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1、1 个人情况(Personal background)(丰台区)请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。W: What do you often do in your spare time, Mike?M: I go swimming.W: Are you interested in swimming?M: Not really. I have to go swimming to lose weight.W: Thats a good way to keep fit. Do you like travelling?M: Yes, I enjoy tasting delicious food duri

2、ng the trip.燕山Text 6W: Your English is very good. Where do you come from?M: I come from Canada.W: What do you come here for?M: I come here to visit my aunt. She works in Beijing.W: Your aunt? What does she do?M: She is a teacher.燕山Text 10Dear sirs,I have seen your advertisement for a teacher in the

3、magazine Beijing Education. I think Im suitable for the job.I am a girl of 28. I finished my high school education in Beijing, and then went to university in Shanghai. I studied the language of English. I always got good scores for all my subjects. At university, I was a very active student. I was c

4、hairman of the English Film Club and a member of the university volleyball team. I have travelled to a number of English-speaking countries. I think my English language skills have improved. So I think I can teach senior classes without any problems.I have worked as a teacher for four years. I have

5、taught at a well-known language school in Haidian, Beijing. This has been a good experience. I have taught special courses in writing. I have also started a new course: Spoken English. I am a warm and friendly person, and my students enjoy my lessons. I like my students to work hard, but I think lan

6、guage learning can be fun. I encourage students to use English outside the classroom, and take part in English language activities. I have helped students put on plays and give concerts of English songs.I hope to be able to work with you. I really expect that you can accept me.2 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, f

7、riends and people around)(延庆)请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。M: So who is your hero, Lucy?W: My grandfather.M: Your grandfather? You cant be serious!W: Why not? My grandfather was a fireman in London. He saved lots of people and even got a medal awarded by the Queen. M: Oh, really?W: Yes, he was a fireman for 40 y

8、ears, and after he stopped working, he was a volunteer in childrens hospitals. M: Thats amazing. Id really like to visit him. W: No problem. You can go with me some day.M: Great!燕山Text 9W: Hi, Tom. M: Hi, Jenny. Such a long line. Im really hungry. I can hardly wait. W: Neither can I. In class today

9、I heard you say that you have a big family. M: Thats right. Ive got two brothers and two sisters.W: Wow. That is pretty big. Are you the oldest?M: No, in fact Im the second oldest. W: Thats got to be a lot of work. What do your parents do?M: Well, my father drives a taxi. He works out at a station a

10、t night. W: What about your mother? What does she do?M: My mother runs a small family store. W: What kind of store is it?M: Oh, we mostly sell food-bread, eggs, milk, rice, that kind of things. W: Since you have so many brothers and sisters, you can help your mother with the store. M: Yes. We often

11、go to help her when we are free.4 日常活动(Daily routines)(昌平)听一段对话,完成1415小题W: Hi, Harry!M: Hi, Jane!W: Hows your homework?M: Its a bit hard. You know what Im waiting for right now?W: No. What?M: A robot that can do all my homework, then I wont mind going to school.W: Yes. Im sure well be able to buy on

12、e in the supermarket one day.M: Well, Ill be the first to rush to the supermarket for it.W: You dont need to. Maybe well do all the shopping on the Internet. M: Thats right. Shopping on the Internet could save us a lot of time. W: By the way, do you think well still need a car then?M: Of course, but

13、 I think well buy an electric car.W: Why an electric one?M: Because it doesnt pollute the air, and its safe. And I think well use new ways to produce electricity in 20 years time. You know, using energy from the sun and the wind.W: Maybe well have wings controlled by the computer. And we can go anyw

14、here we like without traffic jams.M: And we can even travel to the moon or other planets.W: How exciting!(朝阳区)请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。W: What did you do yesterday afternoon, Mike?M: We had a basketball match.W: What was the score?M: Its 62 to 40. All of us tried our best, but we had bad luck.W: Im sorry

15、to hear that.(密云县)请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。W: Dad, would you like to go to the cinema with me? There is a new action movie.M: That sounds great! I like action movies best. When and where shall we go?W: What about Sunday afternoon at New World Cinema.M: Perfect! I am free this weekend. Id love to. I think we will have a good time.W: Thank you, dad.5 学校(School)(昌平)听一段对话,完成1011小题W: Whatre those photos for, Peter?M: I want to join the School Photo Competition this year. Can you help me choose the best one for this competition?W: You need to decide on a good topic. The Summer Palace is very nice


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