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1、2021年高考英语二轮复习七选五专项练习七How to Be a Great Best FriendEveryone wants to be a great best friend but doesnt know how or where to start that perfect friendship.The following will help you.Be your own best friend first. (1) If you cant respect yourself,then you cant respect others.Understand what values are

2、 important to you and stick to them.Seek out others who honor those values because youll only end up hurting yourself and possibly others if those people dont have the same values as you.Trust each other. (2) All you have to do really is make sure you can both trust each other.Dont try to trick or u

3、se your friend to your advantage;you need to make them know they can trust you. Learn to listen.Nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks,but never listens.If youre a chatterbox,try to develop good listening skills.Whenever your best friend says something,listen carefully and say something

4、. (3) If they ask for advice,listen carefully and give them the best advice you can.Care for your best friend.If your best friend is upset,ask them whats wrong,They might not tell you straight away,but they should in the end. (4) Understand that certain things are private,and trust that theyd be jus

5、t as patient with you if you were in their shoes.Let your friend have other friends,too.If your best friend picks another friend over you,try to be friends with their friend too. (5) Everyone is always looking for new friends.But never leave the old one;your loyalty is what the other person expects

6、and counts on every day.A.Learn how to respect yourself.B.Maybe you guys can be a group of friends!C.Dont interrupt while theyre talking to you. D.Best friends are the most valuable friends you have.E.If they dont tell you,dont get angry at them.F.To be a great best friend really doesnt take much.G.

7、Take time out of your day to appreciate the funny things in life.Making words shorter is a common habit of English speakers today.It seems that most sayings or popular words have their own abbreviation. (1) For example, LOL stands for “laughing out loud”,IMO is “in my opinion” and BTW is “by the way

8、”. US technology website Lifewire made a list of the most common abbreviations in 2016.Simple ones you may already know - like BTW, IMO and IDK (I dont know) made the list. (2) They include TFW (that feeling when), and FTW (for the win). TFW is sometimes used along with a funny photo to describe you

9、r feelings, while FTW is a kind of internet cheer used to express happiness. (3) You can use this one before you tell someone what you think about something. (4) Terry Wood, a foreign language teacher from Leonardtown, US, says the habits have lowered his students writing abilities. “They do not cap

10、italize (大写) words or use punctuation anymore,” Wood told US News. “ (5) ”A. The list is meant to be good fun.B. Another interesting learn is IMHO (in my humble opinion).C. But there were lots of other more difficult ones on the list, too.D. This happens a lot when they are used on social media or i

11、n a text message.E. Any word longer than one syllable (音节) is now abbreviated to one.F. Researchers identified several ways in which teens changed language while speaking online.G. However, some people believe these abbreviations are also causing problems.Does meeting new people make you nervous? If

12、 so, you are not alone. But making a good first impression isnt as hard as you might think. It just involves a few simple choices.Look your best (1) But you dont need to look like a model to make a good impression. You just need to take care of yourself. Make sure your clothing is clean, not wrinkle

13、d and appropriate for the situation (2) .Stand tall The way you stand, sit and move tells others a lot about you. Standing up straight makes you look and feel confident. When you approach someone, make eye contact and smile to show youre friendly and interested. (3) Speak up Speak loudly and clearly

14、 enough so that people dont have to struggle to hear you. If you dont know what to say, ask questions. (4) When people are talking, pay attention to what theyre saying rather than planning what youll say next. And if youre not sure what they mean, ask!Value people Most importantly, show people you c

15、are. Your concerns for them will be obvious if you smile and listen carefully. (5) Dont keep them waiting. Everyone you meet is important. So make eye contact, smile and greet them. Theyll appreciate it and others may be watching.A. And remember, you are important, tooB. Respect other peoples time, tooC. Most people enjoy talking about themselvesD. Then greet them with a firm handshakeE. One survey said blue and black are best for job interviewF. Obviously your appearance influences peoples impression of youG. Dont forget little things like brush


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