Facilities Use Agreement(Word版本)

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1、不忘初心 砥砺前行合同协议 Contract2020年 月 日Facilities Use Agreement This Facilities Use Agreement Number _, (the Agreement) is made and entered into as of this _,_,_(M/D/Y) by and between the AAA (the Government) and BBB (the Contractor) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties).RECITALS WHEREAS, th

2、e Government is the owner of certain real property located in _, more particularly described in Schedule A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the Property): andWHEREAS, the Government desires to provide the Property to the Contractor, and the Contractor desires to use the Propert

3、y for the purpose of performing services for the Government in connection with the Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV) Reliability, Maintainability, Sustainability/Rebuild to Standard program; andWHEREAS, providing the Property will facilitate the Governments procurement of essential services and promo

4、te the national defense; andWHEREAS, providing the Property will support the Governments industrial preparedness programs and is in the public interest,NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and conditions set forth herein, the Government and the Contractor hereby agree as follows:I.

5、 PROVISION OF PROPERTYA. Provision. The Government hereby provides the Property to the Contractor and the Contractor hereby agrees to use the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.B. Use of Property. The Contractor is authorized to occupy and use the Proper

6、ty in performance of the requirements in Contract M67854-98-C-2075, which was awarded by the Marine Corps Systems Command (the Contract), and for such other uses as authorized by the Government.C. Term, Option to Extend, and Termination. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein or in the

7、 FAR, the term of this Agreement shall be for a period commencing on the date first written above and ending on _,_,_(M/D/Y). However, the parties hereto may by mutual written agreement, extend the use of the Property under this Agreement beyond _,_,_(M/D/Y) to permit completion of the contract or s

8、ubsequent related contracts. Furthermore, notwithstanding the Governments absolute right to terminate this Agreement at any time, the Government will, to the extent practicable, provide the Contractor with 180 days advance written notice prior to terminating this Agreement.D. Rent. As provided in FA

9、R 52.245-9(a), the Contractor shall have no obligation to pay any rent to the Government provided the Contractor only performs work under the Contract.E. Annual Review. The Parties agree that they will periodically review this Agreement (but not less than annually) to ensure that it continues to mee

10、t their respective needs.II. SPECIAL PROVISIONS.A. Reasonable Access for Contractor. The Government agrees to permit the Contractor reasonable access to the Property and to place no unreasonable encumbrance upon the free use and enjoyment of the Property by the contractors personnel, authorized visi

11、tors, or any other individuals having a reasonable need to enter the Property.B. Provision of Utilities and Support Services. The Government shall make available to the Contractor, on a reimbursable basis, the following utilities and services in connection with the Contractors use of the Property, a

12、nd the Parties hereto shall enter into a separate agreement concerning the Governments provision of such utilities and services and the Contractors payment therefor.Water ElectricitySewage Natural GasMiscellaneous Maintenance Entomology ServicesBuilding Maintenance Refuse CollectionEmergency Ambulan

13、ce Service Hazardous Waste Disposal In addition to the foregoing, the Government shall make available to the Contractor, at no cost, the following services in connection with the Contractors use of the property:Security Fire ProtectionSafety Intra-base MailGuard Service (Gate) C. Parking. The Govern

14、ment agrees to provide the Contractor with ten parking spaces adjacent to the Property as indicated in Schedule B. In addition, the Government will provide the Contractor with access to additional parking in close proximity to the Property.D. Installations, Arrangements, Rearrangements, Modification

15、s and Construction. The Contractor may, at its own expense, construct or install any fixed improvements, structural alterations or modifications, or install such capital equipment on the Property as may be necessary to perform its obligations under the Contract. This shall include, but is not limited to, bringing utilities to the Property and providing for the separate metering thereof, making architectural/ structural, mechanical, electrical, or other renovations or alterations to the Property; and, making impr



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