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1、反义疑问句,一、 祈使句的反义疑问句 1、肯定祈使句 Will you?/wont you? 2、否定祈使句 Will you? 3、Let 的祈使句 Let us .,will you?(此处 Let us 表示“允许我们.” ) Lets.,shall we? (此处 Lets 表示“让我们.吧”) Let + 第三人称.,will you? 二、 Must 的反义疑问句 1、 表示“必须” musnt /neednt Eg. You must go now, neednt you? 2、 表示“不准” Eg. You musnt smoke here, must/may you? 3、

2、表示推测,肯定。(Im sure + 从句) Eg. You must be hungry now, arent you? Im sure you are hungry now, arent you? She must have heard about that, hasnt she? Im sure you have heard about that, havent you? You must have watched that movie last night, didnt you?(last nigh 为具体时间点,所以用一般过去式) 三、 主语(反义疑问句)+从句 主句:I(dont)

3、think/believe/consider/suppose 或 Im afraid/sure. 后跟从句时,可将从句部分进行反义疑问 Eg. I dont think he will win, will he? I think he will win, wont he? She thinks he will win, doesnt she?(当主句主语不是 I 时不适用于 该用法,此句中的翻译疑问针对的是主句而非从句) 四、 当句中包含有表示否定意义的副词或不定代词时,反义疑问句 用肯定形式 Eg. Nothing happened to him, did it? It is unfair,

4、 isnt it? He dislikes watching TV, doesnt he?(该句中含否定意义的是动词而,1,2,非副词或不定代词,因此不适用于该用法,反义疑问句仍然使用否定形式) 五、 反义疑问句的回答 反义疑问句的回答针对被提问部分的谓语动词,且与回答句前部分的 Yes 和 No 保持一致 Eg. A: You havent lost the ticket, have you? B: D I know its hard to get another one at this moment. A. Yes, I havent B. No, I have C. I hope so

5、D. Im afraid not 六、 陈述部分的主语与反义疑问句主语保持一致的情况 1、One Eg. One cant be too careful when driving a car, can one/he? 一个人在开车的时候再怎么小心也不为过。 2、This/that/these/those/it/they Eg. This is true, isnt it? 3、Something/nothing/anything/everything,反问句中用 it Eg. Nothing happened to him, did it? 4、当陈述部分主语为everybody/everyone/anyone/anybody/nobody/no one 等不定代词时,反义疑问句中用 he、they Eg. Nobody wants to be laughed at, does he?/Do they? 5、当陈述句主语为不定式,句子,动名词,反问句中用 it Eg. Learning English takes a lot of time, doesnt it?,



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