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1、Unit 1 直译,意译和英译,Literal Translation, Free Translation &Transliteration,Problem in Text Presentation,1. some students didnt prepare for it quite well.( at lease three times practice by yourself and with the group twice 2. Please notice the word explanation in English, then Chinese translation. 3.At l

2、east each para or two, you must raise a question for sts to answer. 4.Please notice make interaction with the sts. 5. Please show para translation.,Online Homework Check -up,,经典语录分享,I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days.,If you want to fly and move on to bett

3、er things, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.,Enjoy the little things in life. For one day you may look back and realize they were the big things,记单词,从一点一滴做起,国庆节,熙熙攘攘,旅行社,自助游,自驾游,目的地,景点,English around us,According to the Traffic Performance Index, which measures congestion on a scal

4、e of zero (smooth) to 10 (snarled), Beijing hit 8.5 during the evening rush hour on Wednesday and 9.1 on roads within Third Ring Road at 7 pm. -China Daily,交通拥堵,早、晚高峰时段,进出城旅游季,公共交通,车牌摇号,尾号限行,All of Beijings highways, including the airport expressways, will give free passage to small passenger cars d

5、uring one of the longest-ever eight-day National Day holidays, which starts from Sept 30. -China Daily,免收通行费,七座及以下小型客车,交通流量,应急方案,专用通道,路牌,“宅男宅女”怎么说?,Unit 1 直译,意译和英译,Literal Translation, Free Translation &Transliteration,直译的定义,二十世纪八十年代初,张培基等学者把直译(Literal translation)定义为:所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可的情况下,在译文中既保持原文内

6、容,又保持原文的形式特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。但直译不是死译或硬译。 九十年代出版的翻译教程,对直译又有了不同的解释:“直译指翻译时要尽量保持原作的语言形式,包括用词、句子结构、比喻手段等,同时要求语言流畅易懂。”,对于意译(Free Translation) ,张培基说:“每一个民族语言都有它自己的词汇、句法结构和表达方法。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法.”意译是在理解和消化了原文深层意蕴的基础上,将原文的表层结构打破之后进行重组。意译欲保留原文的内容而采用译文读者容易接受或理解的语言形式。,做一做,Speak the devi

7、l, shes sure to come. Birds of feather flock together.,直译的优点,1.直译尽可能地忠实于原文,避免了“越权”(ultra vires)的现象,也使得读者能更好地理解原文。 Eg. as timid as a hare,2. 直译可以保留源语言的文化特征,即保留其“洋味”。,Eg. to kill two birds with one stone,to shed crocodile tears,dollar diplomacy,1. He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and e

8、very now and then wiped his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief.,2. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today extended the olive branch to the Clinton Government by pleading for cooperation in developing foreign policy.,3.直译在保留源语言文化特征的同时也促进了两种语言的交流和丰富发展。,一方面,直译使我们有机会接触更多生动形象的外语表达、词汇、句法等,To pu

9、ll sbs chestnut out of the fire.,To turn swords into ploughs.,另一方面,直译也是世界更多了解中国人的语言和智慧。,如:五十步笑百步,天下没有不散的筵席,4. 直译有时更为生动形象,也给读者留下更深刻的印象。 有些修辞手法,如比喻、对比等,可以使句子更为生动。这时,如果采用意译,往往使其失去了本来的魅力。尤其在广告的翻译中,直译很多时候产生很好的效果。,如中国人民财产保险股份有限公司曾经的一则广告 天有不测风云 Up in the sky there is unforeseen storm 但是 But 如果你参加保险 If you

10、buy insurance 那么 Then,5.直译可以促进语言的多样性,有效地避免陈词滥调,赋予译文以新鲜感。,Homer sometimes nods.,A brewers wife may drink of a tun.,Rats desert a falling house.,直译不等于死译(word-for-word translation),它在保留原文风格和内容的基础上允许词序和词性的变化,在翻译时要避免生搬硬套的死译的现象。,如:The earth acts like a big magnet. 死译:地球作用着像一块大磁铁。 直译:地球的作用像一块大磁铁。,意译的优点,1.

11、意译用于翻译英汉两种语言中的大量成语典故和谚语,避免译文太过复杂难懂。由于文化的不同,有时有些成语典故和谚语如果用直译的方式可能会让人难以理解,这时就需要意译来发挥作用了。,如: 1)现在合同已签了,真是木已成舟,生米煮成了熟饭,只好如此了。,2) Exporting to a certain number of countries is made difficult by the quantity of red tape.,3) He met his Waterloo.,2. 外国人喜欢用大量的诙谐妙语(witty sayings),这些用直译并不能完全表达出其意思,此时就应采用意译法。,W

12、hen the going gets tough, the tough gets going.,3. 意译用于翻译某些特殊词汇,避免翻译中的错误,同时使译文更加通顺流畅。,A land of honey and milk,Every life has its roses and thorns.,意译不同于乱译(random translation), 它是建立在正确理解原文和两种语言规律的基础上,对源语言进行灵活的翻译。,直译和意义的关系,直译和意译是相辅相成、并行不悖的,在翻译过程中应根据实际情况进行恰当选择。正如辜正坤教授所言:“直译、意译,各有千秋,译者根据功能、审美、读者三要素,宜直译

13、就直译,宜意译就意译,能神游于规矩之内,亦能神游于规矩之外,能循规蹈矩,亦能离经叛道,方能称得上翻译的行家里手。”,Exercise 1. Pandoras box 2. Trojan horse 3. Judas kiss 4. shuttle diplomacy 5. to show ones cards 6. to strike somebody when he is unprepared 7. be armed to the teeth. 8. as gay as a lark 9. All roads lead to Rome. 10. Practice makes perfect.

14、 11. Speech is silver, silence is golden.,12. Cathy Hill plans to use lasers and computers to sell Saville Row quality at popular price. 13. It rains cats and dogs. 14. She is my Woman Friday. 15. Every dog has his day. 16. Beauty times brains equals a constant。,17. My master is dear to me, but stil

15、l dearer is the truth.,18. Love is dearer to me than life, but for the sake of the success in the postgraduate entrance examinations, both of them may be ignored.,音译 (tranliteration),Democracy (得莫克拉西) Internationale(英特纳雄耐尔) Science (赛因斯(赛先生) Macdonald (麦当劳) Jeep (吉普车),直译,意译和音译 The president of this

16、company is an old Fox. 1. 这家公司的老总是一个老狐狸(直译) 2. 这家公司的总裁是一个老奸巨猾的家伙(意译) 3.这家公司的总经理是一位姓福克斯的老先生。 (音译),Homework on March 15,2016,Please translate PPT which has been not translated in class either in Chinese or in English (28 translation) Please read page 21 on literal Translation, Free Translation and Transliteration to get more information.,Thank you for your attention!,


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