生活时尚英语口语900句流行趋势Unit4高新科技 修订

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1、生活时尚英语口语900 句 流行趋势 Unit 4 高新科技 第四部分流行趋势 Unit 4 Hi-technology 高新科技 生活时尚英语口语900句:Unit4 高新科技 The devil knows many things because he is old. 人老见识广。 1.Technofogy has totally changed our life over the past two decades. 在过去的 20 年里,技术已经完全改变了我们的生活。 2.Hi-tech companies are making big bucks nowadoys. 现在高科技公司是最

2、赚钱的。 3.Technology could revolutionize ovr way of life. 技术会给我们的生活方式带来革命。 4.Hi-tech companies need many interns to work for them during the summer. 高科技公司在夏天需要很多见习生为其工作。 5.Bill Gates has created a ligend in the hi-tech sector. 比尔. 盖茨在高技术领域创造了一个神话、 6.Technology may bring breakthroughs to many currently

3、incurable diseases. 科技能给现在无法治愈的疾痛带来突破。 7.Robots can be used for many tasks which are considered too dangerous for people to do. 机器人能完成很多对人类来说是很危险的任务。 8.The hi-tech industry attracts much venture capital. 高科技产业吸引着很多风险投资。 9.Tech Locks are hot property. 科技股如今是抢手货。 10.You might also wantto upgrade your

4、harcware because it is pretty outdated now. 你那些老掉牙的硬件也该升升级了。 11.Youd probably need。foster processor,to begin with.And you also need a more powerful hard disc,more memory and a faster modem. 首先,你得要换一个速度更快的芯片。然后再添加功能更强大的硬盘、 内存和速度更快的“猫”。 12.Well,Mike,nonwadcrys theres much talk about nanometer.But what

5、 on earth is it? 麦克,现在好多人都在谈论纳米。它到底是个啥呀? 13.Nanometer is a length scale.Its one billionth of a meter,roughly ten times the size of an individual atom. 纳米是个长度单位。一纳来等于十亿分之一米,大概比一个原子小10 倍吧。 14.Its the latest generation of PDA. 这是最新一代的掌上电脑! 15.This one comes with its own folding keyboard. 这个掌上电脑配有折叠式键盘。 16.What if I want to use CD-ROMs or floppies? 那如果我要使用光驱或软驱呢?



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