,19,subject,Because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengers must subject themselves to searches and delays.,20,tend,tend vt.照料, 照顾 vi.往, 朝向;易于; 倾向 Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each

7、 other.,21,tend/incline,倾向 tend to do sth.主语是人或物 be inclined to do sth.被动,22,accord,k:d n.一致, 符合;(国与国)谅解, 协议 vt.给予, 赠予 vi.符合, 一致 of ones own accord主动 in accord with(与)意见一致 with one accord一致地,一致同意 in accordance with,23,arrest,vt. 逮捕,拘留停止,阻止吸引 n. 逮捕,拘留,扣留 arrest the spread of the disease,24,communicat

8、e,communicate with sb. communicate to,25,communicate,communicate with sb.与某人交流 communicate to把传达给某人,26,contact,make contact with与交谈、会晤、取得联系 have/lose contact with Please contact us as soon as possible. Contact lens,27,device,divais n. 装置, 设备, 器具 手段, 策略 Their proposal was only a device to confuse the

9、 opposition.,28,3,differ economics financial impression industrial personality region,29,differ,differ from=be different from differ/distinguish differ vi. distinguish v.,30,economics,经济学,经济原则 国家的经济状况 She is studying economics at college. The economics of national growth are of great importance.,31,

10、financial,a. 财政的,金融的 financial center,32,impression,be under the impression that 有某种(通常是错误的)想法 I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow. 我以为你明天才来呢。,33,industrial,a. 工业的,产业的 industrious a.勤劳的, 勤奋的 Industry Innovate Renovate novel,34,personality,n. 人格,个性 人物,名人 A TV personality,35,regio

11、n,n. 地区,区域 范围,幅度 in the region of 在的左右 earn in the region of 2000 a year,36,4,security associate critical establish feature interview issue,37,security,n. 安全,保障 抵押品 (pl.)证券 a sense of security in security 安心的,放心的 in security for 作为的担保(或保证),38,associate,vt. (在思想上)把联系在一起 vi. 结交,交往 a. 副的 n. 伙伴,同事 assoc

12、iate with交往 associate A with B将A和B联系起来,39,critical,a. 批评的,批判的 决定性的,关键的,危急的 be critical of 对挑剔,40,establish,听力高频 vt. 创办,设立,建立 确立,确定,证实 I think your statement is fairly established. 我认为你的陈述相当合理。,41,feature,n. 特征,特色 面貌,容貌 特写a special feature on education 故事片 vi. 突出,由主演 feature心中印象 characteristic与它物区别的特

13、征,42,issue,n. 问题,争论点 发行,报刊的一期 分发,留出 vi. 流出,发出 at (in) issue 在争论中 make the issue of sth. 对某事小题大做,43,5,range victim conflict decline distinction grind guilty,44,range,on a range of 在范围内 range fromto在范围内变化,45,victim,fall a victim to成为的牺牲品 Develop a contrast between,46,conflict,n. 战争;战斗(意见等)不合;分歧 vi. 冲突

14、;抵触;不合 conflict with与相冲突 in conflict (with) 与相抵触;和不一致,47,decline,n. 下降,减少,衰退 vi. 下降,减少衰退,衰落谢绝,拒绝 vt. 谢绝,拒绝 on the decline在没落中,在衰退中 refuse/reject decline婉言拒绝,48,distinction,n. 差别,不同优秀,杰出荣誉 Distinguished guest draw/make a distinction between a distinction without a difference 名义上/人为的区别(指实际上没有区别),49,gr

15、ind,vt. 磨,磨碎,碾碎 压迫,折磨 vi. 摩擦的吱吱做响 grind coffee,50,guilty,a. 内疚的 犯罪的,有罪的 be guilty for对内疚 be guilty of有罪-be innocent of,51,6,identity infer pose register claim conscious,52,identity,n. 身份一致 identical a. 相同的,相等的同一的 identify vt. 认出,鉴定把等同于 vi. 认同,53,infer,vt. 推断,推论 imply implai vt. 含有的意思,暗示,54,pose,v. 造

16、成,引起提出,陈述 vi. 摆姿势 假装,冒充 pose a threat to. pose as假装,摆出的样子,55,register,n. 登记,注册注册簿,登记表 register with在处登记或注册 Many regional associations are registered with the government.,56,survive,Few people survived in the earthquake.,57,claim,vt. (根据权利)要求;认领;索赔 声称;主张 n. claim back要求收回 claim on/for要求,索取,声称 lay claim to声称对有权利,58,conscious,a.有意识的知道的自觉的 unconscious adj.失去知觉的;不知道 subconscious adj.下意识的;潜意识的,59,conscious,a.有意识的知道的自觉的 be/become conscious of 意识到 TEM-4:2004 I


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