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1、1,CANADA BEEF EXPORT FEDERATION SEMINARFood Safety in Canada加拿大的食品安全,Canadian Industry Update Since BSE 經歷 BSE 後的加拿大牛肉產業現況,2,Food Safety in Canada加拿大的食品安全,Presentation by Ben Thorlakson Chairman Canada Beef Export Federation,3,Thank you ,To all importers, distributors, processors and end users of Ca

2、nadian beef for your support over the past year. 感謝所有的牛肉進口商、經銷商、加工業者及廣大的消費者於過去到現在對加拿大牛肉的支持。 By working together, we will be able to reestablish access. Our past and future success is shared and strong. 透過一起的努力,我們相信將再次建立加拿大牛肉產品的銷路,共享我們過去和未來的成功與茁壯。,4,May 20th BSE Immediate suspension of trade for Cana

3、dian beef對加拿大牛肉貿易的衝擊,2002 - nearly 60% of Canadas beef production went to exports 在2002年,將近60%加拿大生產的牛肉,出口至世界各地 Canada positioned as 3rd largest exporter of beef and cattle in the world 加拿大是世界第三大牛肉及活牛出口國,5,Domestic processors immediately reduced slaughter rates屠宰業者大幅的減少屠宰量,Pre-BSE 70,000 head/week BS

4、E發生前 萬頭/週,Post-BSE 30,000 head/week BSE發生後 萬頭/週,Slaughter Rates 屠宰量,6,Helpful developments:有利於產業發展的項目,Support of Canadian consumers 加拿大消費者的支持 Canadian Government BSE assistance programs 加拿大政府針對BSE的輔助計劃 Opening of boneless beef exports from cattle UTM into US and Mexico 美國及墨西哥宣佈開放進口月齡以下、去骨的加拿大牛肉 2004

5、 processing rates average 67,000 head/week 7% higher than same period in 2003 2004年初屠宰量67,000頭/週比2003年同期增加%,7,Canadas slaughter capacity Historical加拿大牛隻屠宰量的歷史,Canada does not have capacity to process all of its slaughter cattle 加拿大沒有足夠的屠宰能力處理所有可供屠宰的牛隻 Demand met by US plants 美國的屠宰場,彌補此不足的屠宰需求 In mid

6、-1970s, Canada processed 4.5 million head annually 1970中期,加拿大每年可處理.百萬頭牛隻 By early 1990s, Canadas capacity declined to 2.7 million head 1990初,加拿大牛隻屠宰量降至每年.百萬頭,8,Canadas slaughter capacity Current目前加拿大牛隻屠宰量,Arrival of Cargill/Excel and Tyson/IBP in 1990s changed declining capacity 1990年代 Cargill&Tyson

7、 改變加拿大牛隻屠宰量下滑的趨勢 2002 close to 3.4 million head processed in Canada 2002年,於加拿大牛隻屠宰量接近每年.百萬頭 Current beef herd is nearly 5 million head necessary to process 4.4 to 4.5 million head of cattle annually. 目前加拿大牛牧群接近百萬頭而其中.百萬頭需處理 Until May 20, surplus production was processed in the US 至2003年5月20日,過剩的牛隻都被

8、運送至美國處理,9,Cattle PricesYouthful grain-fed cattle年輕穀物飼養的牛隻價格,Pre-BSE $110/cwt BSE發生前$110/每百磅 Federal Government Assistance Program 聯邦政府協助計劃 December 2003 US BSE case 2003年12月美國發生第一起BSE案例,July 2003 $35/cwt 2003年7月$35/每百磅 recovered to $80-$90/cwt by Fall 2003 2003年秋天牛隻價格恢復至$80-$90/每百磅 price weakened to

9、 $70/cwt 牛隻價格跌至$70/每百磅,10,Cattle PricesMature cattle 淘汰母牛的牛隻價格,Pre-BSE: $60/cwt BSE發生前$60/每百磅 Marginal increases since 牛隻價格略為增加 Current weekly slaughter rate 目前每週的屠宰量,August 2003: $10/cwt 2003年8月:$10/每百磅 current price = 20/cwt 目前價格 $20/每百磅 25% - 30% lower than pre-BSE levels 每週的屠宰量低於BSE發生前25%30%,11,

10、The cost of one BSE cow產業的損失,An independent study suggests one BSE cow will cost the Canadian industry close to $4.5 billion by early 2004 至2004年初期,這頭BSE牛造成加拿大約45億加幣的損失(約1,125億台幣),12,Market Reopening市場重新開放,Canadas production capabilities are ready to respond as each market opens 加拿大的生產力仍維持完整,隨時可應付每個

11、市場的需求,As in the US and Mexico, market reopening is an orderly process that maintains consumer confidence 依美國及墨西哥經驗,要重新開放加拿大牛肉市場交易需有賴於消費者的信心,13,Ben Thorlakson, Chairman Canada Beef Export Federation,“We look forward to reestablishing trade with your market. “We remain dedicated to serving your needs.

12、” 我們期待市場的重新開放,以提供您最好的服務,14,Food Safety in Canada加拿大食品安全,Presentation by Ted Haney President Canada Beef Export Federation,15,A warm welcome ,Thank you for taking the time to attend the Federations Food Safety Seminar. 熱烈歡迎各位同學參加此研討會,16,加拿大牛肉產業過去貿易獲利成長不錯,直到2003年5月20日,在加拿大檢驗出北美首例BSE而中斷,Our industries

13、have increasingly enjoyed a profitable trading relationship.This market building process was interrupted on May 20, 2003.,17,Canadian Consumer Confidence加拿大消費者對牛肉的信心,Canada is first country to see beef consumption increase following a BSE incident Turning point for the world 加拿大是唯一發生BSE事件後,消費量還持續提高的

14、國家。此結果亦改變了全世界對BSE的觀點,18,Consumers provided unprecedented support消費者展現對加拿大牛肉的支持,High degree of confidence in the safety of beef 消費者展現高度的信心在於牛肉食品安全上 Testament to transparency and professional communication by Government and industry 政府及產業以透明和專業的溝通來處理此一事件,19,Canadian Public Response社會大眾的反應,Rallies in s

15、upport of industry were held across the country 國內產業及消費者對加拿大牛肉的支持 Beef was consumed and purchased in significant quantities 牛肉消費量的增加 Public began to feel angry that Canadian beef was being banned on basis of political intervention 社會大眾對因政治因素而使加拿大牛肉仍被限制出口而感到關心,20,No other country in the history of BS

16、E has experienced a subsequent increase in beef consumption. Transparent and factual communications empower people to make appropriate decisions.,沒有一個國家在發生BSE事件後,消費量還持續提高的,此結果亦證實,透明且實在的溝通可幫助消費者作最好的決定,21,2003 June 六月時的市場調查,Canadian Consumer remains high 加拿大消費者對產業的調查據高度的信心 88% trust CFIA, 相信加拿大食品檢驗局所提供的資訊 85% trust CCA, 相信加拿大牛飼養協會對事件的看法 84% trust cattle producers 相信牛隻業者的做法 June Web survey Is Canadian Beef Safe 86.5% yes 8% no, As high as we have ever seen 有高達86.5%的受訪者認為加拿大牛肉是安全無虞的 Key was th



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