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1、1 8A Unit7 Seasons 测试卷 一、单项填空 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分) ( ) 1. -My uncle arrived_ Shanghai_ a foggy morning of July. A. at; in B. in; at C in; at D. from; to ( ) 2. _ fine day it is today! A. What a Bis How C. What D. How a ( ) 3. The temperature will be_ tomorrow. It will_ to -50. A. little; fall B. less C.

2、 lower; cover D. lower; drop ( ) 4. The people on the square were all_ at the_ news. A. exciting; exciting B excited; excite C. excited; exciting D. exciting; excited ( ) 5. The land is much_ after the_ ram. A. wet; hard B wetter; hard C. wet; heavy D. wetter; heavy ( ) 6. Which is the right sentenc

3、e structure of The good news made me happy? A; S+V+DO B. S+V+P C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO+OC ( ) 7. The weather was very_ last night and it got even_ this morning. A. bad; bad B. worse; worse C. worse; bad D. bad; worse ( ) 8. The price of vegetables_ a little last week. A. low B. dropped C. fell D. fel

4、l down ( ) 9. Listen! Did you hear the_ shouts? The match must be exciting. A. excite B. exciting C. more exciting D. excited ( )10. Dont give up. Its only_ hard. Im sure you can work it out. A. a lot B. much too C. very much D. a bit ( )11. -Where are your children? -I had no idea. But when I left

5、home this morning, I saw them_ a football in the yard. A. are kicking B. were kicking C. kick D. kicking ( )12. Its time for supper. But we want to finish_ crops first. A. to harvest B. harvesting C. harvested D. harvest ( )13. Jack seems_ than you_ ready for the exams. A. busy; to get B. much busie

6、r; getting C. busier; to get D. more busier; getting 2 ( )14. The number of trees in our city is getting_. This makes our city much greener. A. more and more B. larger and larger C. less and less D. higher and higher ( )15. -Shall we go shopping now? -Sorry. Its not the right_. Im too tired. A. way

7、B. weather C. place D. moment . 二、完型填空(每小题1 分,满分10 分) Are you nervous when you stand in front of the public? Are you afraid to make a speech? Li Jun,a middle school boy, felt shy when he was making a speech the other day. Li had thought it would be quite easy to speak in front of _1_ classmates. “I

8、was wrong, It was very different and much _2_ than talking to my classmates during playtime.” Li said, “I tired, but it was really difficult to speak. I felt like a mute (哑巴) and wanted to leave the classroom _3_.” Li is not alone. Many middle school students now have the same _4 _: They can talk ab

9、out their ideas freely _5 their best friends after class, but can t speak in public. According to Zhou Hong, a teacher from a university, the main reason is that schools m China pay more attention to writing instead of_6_. Zhou hopes schools can give students more chances to open their _7_, such as

10、speech competitions, English corners and class discussions. Students can join in any one they want to . _8_ he also gives some advice to students. “ During your free time you should_9_more. When you re speaking in public, take it easy, Just imagine you re talking to nobody and speak up your ideas cl

11、early.” Zhou said. “ That _10_ a fine public speech and you ll feel confident.” ( )1. A. her B. my C. your D. his ( )2. A. harder B. easier C. better D. later ( )3. A. slowly B. quickly C. sadly D. happily ( )4. A. answer B. subject C. problem D. question ( )5. A. except B. beside C. from D. with (

12、)6. A. listening B. speaking C. reading D. singing ( )7. A. mouths B. eyes C. minds D. hearts ( )8. A. But B. So C. And D. Or ( )9. A. play B. practice C. write D. watch ( )10.A. reports B. keeps C. hears D. makes 三、阅读理解(每空2 分,满分20 分) A There are four seasons in a year in China. Spring comes in Febr

13、uary. May, June and July make the summer season. August, September and October make the autumn season. November, December and January make the winter season. In different seasons people wear different clothes and do different things. For example, the weather is hot, so people usually wear cool cloth

14、es and do things like swimming, boating or surfing. Near the North Pole there are only two seasons. They 3 are winter and summer. In winter ,nights are long. For more than two months you can t see the sun,even at noon. In summer, the days are long. For more than two months the sun never goes down an

15、d there is no night. The people living near the North Pole are called Inuit. In summer they live in tents and catch deers for food. In winter they live in small round snow houses. They can build a snow house in two hours. They travel around by using dogs to carry their things. They make holes in the ice and catch fish and seals. They eat much meat but not many vegetables. ( )1. The two seasons near the North Pole are _. A. spring and autumn B.


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