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1、2013高考英语二轮书面表达(图文为主)训练(05)及参考范文书面表达(共两节,35分)第一节 情景作文(20分)假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华。下面四幅图表述了近期发生在你们班的一个真实故事,请根据图片的先后顺序,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,次数不少于60。(请务必将情景作文写在答题卡指定区域内)第二节 开放作文(15分)请根据下面提示,写一篇短文,词数不少于50.In your spoken Endlish class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the pict

2、ure and explain how you understand it. (请务必将开放作文写在答题卡指定区域内)参考答案第一节 情景作文(20分)一、内容要点。1. 老师滑到。2. 学生送老师看病。3. 学生看望老师4. 老师回班上课二、One possible version. Last Monday , we were having our Chinese class when the teacher suddenly slipped. and fell. We were all worried about her. One of the boys carried her on th

3、e back. With the help of some others, to the clinic immediately. It turned out that her right leg was broken and she had to stay in the hospital. The following day, went to visit her with flowers and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hoped tha

4、t she would recover soon. This Thursday she returned to the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all deeply moved and proud of having such a responsible teacher. 第二节 开放作文(15分)One possible version: In the picture,there stands a tree full of fruit on one side of the stream.Across the stre

5、am ,a man is trying to reach out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net attached to a pole.Not far away there is a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit. The message conveyed in the picture is clear.In pursuing a dream ,we might focus on only one way of making it come true ,f

6、orgetting that there may be alternatives.As indicated in the picture ,if the man is willing to look for other possibilities,he can find a better and more rewarding way to achieve his goal.All he has to do is to turn around,cross the bridge and walk to the tree.第一节 基础写作写作内容 你的笔友William回复你的电子邮件告诉你英国高中

7、生课余时间可以打工,其内容要点如下:英国高中生1. 可以打工,每天不超过三小时,晚上不得迟于七点;2. 一星期18小时以内。William的看法1. 可获得生活中一些技能,如填表、应对面试和与人相处;2. 增强自信和独立性,学会如何理财;3. 有利学习和工作责任心。写作内容假设你是李华,请根据以上信息,以William的口吻将这些信息转写成一封信,内容包括:1. 英国15岁以上的高中生课余可以打工;2. 高中生课余打工的时限规定;3. 你(William)的看法。写作要求1.只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容;2.开头和结尾已写出,不讲入总句数。Li Hua,Very glad to have r

8、eceived your email. Now Ill tell you what I am doing during my unlimited time these days.-Best wishes to you and looking forwards to your early reply. Yours, William Dickens评分标准句子结构的准确性和复杂度;信息内容的完整性和连贯性。(基础写作参考范文one possible version)Li Hua,Very glad to have received your email. Now Ill tell you what

9、 I am doing during my unlimited time these days. In the UK, any secondary student over 15 years old can get a job legally in his unlimited time. Students, who can work as long as they work no more than three hours a day and 18 hours a week during the school year, cant work past 7:00 pm during school

10、 year.I guess, first of all, jobs can teach teenagers work skills they will need their whole lives, such as how to fill out an application, how to interview well and how to get along with co-workers and superiors. Whats more, jobs can help us teens not only feel more confident and independent but al

11、so develop a sense of responsibility for our courses and work. The most important of all, Jobs help us teens learn to manage our money in our life.Best wishes to you and looking forwards to your early reply. Yours, William Dickens第二节 读写任务 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。For many years, scientists have

12、warned that smoking tobacco is bad for health. Yet people around the world continue to smoke. The World Health Organization estimates that more than four million people die each year from the effects of smoking. That number is increasing.Scientists have identified more than forty chemicals in tobacco smoke that cause cancer in humans and animals. Nicotine (尼古丁) is the major poison in cigarettes that gives pleasure to smokers. The American Cancer Society says nicotine can kill a person when taken in


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