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1、Revised on 2014.01.29About Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group LimitedChow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited, a leading jewellerin the Mainland of China,Hong Kong and Macau, was listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in December 2011 and has become the worlds largest pure-play jeweller

2、 by market capitalisation. Chow Tai Fook is now a constituent stock of the Hang Seng China 50 Index and Hang Seng Mainland 100 Index. Its core business is manufacturing and selling of mass luxury and high-end luxury jewellery products including gem-set jewellery, gold product, and platinum and karat

3、 gold product; and watch. The Groups iconic brand “Chow Tai Fook” and long-standing history of over 80 years of operations represent key competitive advantages of its business. The Chow Tai Fook brand is recognised for its trustworthiness and authenticity, and renowned for its product design, qualit

4、y and value. The Group has an extensive retail network, with over 2,000 points of sale in more than 400 cities in Greater China, Singapore and Malaysia. It has also successfully developed its e-commerce in recent years. The Groups vertically integrated business model gives it an effective and tight

5、control over the entire operation chain from raw material procurement, design, production, to marketing and sales through its extensive retail network.關於周大福珠寶集團有限公司周大福珠寶集團有限公司是中國內地及港澳的領先珠寶商,于2011年12月在香港聯合交易所主機板上市,成為全球市值最大的純珠寶商,現為恒生神州 50 指數及恒生中國內地100指數的成份股之一。集團的核心業務為製造及銷售主流珠寶及名貴珠寶產品,包括珠寶鑲嵌首飾、黃金產品與鉑金和

6、K金產品,以及鐘錶。本集團標誌性品牌周大福及80多年輝煌經營歷史乃業務的關鍵競爭優勢,周大福是信譽及正貨的象徵,以產品設計、品質及價值聞名。周大福擁有龐大的零售網路,于大中華區、新加坡與馬來西亞的零售點共逾2,000個,遍佈400多個城市,近年更成功拓展電子商貿的業務。集團建立的垂直整合經營業務模式,能有效和謹慎監控集團的整體業務運作,包括原材料採購、設計、生產、以及在龐大的零售網路進行之市場推廣與銷售活動。关于周大福珠宝集团有限公司周大福珠宝集团有限公司是中国内地及港澳的领先珠宝商,于2011年12月在香港联合交易所主板上市,成为全球市值最大的纯珠宝商,现为恒生神州 50 指数及恒生中国内地100指数的成份股之一。集团的核心业务为制造及销售主流珠宝及名贵珠宝产品,包括珠宝镶嵌首饰、黄金产品与铂金和K金产品,以及钟表。本集团标志性品牌周大福及80多年辉煌经营历史乃业务的关键竞争优势,周大福是信誉及正货的象征,以产品设计、质量及价值闻名。周大福拥有庞大的零售网络,于大中华区、新加坡与马来西亚的零售点共逾2,000个,遍布400多个城市,近年更成功拓展电子商贸的业务。集团建立的垂直整合经营业务模式,能有效和谨慎监控集团的整体业务运作,包括原材料采购、设计、生产、以及在庞大的零售网络进行之市场推广与销售活动。


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